
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasi
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234 Chs

​​Power of Sea

With the recovery of spiritual energy, all the aquariums that were hidden at the beginning were all born. They came out of the sub-plane where they were hiding and began to expand in the ocean, incorporating the vast sea area into their own territory.

Even in the ocean, there are very few nightmare-level existences, so these aquariums with the support of racial gods can expand unscrupulously, occupying large areas of the sea, and the resources and mutated sea beasts are all their property.

For example, the mermen who occupy the South China Sea waters, as well as the saltwater, Naga, murlocs, and Krakens that distribute in other seas.

As the territories bordered, wars also broke out between these aquariums, with countless casualties and very fierce, and some even forged a deep hatred, but so far no race gods have fallen.

The above is the information that Ao Luo learned from the outside world during this period of time, and it was fully revealed under Zhao Xiong's inquiry.

There are too many forces in the ocean. Zhao Xiong has only seen the salt water, the Naga and the merman. Each of the water tribes represents the existence of at least one racial god.

The forces of the major aquariums are distributed all over the ocean, and they have already divided the ocean.

There will never be only Tinder mines in the East China Sea.

In the huge ocean, there are absolutely countless fire source mines. After inquiring about Auro, it was immediately confirmed that the mermaid tribe alone occupied no less than seven or eight source mines.

This made Zhao Xiong a little annoyed. Compared with the vast and boundless ocean, the East China Sea controlled by the Dragon Race is really small and pitiful. These guys are so fat and they dare to put their hands in their pockets. Gotta grab them!

Zhao Xiong couldn't help but raise the idea of ​​expanding his power, because the source of fire is an important way for the strong to improve their strength and master the laws.

It takes at least thousands of years to master the power of a law based on one's own understanding, but as long as there is enough fire, this time can be shortened infinitely, so who can occupy more fire source mines and get fire crystals With the blessing, you can increase your strength faster and leave others behind.

Naturally, Zhao Xiong will not be unmoved. What's more, as long as he destroys the people of the racial god, he can weaken the power and soul stone of the racial god, seize the fire source ore controlled by them, improve his own strength, and obtain the ability to kill the racial god. The opportunity of the soul stone really kills two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiong couldn't help but feel that the fire source mine in the Taiyun Mountains was a bit of a pity. If it wasn't for the death of the ancient god's hand, he would have two source mines by now.

"Apart from these aquarium forces, are there other powerhouses in the ocean?" Zhao Xiong asked.

"Yes, there are a few mythical creatures that have grown up, and the aquarium is not willing to provoke them easily, and will bypass the sea area where they are located. For example, the 'worldly python', 'sea monster Leviathan', 'northern sea monster' and so on. "

The ocean naturally also has the birth of powerful creatures whose bloodlines are atavistic. The three sea monsters mentioned by Ao Luo are all famous mythical sea monsters.

End to end, the earthly python Yemengarde surrounds the whole of northern Europe.

The biblical symbol of the evil sea monster, the Leviathan.

The tentacles are over a hundred meters, like an island, the mythical giant monster in the deep sea, Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea.

Almost all of these three have the terrifying power that can destroy everything in legends, and it is not surprising that they can make racial gods of all races fear.

If you can kill them, you will definitely get a lot of soul stones, and their mythical flesh and blood can also greatly improve Zhao Xiong's bloodline growth, which can't help but move.

However, Zhao Xiong is not too arrogant. It is not easy to kill three nightmare-level sea monsters in the deep sea. At present, we should start by expanding the territory and weakening the race gods.

Then he asked Ao Luo for some in-depth information about the aquarium, such as the information on the gods of each race, but Ao Luo didn't know that although it appeared in the sea, it did not have in-depth dealings with these aquariums.

But it heard that these aquariums did not dare to expand their power into the deep sea, and there was an extremely terrifying race in the deep sea called the deep diver.

The Deep Divers are also a species of marine humanoids with fish characteristics. They have long lifespans. They are the servants of an old **** named Dagon. They are rumored to be building Longlesai in the depths of the ocean. An underwater city with huge columns in the shape of Colossus.

The mystery and power of the deep diver, as well as the indescribable father **** 'Dagon' and mother **** 'Hydra' that they worship and believe in, make them a force that many aquariums are reluctant to provoke.

"Do you want me to let you go by telling me so truthfully?" Zhao Xiong said with great interest.

"Do not."

Ao Luo shook his head, a dragon face without any mood swings.

After leaving Longyuan, it has been looking for an opportunity to make the dragon clan rise. As a result, it accidentally offended the merman clan in the South China Sea, and was chased and killed by the merman all the way, and killed countless counter-attacks. Just when it was about to escape, it was caught by the **** of the merman. .

When he was caught, Ao Luo also pinned his hope that his father and king could save him, so he explained some information about the dragon clan in exchange for a chance to temporarily save his life.

But the old dragon king died, and he was killed by the giant bear in front of him, and Ao Luo gave up. Even if he was brought back to the dragon clan, he didn't think he would survive.

As the eldest prince of the Dragon Clan, he couldn't surrender to Zhao Xiong. In addition, the other party was his enemy who killed his father and killed his younger brother. His younger brothers and sisters are still locked in the dungeon.

However, Ao Luo couldn't take revenge. The giant bear is the so-called co-owner of the dragon clan and can lead the dragon clan to rise. The people of the dragon clan have accepted this. To be the enemy of the other side is obviously ruining the future of the dragon clan.

What's more, even if it wanted to take revenge, it couldn't. The difference in strength between the two sides was too great. Zhao Xiong could kill it with a single blow. In Ao Luo's mind, all that was left for him was to cut a path.

"The **** of the merman didn't kill me directly, maybe he wanted me to come back to do something, but I know it's useless."

Ao Luo shook his head and said: "I believe that the Dragon Lord can lead the East China Sea Dragon Clan to rise, and Ao Luo is willing to die. But I have a ruthless request, I hope the Dragon Lord can let my younger brothers and sisters go..."

Ao Luo cut off his heart in an instant, and his breath was sluggish. "They are still young, they don't understand anything, and they won't pose any threat to you..."

But when he saw that it was about to die completely, an emerald green fairy bean bounced into his mouth.

With the digestion of the fairy bean, this dying dragon prince actually came to life at an amazing speed, the wound was completely healed, and he came back to life again, and even felt extremely vigorous vitality!

"I am..."

Ao Luo was a little stunned, but he didn't die.

"You think too much about Sao Nian. It is not uncommon for Lao Tzu to be the co-owner of the Dragon Clan."

Zhao Xiong said: "Your brother is actively seeking death, your father, I and the underworld are hostile, so you understand.

But I have no interest in your dragon clan, I just want to get some things, as long as you are obedient, the dragon clan patriarch will be yours sooner or later.

The dragon family is too weak, and there is no one who can do things for me. You have already died once, and now this life is mine. If you want your younger brother and sister to live, you can create value for me, understand? "

"I see, Lord Dragon."

Ao Luo responded quickly, realizing that Zhao Xiong had saved him, and immediately surrendered.

It can't be good or bad, let alone it has died once, only to know how good it feels to be alive.

Immediately, this guy was chased away by Zhao Xiong, and he thought to himself that he said earlier that there were not many immortal beans, so he would not eat it, but he didn't expect that he would lose one immortal bean in the end.

The labor force must be squeezed. If this product does not reflect the value of the fairy bean, it must be peeled and cramped.