
Bloody Carnival

They'll never know how scary the world really is.

At the age of eighteen Fang Zi was already at the peak of his game, he was a very famous vlogger with over 14 thousand people following him, you might think that this number is few, but this is not your normal vlogging experience, people will need atleast 9 figures and a shady background in order to become a subscriber in his shows and the entertainment that he provides is very different, most of it involves killing and a bloody carnage. This is what he do for a living.

He was once tested and the doctors claimed that although Fang Zi is a little bit of an erudite he is working perfectly fine, the kid just loved the idea of death. In his younger years in order to satisfy his curiousity, he started small, just by hunting a bunch of small animals, locking them up, observing the process of death, like looking at the eyes of those dying animals, watching them succumb to the abyss of death. Well, all of that was before he unlocked his artistic nature, and decided that death can be a little bit cinematic.