


I yelled as loud as I possibly could when something popped up in front of my computer screen just as I was rushing to write the last set of notes before my professor ends the class. It wasn't the first time I fell asleep on one my online classes.

My hands weren't even close to the keyboard or mouse and some notification came out of nowhere.

"That's everything for today, I will see you all again tomorrow. Goodbye."


Good thing my microphone was muted or else everyone on the class call would be laughing their asses off.

Who told the professor to make the class so boring? Who wouldn't fall asleep after listening to someone talk for hours about something you're completely clueless about?

And what is that notification? It didn't even have a close button, it just disappeared all of a sudden after I yelled.

Those were a the last words my professor said before his head hit his desk, a knife sticking out from the back of his head and blood seeping out where the two connected. A frail green coloured arm the size of a teenager can be seen on the camera pulling out the knife.


A creepy laugh can be heard just before the connection ended.

Only a moment of silence lasted before the zoom class call was filled with a mix of yelling and screaming. Panic written all over the faces of everyone except for one person.

"Well this is exciting and stupid, call the police you idiots"

"Ugh, I'll do it then."

It was truly Arthur's fortune that his mic wasn't on at the moment or else anyone that would have heard him say those first few words would have panicked even more.

In Arthur's thoughts there was nothing they could have done to stop that murder since they were all on their own homes, panicking would have done nothing.

Except what Arthur forgot to remember was that none of his classmates experienced murder first hand like he did.

He witnessed his own mother take the life of his abusive and alcoholic father.

After going through that experience, his mentality and composure matured enough to never waver. Even after witnessing his teacher killed, it did nothing, in fact it might have made him even more clear headed.

But this mentality and composure will be tested as an arrow flies straight towards his head, missing just a couple of centimetres to his left ear.


Hearing that sound, Arthur looks up from his phone, the number for the police was already entered and only one press of his finger would be enough to dial it. Unfortunately, this number would never be called as another arrow tries to take his life.


Arthur hears a voice inside his head telling him to duck and just as he does the arrow sticks itself to the screen of the computer he was just using.

A wooden arrow clearly pierced through the screen but he didn't have any time to examine it as the one who shot the arrows let out another one towards Arthur.

Except this time there wasn't any voice inside his head telling him to do anything. So he stayed still and sure enough the arrow lodged itself on the wall to his right.

With the archer missing for the third time, Arthur finally got the chance to look behind him and look for his attempted murderer.