
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasi
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234 Chs

Then you can die here

After confirming that this place is a fake mine, Chilong left with several monsters and continued to search for the whereabouts of the fire source mine in the mountains.

Zhao Xiong did not act alone, and followed Chilong.

As long as the real fire source mine is born, I am not afraid that these fierce monsters will not fight.

However, although he did not leave the team, as soon as he found a monster figure, Zhao Xiong would immediately chase after him and kill it, which seriously dragged down the team's speed and made Chilong very dissatisfied.

However, Zhao Xiong didn't care whether it was happy or not, and he always enjoyed it. He was so angry with Chilong that he could not wait to burn the bear to ashes with a fire.

However, it has always been restrained and has not attacked.

Because for some unknown reason, the daughter of the original sin, as the second member of parliament, actually followed the giant bear with determination and obeyed its words.

Once Zhao Xiong is attacked, it is bound to pull Little Lolita to the opposite side, and the Blood Council will fall apart in an instant.

What's more, as the incarnation of the original sin of gluttony, it is almost immortal, and will surely grow into a terrible devil in the future, and no one is willing to offend it easily.

Due to Zhao Xiong's troubles, the Alien Beast Council has been offended to death, and the forces guarding the fire are hidden in the dark. For the major event of the Council, the combat power can no longer be reduced, and Chilong can only choose to be patient.

Zhao Xiong also saw this from Chilong's performance, so he was so unscrupulous.

However, it didn't make Chilong anxious. After all, Chilong's combat power is very high, and it won't benefit from a real fight.

Zhao Xiong felt that he should think about how to fool Chilong into a fight with the Council of Alien Beasts, especially the black tiger with the bloodline of Yutao.

It would be great if these two guys could fight and lose both.


Not long after, a violent vibration came, and another Tiankeng appeared in the mountains.

The Blood Council and his party rushed to it immediately, and Chilong would not let go of any place that might be the source of fire.

Soon they came to this newly formed sinkhole, looking for fire.


A big bird surrounded by lightning is hovering in the sky, and its sharp eyes are fixed on the tiankeng below.

Obviously, the Alien Beast Council did not give up the snatch. Once it was discovered that this Tiankeng was the real source of fire, it would immediately come.

However, as Zhao Xiong found a tinder, it was confirmed that it was another fake mine.

Chilong's face was expressionless and not angry. During this time, it had seen several fake mines, some of which contained sporadic sparks, and some even had no slag, so they ran for nothing.

Seeing Zhao Xiong put away the found fire without courtesy, Chilong hesitated.

"Gah, everyone is here."

At this moment, a hoarse voice came.

Here again there is a fierce-level existence, a humanoid creature with a crow's head appeared beside the sky pit.

Holding a huge black sickle, the whole body exudes the breath from the nether realm, ghostly, like a death **** who harvests souls.


The identity of this guy is obvious.

The fifth member, the messenger of the underworld.

Zhao Xiong looked over, the real body of the crow was not like a living thing, and his body exuded death energy, no wonder he was the messenger of the underworld.

What is even more bizarre is that although the crow is standing in the sun without any cover above its head, it is like staying in the shadows, with a terrifying and haunting aura, and even the shadow cannot be reflected.

"very good."

Seeing the arrival of the crow, Chilong couldn't help but make a sound.

At this time, five members of the Blood Council had come to this mountain range, and their combat power was strong enough to suppress the Alien Beast Council.

But the imagination is good, but things will not develop as Chilong thinks.

Although the Blood Council has an overwhelming number of people, unity is a problem. Several members are not only unfamiliar, but also have hatreds, and no one obeys the other.

It is possible that the civil war has already broken out before the enemy.

As soon as the crow arrived, he aimed his gaze at Zhao Xiong, and the bird's eyes exuded cold malice.

"Finally meet, Bear."

"Indeed, I thought you were afraid to come."

Zhao Xiong is also very happy.

This human-shaped crow exuding a ghostly aura doesn't look weak, and it should be worth tens of thousands of soul stones.

