
Cards of Fate

In the far-far mountains there lived a boy, Zed. He spent the 14 years of his life loving and being loved by others. He lived a peaceful life amidst the cruel world. But nobody knows the future! His peaceful life ended quickly. Now, he has to face the cruel world. And solve the mystery of his parents’ death. Can he achieve his ultimate goal of ‘REVIVAL’?!

Kaux_P · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

I Am Begging You!

A tall man in his late thirties stood at the edge of the main door, turned back for the last time to take a glance at his 14-year-old son, Zed, and his wife Elina.

"Goodbye, dear!" The woman raised her hand to wave him goodbye as her lips curled up into a beautiful smile.

"Buh-bye Dad!" Zed exclaimed. "Don't forget to bring those fruit candies you brought last time. Those were delicious!" he chuckled as Jake, his father; caressed his face. It tickled him.

(My name is Zed; I have a loving family and friends here on top of the mountain. Well, our village was established forty years ago. Its name is 'Vistas', it's named like this because of the mesmerizing and tempting beauty that we can see from the top. It's very peaceful. I feel like I'm in heaven every day!)

-- --

"Zed, the lunch is ready!"

"Coming mom!"

(My Mom's hands are magical. She cooks the best food in the entire world.)

"Your father will come a bit late today. Probably before dinner."

"W-W-Why?! I wanted to spar with dad before dinner!"

"Sweetie you have never won."

"Well, I will someday!" Zed was in high spirits.

(My dad is my hero! He is the strongest in our village. He gives me sword fighting lessons when he's free. Sometimes he tells me about life in Asgard city; like how the streets are always bustling, people celebrating festivals together, new shops, a variety of things, city life is not as peaceful as here but it also sounds interesting…... One day I'll go down the mountain and have fun in the city! And maybe I'll make some friends also!)

(Dad also told me about Sir knight. He taught him sword-fighting; they know each other for many years, even before he married mom. Umm…. What was Sir knight's name? Ughh...! I think it was Eros Castio or something, uh… I forgot his surname. I'll ask dad tonight.)

-- -- --

There were clear clouds in the sky, the air was filled with the smell of wood and wild-flowers. Birds were chirruping and singing their melodious song. It was a wonderful sight.

It was time for the sunset. Zed was strolling around the village. He was going to his usual spot from where he enjoys the sunset.

"Good evening Zed!" a middle-aged man greeted him.

"Good evening uncle Ron!"

"Good evening Zed! I made some bread today, wanna try some?" a grandma called out for Zed who was strolling down the streets of the village.

"Grandma, I love your bread, but I will get late for the sunset. I will try them after coming back…." there was no time for him to lose...

"Ohh... let me pack some bread for you then. You can enjoy it while watching the sunset." "Wait-a-minute! I'll be real quick!!"

"Here! I've packed enough. Eat your fill."

"Bye, Grandma!"

Zed scampered through the woods to catch up to the sunset…. After running for some time, he reached the edge of the mountain. There was a huge old tree near the edge. Zed climbed on the tree and sat on a branch. He enjoyed the bread while watching the sunset. Scenery from that spot was very tempting, a vast horizon, houses down the mountain looked like ants, a complete view of vast forest and river can be seen from up there.

Zed returns before it gets dark every day. It was the same for today as well. He would go back and welcome his father, eat dinner with his family, stroll in the village after dinner and then they all will go inside their house to have sweet dreams and then a pleasant good morning again.

Well, that's what he thought, and so did everybody!

But we don't know the future. We don't know what will happen tomorrow or even after a second. Future is unpredictable!…...

Zed reached his home.

His mom was preparing dinner. He was outside the house, and the aroma of food reached his nose. "Mmm… I think today mom is making something super delicious!"

He entered the house, his is mom was cooking in the kitchen….

"Mom! What do we have for dinner tonight?" he asked.

"Oh, sweetie. It's your favorite, chicken dumplings!"

"Oh yeeaaahhhh!". He jumped for joy and had a bright smile on his face.

"It's almost done, let's wait for your dad he'll be here in any minute."

Zed while saluting, "Aye! Aye! Mom."

His mom was preparing the dinner while Zed went out to fetch water from the well, which was in front of his house...

-- --

After waiting for a while, Jake arrived. Zed's eyes were sparkling with joy after he saw his dad.

Elina approached Jake and took his coat from his hands. "Honey, let me prepare some water and clothes for you to wash your fresh up."

"Dad! Dad! Where are my fruit candies?!" Zed was excited...

Jake bent forward and pat his head, "Here, take it little Zeddie."

"I'm not a little kid anymore, I'm 14 this year!" Zed while pouting.

"Yes, yes, old Zed!"

"Dad! How can you make fun of a child?!!..."

Zed pointed towards the bag in the right hand of Jake and said, "Umm… By the way, dad what's in that bag you brought with you... You brought one more gift for me?!!"

"Oh oo... It has a packet inside!"

"No, it's not for you this was from my friend Eros."

"Sir knight!" Zed's eyes became bright.

"Yes. We met after such a long time because he was always busy with his knight's duty. So, he gave me this packet."

"What's in this packet?!!"

"Well, I'm yet to explore this packet."

Elina called for Jake. "Honey! Water and clothes are ready!"

