
Changing Her Fate

Cover art is not my work | Chloe Brass works her entire life for a goal she never achieves, dying at the young age of 25 after working herself to death - quite literally. On the verge of her last breaths, she prays that if she is given a second chance, she will not take advantage of her life and waste it again. Her prayers are answered when she wakes up in the body of 21-year-old Athena Rose, a successful model and heiress daughter to a wealthy fortune. It seems all her prayers have been answered, and life couldn't be any better. It It seems everything she could ever want is at the tip of her fingers; but all good things must come to an end. While trying to live the life she always dreamed of having, Chloe is quickly learning why even Athena couldn't stand her own life, and tried to harm herself to get out of it. With new goals in mind, Chloe sets out to change her previous fate, and get revenge for the former soul of her new body. | All Rights Reserved Alice Marie 2022

AkuyaFox · perkotaan
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40 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Before anything is said, Athena gets up off the ground and rushes towards her suite, excusing herself and muttering an apology as she runs off. When she gets to the bedroom, she slams the door shut and leans back against it, slapping a hand over her mouth and wildly beating heart.

Her face is hot from how embarrassed she is from being caught making out with her boss. If Julian hesitated to enter just moments more, she wonders where that would have gone.

Ahh, you idiot, stop thinking about it!

She covers her face with her hands and slides down the door, sitting on the floor in shame for a few minutes before deciding her best choice to forgetting this is a nice long shower and bed. She will worry how she is going to face Gabriel when morning comes, hoping maybe she can sneak out before he sees her and head to work earlier, hiding herself in her small office.

It has been a while since she has returned to work, and wonders if anything has changed since she pointed out the mistakes and fixes in the employee center of the casino. She knows not much will change with her office space, but she hopes the place was at least brightened as much as it can be, with at least some nice décor to dim the stuffy atmosphere.

Falling asleep a lot faster than she thought she would, the moment between her and Gabriel continues on in her dreams, causing her to wake with a fright the next morning, covered in sweat. She wonders why she woke so startled from what she thinks is a rather steamy dream, until a flurry of knocks come at the door.

"Miss Rose, are you awake?" Julian calls from the other side.

"Uh, just a moment!" she calls back, running around the room to gather clothes to quickly throw on and meet him at the door. "Good morning, Julian."

"Good morning, Miss Rose, I hope you slept well," he smiles brightly at her. "Apologies for disturbing you, I was told to inform you that Gabriel will be away for a couple days for a business meeting in C city, and he wanted me to give you this," he says and hands her a folded piece of paper.

"That is the password and security codes for the computer, so you can access the wire tapping on your father's phone and computer whenever you like while he is away. There are also instructions on how to work the live recording and recorded files in case you have some troubles."

"Does that mean I won't be able to contact him while he is away?"

"I'm afraid not, Miss Rose, he will be unreachable while he is away and wanted to make sure you have everything you need, so that there is no need to contact him."

He is going on a business trip and seems to have already left, despite it only being 7 in the morning. Athena can't help but feel that has something to do with what happened last night, but knows she is overthinking it. He is a renowned businessman with many successful partnerships and projects, he is bound to be busy and called away unexpectedly.

It has nothing to do with her, she isn't anything important to him. They are both using each other to get what the other wants, spending a large amount of time together and she can't deny the fact that they are both attractive people – things are bound to happen in those situations, it might even be considered natural.

So, then why does her heart hurt a little?

"Thanks, Julian. Do you mind giving me a ride to the casino? I haven't gone to work in a long time, I'd like to see what I've missed."

He nods and says he will be waiting for her downstairs until she is ready. Athena tries not to think too much about Gabriel leaving and prepares herself for the day.

Julian has the car parked and waiting for them outside the main door. When Athena walks out, she hears someone call out to her.

"Athena, what are you doing here?"

She turns to see her sister, Stella, standing there with a shocked smile, looking like she just discovered something secretive and dirty. She looks at Athena and then up at the hotel she just walked out of her eyes widening.

"Wow, with the way my mother and I have been living, it's a wonder how you can afford to book a room here. With the lavished mansion you have all to yourself after kicking out my dad, I wonder why you're staying at a hotel in the same city anyway," she says with a smug smile.

Athena knows she is trying to insinuate that she was doing something dirty and shameful and tries to think of something to say to counter-attack her, but Julian steps out and interrupts them before she can.

"Miss Rose, the car is here, and Mr. Monroe is waiting for you. He apologizes that he kept you so late last night and hopes the room he prepared for you was to your liking."

She turns to see him urging her to get into the Bentley waiting on the curb, wondering when he switched from the BMW to the fancier car without her noticing. She knows he is lying to protect her and gives him a tiny smile as a silent thanks, before turning back to her sister and giving her the same smug smile, she gave back.