Two powerful creatures, **** for tat.

Seeing the contradiction between the two, Chilong frowned and reminded: "Let's put aside the grievances between the two of you. The task of the council is the most important, and I will never let it go easily if major events are delayed."

The crow didn't dare to ignore Chilong's words, and when he saw the little loli following Zhao Xiong, he could only hold back and say nothing more.

It simply wants to kill Zhao Xiong, and does not want to provoke three existences of the same level at the same time, that is, it is courting death.

Zhao Xiong didn't even go up. Now is not the time to do it. Forcibly killing the crow will only attract Chilong and Tibetan Fox to stop it.

Not to mention that it may not be successful, and there is a possibility of being attacked, and the gains outweigh the losses.

With the arrival of the crow, only the King of Bones and the Mist of Despair are left in the Blood Council. The lineup is unprecedentedly strong. No matter where it appears in the world, it will cause shocks.

It's just that in this group of guys, only Chilong is dedicated to finding fire for the council, Little Loli concentrates on cooking, and the rest of the guys are all scheming.

On the way to find the Tiankeng, Zanghu once seized the opportunity to tell the crow a secret, which made the crow's eyes light up.

But Chilong didn't care, because as time passed, the signs of the imminent birth of the fire source mine had become more and more obvious.

Within the Taiyun Mountains, Tiankengs appear more and more frequently, and new Tiankengs are born every once in a while, the large ones are a few kilometers in diameter, and the small ones are hundreds of meters in size.

It's just that they are all fake mines, which makes people wonder if there are any real source mines.

And this time, with the loud rumbling, at different locations at the same time, several Tiankengs were born at the same time.

Each tiankeng may be the real ore of the fire source ore, but they are distributed in different directions, which makes Chilong a little troubled.

Chilong, who didn't want to be preempted by other guys, could only let everyone scattered and explore, and each person was responsible for a Tiankeng.

Once the real source mine is found, everyone will be notified immediately.

The monsters naturally had no opinion, and soon Tibetan Fox and Chilong left first. Zhao Xiong randomly chose a Tiankeng and went with Little Loli.

The crow was sneering, watching his back.

After a while, Zhao Xiong came to the vicinity of the selected Tiankeng, where there was a scent of fire, even if it was not the source mine, there was at least one fire.

However, Zhao Xiong did not go down to look for it, but squatted beside the Tiankeng in a hurry, as if waiting for someone.

"Gaga, are you waiting for me?"

Not long after, a voice came.

As the figure approached, it was a crow.

It did not choose Tiankeng for exploration but followed Zhao Xiong all the way and came here.

"Of course."

Zhao Xiong nodded and said, "For fear that you won't come, I deliberately chose a location far away from the Chilong."

"Hehe, with the backing of original sin, can you be so inflated? Don't think it can keep you."

The crow no longer restrained its aura, and a cold and dreary aura pervaded, and its maliciousness was undisguised.

"Don't talk nonsense, you dare not block me by yourself."

Zhao Xiong said, "If you have any trump cards, hurry up and use them."

Little Loli was right next to him, and if the crow didn't have enough confidence, he wouldn't dare to come.

As for one-on-two, he didn't believe that the crow had such courage, otherwise he would not have been deterred by Little Lolita before.

"Cubs, you are very smart."

Crow said: "But it may not be useful."

The voice fell, and the forest suddenly became foggy.


A large piece of gray fog filled the air, covering all the scene in front of him, and soon completely enveloped this Tiankeng.

I can't see my fingers, deep and depressed.

The surroundings were quiet, silent, and even the sound of the outside world was cut off, as if coming to a dead and cold foggy world.

The fourth member of parliament, the fog of despair, I don't know when, actually arrived here!

And for some unknown reason, he actually reached a cooperation with the crow to target Zhao Xiong together.

"Finally let me wait for this opportunity."

The crow held the huge sickle weapon and sneered, "Cub bear, you will regret angering me before."

"That's it?"

Zhao Xiong also smiled: "If only this, then you can die here."