
Changing the world to suit me

"A second chance" `He who gets a second chance at life will live life to the fullest.` Follow Parth as he makes the best of his second chance at life. Given the opportunity to redo his life, Parth traverses an unknown path to reach a greater power. Wealth, fame and women, will he have it all as he takes the world by storm. This is the start of a mortal who yearns for power. Be it through pain or suffering Parth will never his stop his pursuit for power as it is power that drives him. *cover is not mine, if you are the creator/owner do contact me if you wish for me to credit you or to take it down

Halo_x · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 11 - To hunt or to be hunted, that is the question!?

'No way, it did not notice me...right? That can't be right...there's no way...but..." I said with horror vivid in my eyes. Though my suspicions were all but cleared as the majestic beast stared me in the eye, with a look befitting of an emperor, a look of pride. Unconsciously, I took a step back as the fear that was present in my eyes began finding it's way into my heart.

This was not the attitude to have when facing an enemy, I knew that well, yet still I was hopelessly afraid. I bit my tongue, as blood leaked from the corners of my mouth to rid myself of fear. While this did work momentarily, it caused the wolf to get riled up as well, watching the fresh blood drip to the ground. This was the trigger!

Staring at one another, for a fraction of a second we both tried to size our respective opponents up and gage their strengths. It was the black wolf that attacked first dashing forward like a blur, making a B-line straight towards me, easily evading all 3 of my hidden traps.

"Tsk" I click my tongue in annoyance, Though not wasting even a second, I bring forward my blood covered spear and held it in front of my chest to block my ferocious foe's. I watched as it's long claws began to emitt a dim white glow, extending about a few centimeters as it approached me.

Unfortunately my newly crafted wooden spear was not up to task as it easily snapped in half upon impact giving me just enough time to jump backwards as i lunged my second spear into the wolf's front right paw that it used to attack him with, piercing through it thoroughly. "Uhm...getting the spear proficiency skill was indeed worth the cost." I spoke while tugging the spear out of the wolf's injured paw.

The wolf now had stared at me intensely as if wondering how it's easy looking prey managed to injur it. "Grrrhh! " The wolf let out a fierce growl which caused major vibrations in the air as I fumbled a bit before charging once more in my direction. "This again." I mumbled while raising my spear in defense, preparing myself to intercept the injured wolf.

"Dumb mutt!!" I roar. However my smile was cleanly wiped of my face as the wolf jumped forward above my spear and striked my shoulders using it's glowing claw, which caused me be knocked on the ground away from my spear.

"Shit..." I screamed, placing my hand over my wounded left shoulder as I braced myself in pain. The attacker in question was obviously not going to let this splendid opportunity slip from his claws again and immediately used the same attack to strike my stomach which left a slash-like wound on my stomach, followed by me vomiting a bucket load of blood.

"Fu*k, not good!" I spoke with crimson drool.

The wolf then attacked once more, hoping to score a hatrick, but this time I was physically and mentally prepared as I cast 'iron skin' to defend against the incoming attack. Though I somehow managed to stop the attack from causing any serious injuries, it still left a heavy strain on both of my arms. With all my injuries, even I could tell that I was fu*ked, but still..."

"Mana barrier"

I was no fool, in my current state I was seriously going to die for good if another attack had managed to make contact, so without waiting for that majes...no that mangy mutt to attack again, I cast my most powerful defensive skill 'mana barrier'. This gave me enough time to move a meter or 2 away.

"Phew, t...t...hat was to...o c...lo...s...se for comfort." I spoke in tatters.

"Adrenaline boost"

Just as I cast my buff type skill, the mutt once more charged at me, however this time I too ran towards my enemy like a maniac in a suicide cult (a terrorist maybe).

What followed was an intense clash between tooth and fist (reinforced by Iron skin).

"Lightning whip" I roared.

With metal plated fists, now wrapped by a single thread of electricity, my attacks became that much more fierce. Just as my ego bloated, thinking I had the upper hand in the fight between man and beast, the wolf's black pelt turned darker almost like vanta-black as it disappeared in it's own shadow, which most certainly caught me of guard. "Ahhhhhhh!" Watching its shadow zap across the dark ground, I momentarily lost track of its position as I felt an intense and burning sensation coming from my back. It was a shallow attack yet it still burned like hell.

Turning around I saw the wolf disappear once more as it kept up its parlor tricks of disappearing and reappearing while leaving me with countless gifts.


"Fu*k sake!!!" I cursed to my hearts content.

"For heavans sake, what kind of cheat ability is that." I groaned barely able to stand as my appearance now looked like a doll used to practice sword strokes. Blood was escaping these shallow wounds slowly but surely. If not for my regeneration skill, I'd probably have died due to blood loss.

"The wolf seems to be predicting my movements each time, I wonder..."

I could not help but grin deviously just thinking about its massive calfs, those juicy, delicious calfs. Yes that was what was going on in my mind while I was obviously losing the battle.

Anyone care for some grilled wolf calfes with extra crisp texture?

Halo_xcreators' thoughts