
Carnival of Misery

Everytime you looked at the sky, I looked back at you. Unfortunately you never noticed, but I was there

June_Margot · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 5. Run Away

I woke up as cold shivers ran down my spine. I was shivering tremendously and curling to provide a little warmth possible from any kind of activity or exercise. I was too tired to wake up though. But it's unusual. Stars never felt cold. They are beautiful and warm.

I tried to move a little but I felt myself sliding down and sinking into the thick Film. It felt a grainy ground turning into liquid from my pressure. Ice. I figured it was ice I was lying on. But orcas has never frozen. Unless it wasn't orcas.

I shot my eyes open as I found myself lying on a thick quilt of icicle. It was  bone chilling cold as snowflakes made a blanket onto me. I struggled a little to stand but I did eventually as I found myself at a familiar place. The dock.

The dock that hold my most painful past and memories of grief and remorse. It brings alive all those rotten agony which I once buried in a corner of my heart. It woke alive those tormenting scenes where I watched myself lifeless. My heart throbbed in despair as I strived to hold myself erect. The dock, full of memories, of pain, of seperation, of misery.

I dragged my feet across ice covered lanes. As I moved through the known pathways, I watched the houses decorated with Christmas garlands, wreaths and tinsels. I bet I saw lights too but due to its daytime, it hasn't been switched on yet. There were snowman and ice castles made on the footpath by kids. It was a merry view to be taken in.

I kept walking in the direction I remember by heart. The last villa on Karen's lane. My villa.

I hurried my footsteps towards the mentioned directions, earning several meaningless glances from strangers. Anyone would be thinking of you as a fool if you walk in just a thin silver robe on a day as cold as Christmas, or worse, or Christmas. I wrapped my hands around my chest and began to ran. I knew if I continued at the pace I was in, I would have definitely ended up becoming a snowman myself, joining the other snow ones on pathways.

After what felt like an hour or so, I reached the place. From running so much, at least I wasn't that cold now, but yeah, the breeze was still alluring my naked body behind the robes. I rubbed my palm as I shivered and clouds of fog left my slightly parted lips. I went straight to the house.

On the door was written "VACANT" in bold. It made my blood boil as I teared that sheet in millions and stomped my feet on them buring them in the thick sheath of ice and giving them a proper funeral.

No one can claim this house as theirs

On the doormat were splattered at least twenty mails and envelopes. But they should be in mailbox. I searched for mailbox and found that it's competely destroyed. Maybe some person would have crashed their car on the fense. I sighed as I collected them and piled them in my hand.

I went to the backyard of the house and went to a particular tree which was standing bare. It's leaf has shed as it's wrinkled branches quivered. It was adorned in snow and a tiny hole invited me for my hidden treasure there. I went to that hole and slided my hands deep. When I found the particular 5 cm long thing, I sighed and pulled it out.

The house key.

I hurried my way in as I prayed the key won't have rusted or fake. My prayers were heard as I made my way in. A little relief greeted me as I finally escaped the harsh weather. The view that uncovered before me was overwhelming. A lot of memories bound to this place came flashing across. Oh how much we enjoyed.

But at the same time it was an unsettling aroma and kind of felt empty. No matter how many furnitures remain seated at its place, the aura was still of remorse and painful. I kept the envelop on small table in front of sofa. Then I made my way to my used-to-be room and took in the scene.

A rumbling and shifting noise was heard in that small room with broken window. Strong chilling wind danced through the hole in glass, making whole room as cold as an igloo. There was a cupboard, a study table for somewhat a ten year old boy, a dresser with large mirror and a bed with a cute dreamcatcher hanging on its edge.

In the partial blue hue of open yet misty sky which came from windows, I admired this abandoned messy place which was once called home.

Everything was covered with dust and darkness. Light bulbs were broken, room was untidy, ceilings were leaking and even bathroom was not in great condition. Water supply has been cut off years ago. And it's been a decade someone has lived in here. It didn't smelled like home at all, every little feature was disturbing and un-welcoming. It brought back memories.

I knew I was back in human world.  I made my way to the giant mirror attached to dresser and rotated two fingers in a motion of circle three times, enchanting something. Soon the dust in the room was cleaned. I am a star afterall. I took in my full view. Well... I looked.....human.

My blonde hairs curled up to mid of my cheeks as my honey tanned skin gleamed. I looked beautiful.

Everything was by design except deep in the eyes, I was holding a void, a void which will engulf anyone who would try to look in it. I placed a palm on my heart. There was no heartbeat. I became disappointed.

I am in human world. I am supposed to be alive. But I wasn't. I thought I would be able to live again. I almost accomplished my desire. All I am is just a beat away. But deep down I do know that this single beat is as vast as an ocean. And I would never be able to swim across.

I let out a huge puff and looked around again. If I am going to live here, I better clean this place.

I sang some errands, chanted some commands.

The brooms and mops danced on my demands.

A single wink and broken glass got replaced

Everything was settled at it's perfect place

Bulbs were fixed and ceilings didn't leaked

Foul odour was gone and doors no more creaked

I went out of room and fixed the whole place

Everything was homey again, like good old days.

A flying kiss and every speck of dust was gone.

The house seemed like it was reborn.

I was done in half an hour. Every single room and corner shined like it's new. All that was left to do in house was to find a fitting pair of jeans and hoodies of my size. Shoes would be bonus which I was really looking forward to. My earlier shivering was gone and replaced my homey warmth. I could use my star light to warm myself, but if I need to go outside and not be considered an alien, I would have to dress up in thick hoods. Practically, I need to look like a burrito if I  plan to step out in the cold.

I walked towards an office like room in the far end of hall.

This house was not as big as mansion but yeah, it was a huge villa with four rooms and a guest room which makes total of five rooms. A kitchen and a bathroom in each room was already installed. Additionally was a little garden provided outside with small fountain and a store room in the roof ceiling. As I paced through the hallway, I stopped at the photo frames of me with my family.

One were of seven year old me with my mom, baking. One of eight year old me and my dad doing lawn. One of nine year old me when I won in maths Olympiad. One was a family photo. And last but not the least, a photo of five children standing in a line, their arms wrapped onto the person beside. All five looked happy in that golden photo frame. I recognise them. Those four beside me in the picture, they were the only people alive out of all hanging on the marble wall. Considering I got days to live, I am more determined to find them.

I reached the office room and entered. After cleaning, it looked the same oak office, me and my father once hung onto. My father was a business man. He was well establishing but some jealous people envied his success and a cascade of unfortunate events followed. My death being one of them.

I familiarise everything and then went to my dad's cupboard. I took out one of his outfits and tried to fit in them. Surprisingly I fit in them well. It was like the outfit was made for my only.

My dad, back the days we were alive, had a great fashion sense. He even looked like a model. Mom was no joke either. They dealt in fame and their looks helped the business more. It was one the best traits I inherited and I am still thankful to him, even if I never got a last goodbye, my parents have left enough fortune for me.

I found a pair of white sneakers as it brushed the knee cut jeans and topped with black hoodie with 'swag' written in bold italic. I remember my dad had gifted me the latest phone back then when I turned eleven. The number might need to be activated since it wasn't in use for a long time but the phone might do. My father had hooked in the latest songs I liked and gave it to me as my birthday present. But poor fate, I died before I could enjoy the hold of technology fully.

I ruffled through the drawers and found that particular phone still in case along with headphones and charger. I placed those blue headphones around my neck which paired with the white shoes as I slided the phone in my Jean's back pockets. I found the house key into one of the drawers of oak table and exited the room.