
I won't Regret it

Please, Joy, don't think too much let me take care of you? I don't want anything else joy. Be with me Joy, you are just 21 Joy, you do not need to carry these burdens on your shoulders. Please Be With me, Joy.

Dr.Drake, I think I need to go now, I do not understand what you are saying? said, Joy. Stop Joy, You know what I mean and what I am saying right now, said Drake. I am asking you to be with me Joy, so now Please say something.

Doctor Drake, you are a very good person, you have helped me so much, you took care of my mama. and I am really grateful to you for that but?

Joy was startled at drake confession, all the problems she has been suffering past few months kept wondering in her mind at that moment. Joy took a deep breath and said: "Doctor drake I am sorry ".

Sorry? But joy you did not even gave me a chance to prove my love for you said, Drake. you can not say no just like that, you have to give me a chance Joy? Please, Joy, tell me why can't you accept my feelings for you? I Would change myself if you want but please tell me the reason joy, please?

No dr. drake you do not need to change anything, it's just I have never thought about it and I don't think I could afford such things like love, relationships right now said joy. so please do not misunderstand me, I just don't want to do this and Right now there are much more important things for me than this doctor drake, said Joy. I am sorry! I should leave now.

is it because of your mother joy? or your sister? why you are stopping yourself because of them, you are deceiving yourself by saying such reasons joy, why? why you are sacrificing your whole life, your happiness, my love, because of your mother who has not even woke up once to see what her daughter is going through? And still you want to do all this for them, even when you know that she might never wake up, said Drake angrily?

what did you say just now? How can you say that doctor drake? who gave you the right to say such things about my mama, my family? you know what doctor drake you don't understand what really love is and you better know this, that my mama will wake up, she will wake for her family, for her daughters and what did you said? she does not know what I am going through. My mama knows everything and I know she is too trying hard in that room to wake up from that bed to embrace me, to hug me and to tell me that I did well, but you won't understand doctor drake because you don't know what love really is? said, Joy.

Joy? I did not mean to say that? said drake (Feeling guilty). enough Doctor Drake, it's enough and one more thing what did you said earlier? Do you want to carry my burdens? right? do you know what doctor drake when we love someone and do things for them, it's not carrying burden doctor, its called carrying our responsibilities towards our loved one willingly, and my family is not a burden that someone forced on me to carry? they are my responsibilities that I myself decided to carry because I love them, I did not sacrifice my happiness and life for them because they are the most important part of my life and reason for my happiness ,so what I am doing right now is not a burden but a way to live my life and also you don't need to take care of me because my mama had raised me strong enough to take care of myself on my own, so I don't need you to take care of me, said joy with a lot of anger in her eyes.

Drake could not say anything to her, he felt guilty for saying mean things to joy and wanted to apologize but joy did not listen and left the hospital. it was raining out, joy kept walking in the heavy rain. she was angry, she was sad. there were so many emotions flowing in her heart at that one moment. joy kept walking and reached home. she was all wet. What happened sister? why you are all wet? you should have waited for the rain to stop said, Lisa. sister? sister?

Huh? I am fine Lisa. I would get changed first then I should prepare the dinner okay, said, Joy. I had already prepared the dinner today as I was free sister, you go get changed then we will have dinner together, said Lisa. Hmm okay. Joy changed and had dinner with Lisa, Joy asked Lisa to go to bed and went to her room after cleaning the kitchen. Joy sat down on the chair and was thinking about everything that happens today. Joy was upset. Sister? Are u asleep? No Lisa said, Joy, as Lisa opened the door. what is it why you have not gone to bed yet? asked Joy? Umm Sister I brought some hot coffee for you, you were all wet today because of the rain. Drink it you will feel good sister and won't catch a cold, said Lisa. Yes, my princess, I will drink it, said Joy. Lisa Gives her sister a warm hug and said good night. Hmm. Goodnight Lisa and also thank you. Huh? Thanks For what sister? For a hot coffee, and a warm hug princess, Said Joy. Love you sister. hmm, Love you, princess. Lisa Went to her room. Joy took a deep breath and said to herself " Joy you did the right thing today, okay .and you won't ever regret it joy, and I am not alone I have you, mama and Lisa. I did the right thing. right mama? I won't ever let you down mama. I will work hard and will get a job, I promise you, mama.

Joy went to bed to sleep in a hope that maybe the next day would be better. what the next day would be like for joy.

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