

On the day of her marriage, Tang Meili was forced to hear from her beloved younger sister say ‘My Man’ to her fiancé. Betrayed by her love, her sister, her family, her world turned upside down. However, She aims to take her revenge while also fulfilling her dreams at the same time and make everyone know that she is not weak. Love is a beautiful feeling but sometimes it can also become a reason for hatred. It can happen because of many reasons, for instance when you don’t get love in return form the person you love, when love is with some certain conditions and of course the forced love and same happened in whole life of Tang Meili but what will happen if the same love comes in the form of a handsome man. Will she welcome it, even after getting hurt? Mu Zhengyi is a handsome, cold CEO but lived a whole opposite life from Tang Meili. Got loved by his parents, friends, which made him have more reasons to only marry the girl he loves and nobody else. -------------- Scene from Novel: He was using his phone when he was coming towards the washroom, but the sudden hit made his mobile phone fall inside the girls washroom. Seeing that the girl he bumped was going to fall, he caught her, and made sure she would not fall. After making sure she is alright he moved away from her, With some distance between them they came face to face with each other which made Mu Zhengyi to a sudden stop to what he was doing. His attention was taken by a very beautiful face in front of him dressed in a pure red dress which made her a little sexy. Her round watery eyes look so innocent and somehow made her cute with her little scrunched face. Her silky soft hair looks beautiful which made him think of how they will feel in his hands and not to forget her golden eyes which were Captivating him. That was the moment he knew, he fell in love with this girl at first sight and only she had the right to be his wife and he will make sure of that. -------------- Will their love strengthen their power or weaken them? What will happen when secrets around Tang Meili will start to be unveiled? Will Mu Zhengyi Help and support her? To know all the answers make sure to read it and support the novel….. _________________________________________ Authors note: Hiii guys, this is my first novel, writing with experience of reading for three whole years. Hope you all like it. If any suggestions feel free to share with me, always welcome you with open arms for this. If there are any mistakes, please ignore them as a newbie. P.S. The book cover picture doesn't belong to me just edited it for own use.

ghostwriter_ · perkotaan
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87 Chs

Like What You See?

When she saw herself is his car she felt anger burring in herself. how can he just do whatever he wants. in her anger she shouted at him and said, "hey, what are doing? let me go, I said that I don't want to go with you then how can you force me?"

she was feeling so annoyed that she started pounding on his chest, showing her resistance to go with him but it didn't even effected him. the punches were like throwing soft pillow at him. he just grasp her both wrists in his hand and made her still in a position close to him and replied to her "you will see in some time, now wait and keep quiet."

He reached to his back and got a fresh towel which was always placed for the emergency use and gave it to her. he was afraid that she will get ill if not took care on time, which he definitely don't want for her.

"dry yourself, or you will get sick" he said with a husky voice but was too gentle to be handle by anybody.

She took it from his hand without second thought and dried herself as much as she could. She was feeling cold in the car but she didn't say anything to him, feeling embarrassed to say. Seeing her like this he also didn't comment and just hinted to his secretary to turn on the heater, which immediately made her relax and warm. in her mind she thought, 'at least he is considerate.'

After some time, they reached an underground parking of a building. Tang Meili knows where it is right now as in the past, one time she has came here. It was none other than the building where Mu Zhengyi lives and owns a penthouse on the top floor.

He took her hand in his and helped her to come out from the car. Then they together with his secretary took the elevator to the highest floor. "Why we are here?" Tang Meili asked with confusion to which Mu Zhengyi only replied with, "Do you have any other place to go?". this hurt her a little but she didn't Said anything to him ad just gave him a grilling gaze to show her displeasure. In the elevator the atmosphere was a little awkward after this. Her only thought was to run when the elevator opens but she also knows that can't happen. So she just gave up and follow in his penthouse when the elevator opened.

When she entered his house she was mesmerized as she was last time. the house was maintained properly even after being a house of a bachelor. the first thing she saw when entering was a large living room with the grey and white theme having grey color sofas and a ceiling to floor window giving the view of whole city. On the right side of living room was kitchen with the same theme and dining table in between. On the left of the living room were two rooms with both having a bathroom and walk-in closet in it. There were stairs also by the side of room, going upstairs having rooms including study room, gym, and a guest room too. Tang Meili have the same thought when she came first time here 'what a fancy place to live.'

Seeing her standing at the door, Mu Zhengyi turned towards her and pulled her inside making her sit on one of the living room sofas. Then went toward his room and got some fresh clothes for her and asked her to go to the adjacent room to freshen up which she did obediently as till now she have realized that she cant win against him.

Mu Zhengyi asked his secretary to buy the things necessary for a women in the mean time. after some time Han Zihao came with a lot bags in his hands, giving everything to his boss he left the place and leaving both of them alone to give some personal space.

Meili went to the bathroom and had a warm bath which made her fresh and relaxed. When she came out it was already late night and she was feeling a little hungry. She didn't eat anything from the morning which had made her now a little tired and weak too.

Going into the living room, she heard some noise from the kitchen, what she saw made her shocked. Mu Zhengyi was cooking some food for her and himself. Looking at My Zhengyi, Tang Meili thought 'At least He is not bad. He seems like marriage material and he is handsome and can cook too. Most importantly he is The Mu Zhengyi. Aahhh Tang Meili what is wrong with you'. *cough cough* But Obviously I can't marry him, she thought.

Mu Zhengyi had already realized Tang Meili eyes on him long time ago but he didn't disturbed her as He was feeling happy and satisfied with her intense gaze on him. It made him proud of his body.

No longer able to take her intense gaze as any longer and he will pound on her so he turned around to face her and said, "Like what you see?" he wanted to tease her a little.

"huh?" she came back to her senses. she turned her face to another direction with was blushing hard. in her embarrassment she said to him, "my driver is more handsome, hmph"

Seeing her deep red face filled with embarrassment, Mu Zhengyi only has one word in his mind Cute. He was feeling very amused knowing how much his presence had effect on her, he chuckled a little which made her angry. Not wanting to make her more angry he decided to change the topic and said, "dinner is ready, let's eat."

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