

A young man can be seen walking nearly four miles to and from work, six days a week. This young man works two part time jobs and can barely pay for his living expenses with the money he earns. Of course the walking part is a recent development, as his sibling, whom used to drive him to and from work, is no longer with us.

Jason just got off work from his second job and is walking home when the sky itself opens up flooding the world with the heaven's tears. It's almost as though the sky weeps for Jason's sibling, and their death. Jason also weeps for their death, fairly regularly, although if you asked he would most likely deny it. Today he uses the rain to mask his own tears because he had seen someone at work that looked a lot like his sibling but when they turned he knew it wasn't.

Of course mixed in with all of the bad, there are some good things happening. For example it was just Christmas, and Jason's family had sent him money for the next five months of living expenses including bills, rent, and food. Jason also had been saving up his money and now had an excess of money just laying around. This was a first for quite some time, so he was somewhat excited, even with the wall of pain that tried to block off all positive emotions in his mind.

During his walk Jason is thinking about all of the things that he could spend his money on. As you can imagine, Jason never really splurges on himself so he wasn't really sure what to buy himself. Even when trying to think of something nice he couldn't, so he just waited until he got home and searched up what most people spend their spare money on. A list of one hundred objects came up and fifty three of them were full dive VR headsets, and another thirty of the items on the list were VR games.

After researching the games that were on the list, Jason bought a decent VR headset and the game Chantern, Realms of Chaos. People called the game Chantern for short to avoid saying the full title out loud every time they try to mention the game. Some of the reasons that Jason chose Chantern is because there is a fully functioning AI and a full coding team working on the game 24/7 to spread the travelable area, there are currently five realms to play on (Chantern [where humanoids are], Heaven, Hell, the underworld [undead world], and the Abyss), and there is an exchange of in game currency to real life money although it is three gold per US dollar.

Waiting for the VR headset and game to get to his house was like torture for Jason, for he wasn't used to looking forward to something for himself. Many of his neighbors saw him just pacing back and forth in his living room and thought that he might have broke after the loss of his sibling, although later they were happy to hear he was just impatient for his new toy.

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