
Casted shadows

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11 Chs

How long is too long

Kauna's present

As I lay cuddled up to Drew, I couldn't help but think about the immigrant story I had just shared with him and how he had reacted to it, it reminded me of my own story.


Surely, my mother's work visa had been our ticket to a better life and we came into the country by air and had all our papers, but adjusting to the new environment was far from easy.


 The first few weeks were particularly challenging for my mother; She struggled with the transition, often crying at night, missing her husband, her home, and everything she had left behind. The unfamiliarity of our surroundings only added to her sense of isolation and disorientation. 


Slowly but surely, we began to adapt to our new surroundings. My mother made friends at work, and I started school with my sister, where I met other children who had also moved to the UK from different countries. We found a small apartment to rent and started to make it feel like home.


That was how I met the Husseini's, they lived next to us. Mr Husseini's daughter was a few years younger than me, but we quickly became friends despite the differences in how we played. In Nigeria, children played differently than they did here, but playing with her was easier since she didn't have many friends either. Because we lived right next to each other I didn't need her father's permission to go outside and play with her, which I appreciated. 


My mother didn't earn much, but it was enough to keep us going, and my father still sent us money. it was indeed unusual for my father to be sending us money from Nigeria, as it was often the other way around. In Nigeria, families with a member living abroad usually rely on that member to send money back home to support the rest of the family. Nonetheless, he remained determined to support us. However, each year, the money got smaller as the exchange rate of the naira to pounds worsened. Whenever we spoke to our father on the phone, he encouraged us to study hard and seize the opportunities we had to improve our lives. As I grew older and my life in the UK became more comfortable, I started to forget about the difficult experiences we had in Maiduguri. I became preoccupied with the challenges of making friends and fitting in, arguing with my sister over who would get to shower first because the water was hotter then. My father's reminders to work hard and take advantage of opportunities every time we talked started to feel like a growing pressure as if he expected more from me than just surviving. I wanted him to ask me about the small details of my life, like how I was making friends and adjusting to a new culture.


Despite the fact that I knew my problems were minor compared to the life-threatening situations we faced in Nigeria and how other people had come into the country, I couldn't help but act out as a teenager.


 It only got worse as time went on, and I even began to talk back to my mom. I complained about the little pocket money she gave me and how I needed it to buy makeup. I also expressed frustration that she still hadn't bought me the new iPhone that all of my classmates already had. I was always the last one to get anything, and it made me feel left out and unimportant.


I didn't realize how lucky I was now being here in the UK, to even have a phone, ride the bus to school without fear of being kidnapped or the privilege of going to school without the fear of not returning home safe, I guess as time went on, I forgot everything and I became ungrateful. 


As Drew and I playfully toyed with the ice cream, I couldn't help but think of returning him the favour, I wanted to have him moaning loudly in deep pleasure. I got on top of him, my legs still shaky from last night. I pulled up his shirt, and my eyes were immediately drawn to his impressive abs, which were so defined, I started to kiss them, he felt warm and I wanted to keep that going. Took his trousers off, then his boxer shorts, I wanted to taste his, have his stick in my mouth, I wanted to suck on it like a lolly, mmm…. I was slurping on his dick.


 His relaxed posture and satisfied sighs gave me the impression that he was thoroughly enjoying it, he put his hands on my head, giving me confirmation to keep going at this pace. I feel him reach to me, he wants me to ride him now, I got on top of him like a biker, and I rode him till I felt the burn of exhaustion in his muscles. 


I wanted to make him cum, I softy fondled his ball, and his body heaved spewing forth a river of sperm. 


I did it, he came, I collapsed onto him from exhaustion. 


He's being corny as ever; I can't help but find his cheesy lines charming. There's something cute about them, and he's the only one who can make corniness sexy.


 I got up to go wash up, his cum was starting to drip out my vagina and running down my thigh. 


 I was in the Toilet cleaning up, I could hear him a phone call, As I listened to him speaking on the phone, A heavy weight of dread and disappointment settled in the pit of my stomach.


The words he spoke sent a wave of unease and discomfort through me. I knew what he had to do, but I couldn't help feeling a twinge of sadness at the thought of him leaving so soon. It had only been one night, yet I had grown accustomed to his presence. 


The idea of him being gone felt like a sudden loss, leaving me with a hollow ache. I felt the depth of a feeling I was familiar with, loneliness.


 I was reluctant to see him go; I knew it would be selfish to impede his departure. He had his responsibilities to attend to, just as I had my own. Tomorrow's Monday, and if he stayed, I guarantee that I would not go to work. 


I walked back into the living room, unable to hide the expression of sadness etched on my face. He was standing there, and it was clear that he could see the emotions written all over me. The weight of my sadness was heavy, pulling at my heartstrings. He tenderly brushed his fingers against my cheek in a comforting gesture, soothing the ache of sadness inside me. 

As he got dressed, I sat there watching him, feeling a sense of sadness and longing creeping up on me. He seemed to feel it too, and just as he was about to leave, he turned to me and pulled me into a warm and tender kiss. I yearned for the kiss to linger a little bit longer. After he left, I locked the door behind him, and as I stood there in the empty apartment, I felt a wave of loneliness wash over me, signalling the return to my solitary existence.


Drew's present 

As I boarded the plane, I mentally prepared myself for the long haul ahead. I settled in and got on a virtual meeting when the plane was cruising at a comfortable altitude, I was deep in discussion with some potential new clients. As we delved into the details of the project, we exchanged ideas, debated, agreed, and disagreed on various aspects.


The discussion was intense, and my lawyers were on the call as well, making sure that all legal aspects were covered. We were drafting a contract, and the process was taking longer than I had anticipated.


Finally, as the call drew to a close, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. The discussion had gone on for far too long and I was exhausted both mentally and physically. The weight of the stress and tension that had built up over the course of the call began to lift from my shoulders. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from me, and I was finally able to breathe freely once again.


I was able to take a moment to rest and recharge. I reclined my seat, closed my eyes, my body relaxed and my mind was able to process the events of the day. Slowly I began to drift off into a peaceful sleep.


After waking up and checking the time, I realized there was still an hour left of the flight. I wondered if she was asleep and considered sending her a message. However, I refrained, not wanting to overwhelm her with my constant need for attention.


While waiting, my thoughts drifted to her past relationships, causing me to feel a twinge of jealousy towards her previous partners. The mere thought of her being with someone else made me uneasy.


I couldn't help but ponder about her family, whether or not she had siblings, and how her childhood might have been. She gave off an air of having had a fantastic upbringing, with barely a care in the world. But, could I be mistaken? I know that everyone has their struggles, but she seemed almost too happy, which could imply that she had a truly great childhood, or perhaps that she's concealing something.


I received a notification on my phone, it was a message from Alex, indicating that she was likely, not asleep after all. Upon opening the message, an uncontrollable smile spread across my face.

 The message reads ''I miss you already'' *kiss *kiss


I quickly replied back. 


I can't quite put my finger on it, but I'm starting to feel increasingly attached to her.