"Coming!" he replied.

Jake went inside the bedroom to change his clothes, and Elina was preparing for dinner. Out of curiosity, Zed suddenly thought about opening the packet. He placed his fruit candies aside.

(Well, if I just tear the packet a bit and take a quick peek nobody would notice it.)

*Inaudible sound of tearing a paper*

He took a peek, but couldn't see anything inside.

Zed forgot about the 'quick-peek'. His entire focus was on the thing inside the packet. He tore apart the whole packet and took out a box.

The box was not very big, it was a metal box of golden-brown color. It was an old box, yet it had fine artwork on it. Even after so many years, the details of the design could be seen.

He lifts the box's lid and opened the box.

For some seconds, everything became still.


The heavy wind followed the silence... The wind was rushing across the village. The wind was so strong that the door didn't stop slamming; the wind forced windows open… The lights went off, Zed closed the lid real quick…. He didn't get the chance to see what's inside in the dark.

It was a silence before doom! Lightning flashed across the sky...


A sudden strike of a thunderbolt!

"Quick! Close the windows! And hold the main door!" Jake commanded.

"Honey, I think a storm is going to arrive anytime."

(I was flustered. Everything was fine a minute ago. But what's with a sudden storm?!)


Storm seized the face of a hurricane!

The roofs of the houses were being destroyed. The small houses were falling. Zed clasped the box tightly close to his chest and ran towards his parents. A big part of the roof fell on his leg while he was running… Zed fractured his leg. He was in pain, but he held back his tears!....

(God please save us! I don't want to die yet! I don't want to be separated from my parents! I haven't even met my city friends yet!)

Jake rescued him. Zed could barely stand, but things were already getting worse, so he kept silent about his leg and acted along.

The winds got stronger and stronger…...


Their house was falling. Zed was shivering with fear.

"Hold my hand! Let's go somewhere safe!" Jake shouted.

(Mom and I held dad's hand and went outside.)

"Gasp!" Zed was shocked.

There was no way for them to escape. They observed the condition of the villagers. Some were heavily injured, and many died. Blood splattered everywhere. The aroma of nature was turned into the air with the stench of blood.

"W-W-Why is t-this happening?" Zed was stuttering because of fright and horror.

A tree was falling down on Elina.

"M-Mom! Tree!"

Jake took Elina in his arms and jumped aside, but a thick branch hit his hand.

Winds were so powerful that people could barely stand.

"Dad! Y-Your hand is bleeding!", his eyes were filled with tears.

"Oh my! I-I'm sorry, because of me…" Elina's eyes were filled with tears. She felt guilty about Jake's injury. She tore a piece of her cloth from her dress and tied it in his hand.

The storm felt eternal. Many people were dying in front of Zed's eyes. He could no longer hold back his tears, they were rolling down his cheeks.

Suddenly, the hurricane became powerful. Only a handful of people were alive. The stench of blood became stronger and stronger. Zed and his family were also heavily injured.

Thunderbolt didn't stop. Zed was sitting on the ground, gripping his legs in his arms. He still held onto the box given by Eros. Jake and Elina couldn't stand properly. They staggered and hit their heads with a rock and started losing their consciousness.

"Mom! Dad! No! You must not sleep, please!" Zed ran towards his parents with his fractured leg. Tears didn't stop rolling down his eyes. He was begging his parents to not go into a deep sleep.


Before Zed reached, a tree fell on them…


And the blood of Jake and Elina splashed on his face. He felt something on his face. He touched his face with his bare hands… When he looked at his hands full of blood; he got petrified.


Everything went blank! Zed couldn't stand any more; he fell on his knees. His emerald eyes were shining a few minutes ago, but now the emerald has lost its shine.


His world went still for a second. He couldn't hear anything! There was only a beep sound ringing in his ears. He saw blood everywhere, blood on the tree, blood on the rock, and blood flowing on the ground. Everything was black and red. Even before he reached them, his parents had already died.


"Mom! Dad!". The dam of emotions that Zed built at the start has finally exploded. He could no longer hold his tears back...

He couldn't stop crying. There was a stinging pain in his chest. His heartbeat became faster and faster. He was in immense pain and agony. His universe was falling apart. The poor child had to see the death of his parents before his eyes. The stench of the blood became stronger than ever. He would not be able to forget this stench for this entire lifetime.

Zed cried his lungs out.


"Mom, what about my chicken dumplings?!, Now, who will make them for me?"

"Who is going to feed me? Who is going to search for me if I come home late?"

"Dad! See, I didn't lose your best friend's gift!"

"When are you going to open it? He would be very upset if he knew; you didn't even see his gift."

"Dad! What about my candies? I didn't even get the taste of them!"

"Now they are all dirty. When will you bring me more candies?!!"

"I didn't even get to ask sir Eros full name! Now, who's going to tell me, dad?!"

"I will be fine with you calling me little Zeddie for the rest of my life!"

"We were a loving family! So why did you leave me behind?!!"

"Mom! Dad! P-Please wake up, say my name just once, j-just once, please! I'm b-begging you, please!"


Hey, guys this is my first time writing a novel. I may not be professional but my work is original.

I hope to get some tips from ya'll!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kaux_Pcreators' thoughts