
5: Spending the summer Training


Kaito studied the astral sword, in demon slayer breathing forms could have many variations.

But looking at the astral sword it didn't have any variations, it could only be used in the form of a sword, Kaito was expecting to change it into things like boots, gloves, or any weapon of his choice.

Kaito became excited as he aimlessly swung the astral sword around, its dark energy slashing through the air, as it tearing through Space before disappearing.


The dark chaotic sword struck like a vicious snake with the might of a huge tsunami, causing the air around Kaito to rush forward.


Just like that a whole week went by quietly, and it was finally the days of summer break.

Each day Kaito would wake up, go to school, enjoy some ramen at toshikoshi's after and then return to the park to train.

At the end of the day he would meditate deeply for the whole night.

Slowly but surely his strength soared, now he could atleast do 50 push ups in a row without activating the astral sword.

Which was a huge improvement for a human in just one week.



Kaito breathed slowly as he did his push ups, his physical strength was rising astronomical due to his nightly meditation.

His frail body was starting to gain some muscles, he was still above average in height and his face was becoming even more refined.

Kaito wiped away his sweat and drank some water, he was in really good shape now.

His control over the astral sword was also improving daily, the sword could be used at Will, the formless and dark energy around the astral sword could also be manipulated.

Each wave of the astral sword was enough to shake the air.

"I can probably easily pass the U.A exam, but I'm aiming for first" Kaito said as he stretched, he wanted to awaken his second form sometime in the summer.

He was very curious about the future forms he would gain, even though he was a transmigrator he could still be killed like anyone else.


An explosive sound rang out as kaito's astral sword slashed out, to Kaito the sword was like a part of his own body, he could easily control it along with the void-like energy surrounding it.


1 month later...

A month went by as Kaito continued his training routine, at the same time most of the serious kids were also training their quirks for the upcoming U.A high entrance exam.


The wind howled as kaito's astral sword struck out, causing the leaves around him to be lifted off into the air above him.

Kaito had followed his training routine, making sure to not miss a single day.

His physical powers were growing every day thanks to the cultivation technique.

Kaito's could now do hundreds of push ups and run fast and farther than normal humans.

He definitely wasn't on all might's level, not even close.

As Kaito continued to use the chaos breathing quirk, day by day he felt as if he was approaching a breakthrough and a new upcoming power.

"I wonder when the second form will surface" Kaito said as he stared at the astral sword, its void-like slowly flowing energy surrounding his whole hand.

The void-like energy seemed to pull everything surrounding it into a closer distance.

It reminded Kaito of the yami-yami no mi from one piece.

What does darkness have to do with the chaos breathing quirk?


The summer break was nearly ending, many middle schoolers were extremely nervous about the upcoming U.A entrance exam, while our protagonist was more than prepared.

In his free time Kaito would go to the city at night, from his observations over the last month, criminals were all over the city, it wasn't rare for one to appear.

Kaito would secretly help the police officers, after defeating a criminal he would immediately give the body to the authorities before leaving.

Kaito hadn't ran into any criminals with strong quirks, the most interesting quirk was a wind-type quirk, it was relatively weak and seemed to only support the criminals movements.


Kaito sat atop the bunk bed as he meditated, rumors had been going around the orphanage that he had suddenly started acting suspicious, but Kaito could care less.


The same astral energy shot down from the heavens as it surrounded Kaito, slowly sinking into his pores before rushing to his abdomen before being devoured by the strange core.

Kaito shook slightly as he felt as if he as reaching a breakthrough, his body overflowed with the astral energy as his eyes lit up with a dark glowing light.

Of course this was unnoticed by anyone else, even the strongest on this planet was completely clueless.


A loud explosion rang out through Kaito's head as he became subconscious, information once again filled his head.

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