
Chapter 1: Reborn

At 9:17 PM

A floor stained with crimson blood

High school student Zhang Ho died after jumping from the roof of high school.

Some say that the reason for his suicide is severe depression as a result of bullying by many students

He was a mean boy most of the time, although he hid a good personality, but he often spent his time alone and suffered from many social disorders

It was a strange sensation to describe it in simple words.


Zhang Hu opened his eyes

The first thing he saw was a young girl, with long black hair and bright blue eyes and she was very glamorous, but he soon realized that this woman was his new mother

I have been reborn!

Zhang found himself in the body of a small infant

His features were nice at the time.

But where is my father?, after looking for a while I realize how big the room is

It was never a clinic room, it was like a luxurious room in a large mansion

Is it possible that my new family is so rich?

I wish my new life would be wonderful and enjoyable, I want to make up for those horrible days

After a few minutes he found that his mother had suddenly got angry and looked very sad

Bring King Julius immediately, he has to say goodbye to his son anyway, the mother said, shedding tears

Zhang Ho was confused

Is it possible that I will die right after my resurrection?

To this degree my life is cursed

King Julius, who had a serious face with a rough beard, golden eyes and brown hair, quickly arrived.


He's not dead yet, is he?

No, not yet, Mother Athena said.

But he's supposed to have already died.

It's been more than 10 minutes.

Is it possible that this child is a blessing from the Lord, is it possible that he is not subject to the curse?, said King Julius

Many thoughts were running through Zhang Ho's mind

What the hell is this man talking about?

Am I going to die?

And what did my mother call my father King Julius, so in the end I was right

This deluxe room is part of a royal palace

So in this case I am!


Twenty minutes have passed since birth.

The parents are surprised in confusion, so is it possible that this child is a miracle?

The curse has finally been defeated.

I've always wanted to have a girl, after all, having a boy would be sterile given the Fitz family's curse.

From now on, boy, your name will be Edward.

It was a beautiful name for Zhang Ho devoid of Chinese character

It was one of the most beautiful nights for King Julius III.

He couldn't believe the male procreation curse in the Fitz family was over.

That night

It was the best night the Fitz family has had in decades.

A feast was held in which the greatest allies of the king from several kingdoms attended

The boy with faint black hair and golden eyes Edward looked at the dishes and cuisine on the table with passion but he couldn't eat anything of it in the end

He only had to drink milk because his teeth hadn't grown yet.

Whatever it is, in the future I will enjoy all kinds of foods when my teeth grow.