
Chapter 99: The Father's Betrayal, Part 11, The Lookout


It's a terrible image. Blown up on my laptop screen it's horribly pixilated and badly out of focus....

Got to do something about that phone of hers....

Kirstie stands beside me, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Snapping my fingers, I point to another chair with a 'bring it here' motion. She grimaces but pulls it over to sit by me while I work the image to produce something usable. It's still not great but I can make out at least some detail.

"Can you point him out to me, Kirstie."

She points to a figure by the cafe window, barely recognisable as male and fairish. By the time I've enhanced it to something that clearly has a face, I'm at the limits of where image-enhancement will go, at least without a lot more time and more elaborate tools.

Still, it's good enough to make out the face.... Sort-of....

"Do you know him?" she asks.

"No. How long was he watching?"