
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasi
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234 Chs

Snapping turtle

The giant snapping turtle refused to come out of the artificial lake. Zhao Xiong was not used to it at all. He directly regarded it as a living target and repeatedly tormented it. With such a big size, it was difficult to miss the shot.


Another piece of rockery, the size of a car, was thrown horizontally, hitting the giant snapping turtle, smashing it into a stagger, and was forced to move several meters in the water.

It is no longer known to be the first few rockery boulders to fly. Even the giant snapping turtle's defense can't withstand such successive impacts, and a piece of shield on the carapace shatters and falls off.


The giant snapping turtle roared angrily, flapped its limbs, and caused waves in the water. However, it had no means of long-range attack, and it did not dare to go ashore.

After a while, there was only one base left of a man-made rockery of a large scale, and there were no stones left, which made the giant snapping turtle a little relieved.

"The growth is not enough, and I haven't learned skills like 'Thunderbolt', otherwise, a summoning thunder and lightning can send it back to my hometown."

Zhao Xiong smacked his lips regretfully. At this time, he only understood the basic skills of indestructible mad thunder, and the more advanced skills were not enough to use, and the power of blood was insufficient, otherwise, the giant snapping turtle would not have survived until now.

Of course, he just sighed. While his thoughts were flying, his movements were not slow at all. He ran to a place not far away, pulled out two heavy stone tablets three or four meters high from the ground, and carried them to the shore.

The two stone tablets fell to the ground, the ground trembled, and they weighed over a ton. They were pinched in Zhao Xiong's paws, like two oversized slabs.

It was enough to smash people into flesh easily, even the giant snapping turtle would have a little liver tremor when they saw these two steles.

"Hey, the eighth foreigner, eat a brick from your Lord Bear!"

The majestic giant bear raised the stone tablet, like the mythical Hercules, his muscles bulged, and he threw it fiercely.


The heavy stone tablet roared and made a sharp sound of breaking through the air. Before it could land on the giant snapping turtle, this evolutionary species was a little cowardly. It didn't even dare to use the back armor to resist it, and immediately moved it.

This is also the flaw of the evolutionary species, which have higher intelligence and are more afraid of death.

However, its dodging action was not as fast as the flying stone tablet. As soon as it moved a few meters, the stone tablet flew over, smashed heavily on its back armor, and knocked off several scutes on its back.

But the giant snapping turtle's dodging was not ineffective. The stone tablet only hit its side, and the force didn't fully act on it. It bounced off the back armor, and the remaining power was undiminished. The stone tablet in the water was like an overturned bowling ball. On the huge water lily in the middle of the lake.


Suffering a heavy blow from the stone tablet, the water lily trembled slightly, swaying in the water, and the huge lotus leaves closed together, as if they were hurt by the smashing.


Seeing this scene, the giant snapping tortoise roared extremely angrily, far angrier than when he was smashed before. It was angry and could easily feel its anger.


The water waves rolled, and the giant snapping turtle was no longer in the water. It moved its limbs and charged towards Zhao Xiong on the shore, like a heavy chariot.


Zhao Xiong was quite surprised by this move. Instead of being surprised, he was delighted. This guy dared to take the initiative to find himself. It seems that the water lily has an extraordinary meaning to the giant snapping turtle. The act of hurting the water lily completely angered it.

Soon the giant snapping turtle came ashore, not at all timid, and bit Zhao Xiong with its huge beak.

The snapping turtle's bite force is terrifying, and this evolutionary snapping turtle is even more terrifying. It is estimated that it can easily dry up the car with one bite.

But Zhao Xiong, as a big boss with over 1,000 combat power, certainly wouldn't be frightened by his little brother with a mere four or five hundred combat power. He picked up another stone tablet that he hadn't had time to throw and patted it on the snapping turtle's head.


The giant snapping turtle was smashed by the stone tablet, and the stone tablet turned into pieces of debris under the impact of the terrifying force.

The head of the whole snapping turtle was beaten crookedly, some deformed, and blood seeped out.


A group of dogs also came up to besiege the giant snapping turtle, and the Ronaway and the Doberman Pinscher tried their best to bite its limbs and tore off the crusty skin on the surface.

However, the giant snapping turtle's defense is very strong, and it is difficult for an evolutionary dog ​​with a combat power of less than a few dozen points to cause damage to it. The giant snapping turtle felt slight pain and was extremely angry. Na'vi Caesar.

If you are bitten by it, you will definitely die.


Bian Mu gave a warning, and the Ronaway immediately dodged.

At this time, a terrifying giant bear with a height of more than ten meters appeared in front of the giant snapping turtle. Two sturdy claws clasped the edge of its carapace. With the strength of the muscles, it actually lifted the giant snapping turtle to life. flipped.


The giant snapping turtle turned on its back and fell to the ground, losing its ability to resist immediately. Its four sturdy claws fluttered randomly, and stretched its neck to bite, but it was of no use and could not move at all, let alone Turn the body over.

"Even if he evolves, he still can't turn over." Looking at this scene, Zhao Xiong felt a little funny.

In the past, he raised a snapping turtle that was given by a friend. Although it didn't take long to hang up, the snapping turtle failed to climb the wall of the fish tank during the breeding period and overturned. Get it, if no one cares, it will definitely die.

Zhao Xiong remembered this just now and tried it with a giant snapping turtle. After this guy was overturned, he couldn't turn it over.

Probably the giant snapping turtle could never have imagined that there would be a guy who would overturn him. After all, his body is here, and it weighs several tons. If it weren't for a pervert like Zhao Xiong, no one would be able to do this.

The giant snapping turtle that fell to the ground lost its ability to resist, and the next step was very simple, like meat that fell on the chopping board, and was easily killed by Zhao Xiong.

150 Soul Stones are in hand.

"This guy didn't come up even after being beaten to death in the water, but after accidentally hurting a water lily, he immediately went ashore and tried his best to follow me. How powerful is this water lily?" Zhao Xiong sighed, thoughtfully.

On the artificial lake, the giant snapping turtles guarding the water lilies were killed, and those mature lotus seeds became treasures without owners. They were embedded in the large hanging lotus pods, exuding an attractive fragrance.

However, the water lilies are rooted in the center of the artificial lake, where the water is very deep, and Zhao Xiong doesn't want to go into the water, so it becomes a problem who to pick.

"Who is going to pick lotus seeds? I've become the boss, so I can't do everything myself, so what's the use of them."

Zhao Xiong muttered, looking down at the group of dogs.

It is not difficult for dogs to swim. Many dogs are born with it, but they need the coordination of their limbs to swim. It is estimated that they cannot pick a few plants with just one mouth.

At this moment, Zhao Xiong thought of a neglected guy. Isn't that guy a ready-made swimmer?

Turning his head to glance, he quickly found the candidate, the big goose who had been hiding at the back of the team with the barrel of his gun since the fight began.

Seeing that Zhao Xiong had chosen himself, the big goose couldn't help but scolded: "Master Xiong, why don't you look for someone else?

Don't look at me as a goose, but I can't swim at all, do you believe me? "