
Chasing Eternity: Rise of Atlantis

This is the story of the origin of magic and its creator. The story begins on Earth in 2057 and tells the story of the creation and rise of the Empire of Atlantis and its founder, Amon. The story revolves around the life of Daniel Void, a brilliant scientist in the world creator of the technology that will become the basis of the Empire. He wants to control the fate of everything, including his own life. Can he use technology to achieve his goal and become immortal? ... Daniel is an arrogant proud man with a slightly sadistic nature, but thanks to his intelligence he can afford it. When not researching, he tries to find or create entertainment by playing with the lives of others. To overcome human limits, he creates the most advanced AI in the world, which will enable him to achieve what he himself cannot.

Ilgento · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


After Filip left the conference room, I got up from my chair and stretched. I cross the room, open the double doors and leave.

All corridors on this floor have bodyguards from the invulnerability department. I summon one and have him bring me one of my walking sticks. I wait in front of the elevator for him to bring it to me.

I go down to the ground floor, where my personal security guard is already waiting for me. Four burly guys. Their job is to protect me when I leave the building unless I tell them otherwise.

Accompanied by them, I will go to the city. Since it's a holiday, I decide to go to the markets and have a look around. Maybe I'll be lucky, I'll come across some of the fun I've been craving.

I walk a few streets and soon come across the first stalls. I'm going to the center of the markets. There are crowds of people, despite the slowly darkening sky.

It's been a while since I visited the holiday markets. I jump from one stall to another, acting almost childish, looking at the goods. Sometimes I buy something small for taste and go where my feet take me. Without realizing it, I walked through the whole market and entered a deserted area, with an empty road, lined with a bunch of dark alleys.

With an arrogant smile, I calmly walk down the street surrounded by my guards on all sides. I look into different side paths and try to see their secrets and hope that one of them can bring me a surprise.

I don't have to wait long, I'll hear what I'm looking for. The sound comes from a nearby alley that we haven't passed yet.

They are the screams of a young girl fighting back, mixed with the pleas for help and the laughter of a couple of drunken thugs.

I turn into the alley from which the voices are coming. It is a dimly lit narrow road between houses about the width of a car. At the end, there are three young delinquents and a young lady who probably hasn't even reached adulthood.

Two men restrict her movement and the last one was unzipping his pants when they registered us. They won't speak, they must be scared of my company.

"Gentlemen, it's not nice of you to treat a lady like that." I say, motioning for my bodyguards to have two of them block the exit from the alley.

The girl takes advantage of their inattention and breaks away from them. He runs towards me but trips and falls. I reach out to her and help her up, then leave her in charge of my remaining bodyguards and make my way to the trio.

I smile sadistically and say, "Let's have some fun together." They look at me with fear.

I throw out my walking stick and grab it with my middle. Then I run to them. When the first one is in range, I swing and slash at him. The man tries to block it, but the beak, my bird-shaped cane handle, slices his forearm open. Before he can get to his feet I grab my gun with both hands and push him, knocking him off balance and sending him flying with a kick.

Two of his friends finally recovered from my surprise attack and both charged at me full of anger.

I dodge one of them, causing him to lose his balance and fall, but I have to block the other one. I shove the hand holding the stick into him and with my free hand I shower him with a series of blows that force him to retreat. At the right moment, I swing my staff and slice open his calf.

The first one I attacked has recovered from his wounds and is charging at me. I redirect his blow with my staff and trip his legs.

The only one not yet injured by me finally starts to rise from the ground. I walk over to him, swing and hit him on the head with the full force of my razor. He collapses to the ground again, but this time he doesn't get up. I don't know if they're alive or dead, but I don't care.

The remaining two also try to get up, but I swing at one until I break his leg, while stepping on the injured calf of the other.

Oh, how unfortunate, I got my shoes dirty with it. Well, I don't really care. I wipe them on his shirt before kicking him. Stomach first before I kick the face. I wonder how many teeth he has left. Then I move on to the last of them, who is still dealing with the pain of a broken leg.

He smirks before I kick him in the stomach. I then stomp on his head and pin her to the ground, "Worthless trash like you only deserves to kiss the ground and kneel before me." I finish my words by stepping on his injured shin before motioning the guards holding the girl to the end of the alley, pinning her to the wall and everyone immobilizes one of her hands.

Although he tries to defend himself, he doesn't stand a chance against my two guards. I toss my staff to one at the entrance and let him clean her of the blood. I take off my gloves and slowly walk over to the girl. Tears are streaming down her face. I smile sweetly and lean into her ear, "If she doesn't smile, it might end badly."

Then I look at her beautiful, unfortunately tearful face, which is brightened by the smile she is trying to make.

Her effort widens my smile. I kneel down and unbutton her jeans. I pull them down and take one point off her. I also remove her jeans from this leg and do the same with her panties. I look between her legs and say slightly surprised, "Oh, you're still a virgin, you're my favorite, it would really be a shame if the trash got you." I stand up, unbuckle my belt and pants, throw her bare leg over my shoulder, I will make her a woman.