"As you can see, sister, I was out with Mr. Monroe last night, who also happens to be my new boss if you remember. He was kind enough to give me a room here after working late hours and is now offering to treat me to a nice dinner in thanks. I forgot, but didn't you once say you were always so fond of the Monroe family and their rise to power, you swore you would become as wealthy as them one day?"

Stella is shaking in anger and shock, Athena doesn't have to mention the name Gabriel for her dear sister to know who she is talking about, and now wonders if he just booked her a room – or stayed the night with her.

It is true that when Athena and Stella first met, she had her eyes set on Gabriel Monroe and swore she would be the one woman who broke through his icy exterior and become the Madam of the Monroe family and heiress to their fortune.

It's no wonder Gabriel knew who she was before they met, Stella frequently used her fake connections to Athena in the entertainment industry to try and get into Monroe casino just to catch a glimpse of the infamous bachelor Gabriel Monroe, but he never even appeared in his own casino.

Stella could never even approach him during events that they happened to be at, knowing Athena was going to be there and taking advantage of her to attend as her plus one in the past. The man was always unreachable, refusing any private audiences using his assistant Julian, the man standing before her now, his face burned into her brain from how many times he rejected a personal audience from her on behalf of Gabriel.

Julian heard that Miss Rose had a difficult family and half-sister especially, but he had no idea it was this woman. He remembers her well also, remembering her as the most persistent woman Gabriel had to deal with, but even Gabriel hardly knew her name.

Even though he has yet to say it out loud, it is obvious to the man closest to him that he has developed feelings for Miss Rose and cares a lot for her, which means Julian cares for her, and he has no issues tearing down anyone who dares to bully her.

"Athena, who the hell do you think you are? Don't dare try and make me think there is anything going on between you and Gabriel Monroe, he wouldn't ever look twice as you before, what makes you think he is interested in you now?" Stella cries at Athena, and even Julian can tell she is lying out of her ass.

In the past, it was Athena who would never look twice at Gabriel. She never approached him at any events they attended at the same time, and never thought to even try and make any sort of connection with him, even business related.

Their meeting was purely coincidence, and Julian believes he fell in love with Athena a long time ago, during the first fashion show he ever attended on behalf of the company, where she was a model featured in it. Since then, he started attending more events and parties, despite hating crowds and the woman who constantly fanned for his attention.

Julian has faith that Athena can defend herself, but he feels it isn't necessary against someone as lowly as Stella Madden, after witnessing the shameful ways she has tried to gain Gabriel's attention in the past, with her revealing attire and desperate attitude. If she knew anything about Gabriel Monroe, she would know he despises that kind of woman, and loves a more reserved and confident woman like Athena Rose.

"Miss Madden, I hope you haven't come to Monroe Towers to cause trouble for Mr. Monroe again. Miss Rose here is a valued guest and friend of Gabriel Monroe; I won't have you slander her based on groundless facts and jealousy."

Stella's face goes red in an instant, she starts sputtering.

"J-jealousy! Who a-are you to s-say that about me?" she cries, her mouth trembling.

"It is no secret the many attempts you have made to curry favor with Mr. Monroe, disturbing him several times in the past, he is a very busy man and has no interest in entertaining people with shameful intents."

Athena has no choice but to stand there and watch in shock and amusement as Julian tears down Stella for her, not having to lift a finger to defend herself. She is going to have to treat Julian to an expensive meal later, to thank him for standing up for her.

Although she knew Stella has tried to get Gabriel's attention in the past and went through shameful and bullying ways just to be in the presence of him, she never knew Stella took it so far that Julian and her, have a history together due to it.

Before Stella can blow her top in anger, he turns to Athena and offers a hand to her.

"Shall we go, Miss Rose?" he asks.

She can't contain her amused smile and laughs a little. "Yes, I'd like that."

Athena turns to Stella before leaving. "I'm sorry to hear you and your mother aren't living well, but I suppose that's what you get after becoming a homewreckers daughter," she says and sticks her tongue out, then hops in the car with Julian.

She can faintly hear Stella cursing her on the street and waves at her as she continues to yell profanities at her as they drive away. She hopes the image of her acting like a madwoman on the streets will be burned into the brains of those watching, and someone manages to snap a photo or two.

If she hopes to get into the entertainment industry, she will have to remember to be mindful of her image, something Stella isn't keen on doing it seems. Athena has a feeling there will be something interesting for her to listen to when she gets home and checks the computer.

She stops and thinks to herself.

Did I just refer Gabriel's hotel suite…as my home?

Even when living at Rose manor, she never felt like it was her home, she always felt like she was an intruder, since she technically is.

But for the first time since coming to this world, she feels like she has a place she can really call her home. Something that didn't come from the past luxuries of her former soul, but something she cultivated and earned on her own.

A home and a friend, maybe even more, but she isn't ready to think about that.