
Demonic beginnings

Chapter one

Paige yelped as she ducked out of the way of an energy ball.

"Hey, you! Stay away from my sister!" Piper exclaimed as she thrusted both of her hands forwards causing an explosion to appear over the Demons body.

Paige blinked as the Demon simply smirked.

"Shit! Paige, go get Phoebe!"

Piper's younger sister stared at her as if she had lost her mind. Did she really think leaving her here alone here with a demon was a good idea?

"Listen Paige, my powers aren't working on this Demon, and I doubt yours would either. We need the power of three spell. Go get Phoebe, it's the only way."

Suddenly another Demon blinked into the area, an emotionless expression on its face.


Paige cursed before turning into hundreds of blue orbs which soared upwards before disappearing.

"Huh. Who are you?" The Demon turned to the newcomer.

Shockingly his curiosity is what killed him.

The Demon screamed as a beam of electricity was produced from the other Demon's hands.

Piper widened her eyes. 'Electrikinesis?'

Paige returned with Phoebe just as the Demon turned to her.

Piper stretched her arms out and concentrated looking at the demon. He looked down as an explosion shook his body.

The Demon looked at her and grinned.

"Oh no. Not again." Piper widened her eyes. "Who-what are you!?"

"They call me Allen." Was his only reply as he aimed a palm at Paige which sent her flying. He then sent an energy ball at Phoebe.

The youngest Halliwell sister used her empath abilities to send the energy ball back at him. Unlike weaker Demons he simply caught the energy ball with one of his hands and deactivated the ability.

'He's awfully young isn't he?' Paige thought. She didn't notice before because she was trying to get to Phoebe, and she was worrying about Piper's safety.

Of course she was aware that Demons were beings whom could live for an indefinite period amount of years and most of them could take any form they wished, but they never took the form of what she assumed was a boy around sixteen years of age.

'Did he recently become a Demon?' Paige wondered as she jumped to her feet, ready to fight at any giving moment.

"You witches-" Allen widened his eyes for reasons unknown to the women.

"This isn't over. I'll be back." Allen spoke before disappearing in a shimmer.

"Shimmer too?" Piper wondered aloud. "How many abilities does he have?"

"Um pipes, where's the other Demon?" Phoebe asked. "Paige said there were two of them."

"Right, about that. This new Demon, Allen. He killed the other one."


Piper stared into her sister's eyes. "He killed the Demon with Electrikinesis."

"He has a wide variety of abilities doesn't he?" Paige asked glancing between her two sisters.

Piper didn't respond to that, but all three of them knew it to be true.

"We should check the book of shadows." Paige moved closer to her sisters. "There's no time to be twiddling our thumbs. There's a demon out there doing who knows what. Something caught his attention, hopefully we can find him before anyone gets hurt."

Piper nodded. "Let's go."

Paige placed a hand on her sister's shoulders and instantly they disappeared, transforming into hundreds of blue orbs.


Allen arrived in front of a restaurant of some kind. He clenched his fists tightly, closing his eyes briefly as a sigh escaped his mouth. "Is it really better this way?" The Demon had conflicted feelings about what he had just done.

The brown haired Demon broke the norm of typical Demons. Instead of carnage and destruction, he wanted to protect.

Allen unclenched his fists and opened green eyes. "I need to hurry," he spoke as he began to run. He sniffed the air a couple times, this brought him closer to where he wanted to be.

Five minutes later Allen arrived behind an abandoned building. From the looks of things, it was a laundromat that must have went out of business some time ago.

"W-Who are you? Did the source send you?" The Demon had black hair which was in a bowl cut style. "I don't need help. I've got this! This boy's power is mine!" His blue eyes had a dangerous glint in them.

On the ground was a girl who looked to be no older than ten. She had a bruise on the right side of her face, and a cut on her right forearm.

"S-Save me, please!" The girl exclaimed in a childlike voice.

He laughed. "Nobody's coming to save you, least of all him. He's a Demon after all. Your power will be mine, and then you'll be dead."

"No…" the girl widened her eyes in fear.

"Someone will be dead, but it won't be the girl." The Demon widened his eyes and before a word could escape his mouth he exploded as an energy ball smashed into him.

The little girl widened her eyes. Allen then turned his attention to her. He walked towards her and knelt down so that he was on one of his knees.

She flinched, closing her eyes in fear as he brought a hand forward. Seconds later she noticed she hadn't been harmed, actually she noticed the pain disappearing.

Hazel eyes snapped open. What she saw astounded her. One of the Demon's hands was glowing a bright blue color.

Allen retracted his hand away. "You'll be alright, now. Hurry up and get out of here."


Allen furrowed his brows. "What's your name little girl?"


"Right. Sarah, I'm sure there are people waiting for you back home. You shouldn't worry them, needlessly."

"Y-Yes sir."

Allen gave the girl a smile as she rose to her feet.

"W-what's your name?"

He was surprised by the question, but answered anyway. "Allen."

The girl smiled before taking off running. Allen scratched the back of his head before following at a distance. He had to make sure no Demon would come after her, his efforts would be in vain if a Demon managed to get to her.


This story was something I wrote for fun. Hopefully others will enjoy it too. I didn't know who to pair the mc with so I used Kimberly Hart. It's random I know lol.

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