
His Love Confession

The sun rises with a new day. Joy woke up At 4:00 Am by her alarm sound, she took bath got ready for work like any other day. Joy prepared the breakfast for Herself and Lisa. Lisa I am Going to work eat your breakfast before going to school said, Joy. she leaves for work at 5:00 AM. Joy Deliver Newspaper in the morning. After delivering newspapers she leaves for work at7:30 to reach next work on time.

Ahh! thank You, God! I got on time today, said joy as she entered the mail room.

Hmm.. so what work we have today here? let's see there are so many Mails today. I hurriedly need to arrange them in order and then deliver them, said joy. joy started arranging them in order department-wise. it took 1 hour to arranger them, then joy took the mails in cart to deliver them.

"Mrs Diana you have a mail today," said joy. Mrs Diana works in the purchasing department. thank you joy.how are you Joy? asked Mrs Diana. I am fine Mrs.diana said joy. Mrs.diana is the very kind and warm-hearted person she always helps everyone. Mr Jackson, Mr.smith and Mr. mark you have Mails too.

after delivering mails to purchasing department joy went to the accounting and finance department and to the R&D department and then to Marketing, soon it was 3:00 PM.

Ugh!!! Finally, only a few are left. Oh? its 3 PM I should go and eat something first, I am hungry.

only a few Mails are left I will deliver them after having lunch, said joy.

Joy? Joy wait said, Manager Lee. Oh? Yes, Manager Lee? Joy there are some files on my table just make 2 copies of each file and give them to Mr Smith and Mr Mark. Actually, I have to go out for lunch and I am already late so you do that okay, said manager Lee. Hmm? But? I? interrupted Joy but before she could say anything Manager left. Ahhh??? Alright. Joy went to Manager Table, Wow! did not he say there some files they are not some they are many? Joy Sighed Deeply. Joy starts making each file 2 copies. Ahh?? I am hungry. Oh.. Joy you are here I was looking for you everywhere, said Mrs Diana. uh? Mrs Diana, what happened do you need anything? No joy I was at office cafeteria for lunch and did not see you there so I thought maybe you were busy in work said, Mrs Diana. Ahh! yeah, Mrs Diana said Joy. Here Have a sandwich you must be hungry, eat it. thanks, Mrs Diana why did you bother yourself for this said joy. its okay dear eats it. yeah, Mrs Diana thanks again. Joy eats the sandwich and started working again. she finished copying and took the files to deliver them to Mr Smith and Mr Mark.

As joy entered the purchasing department to deliver the files, she saw there was huge chaos in the department everyone was looking worried. Joy walked to Mr.smith and Mr Mark Table to give them files. joy handed them files and turned towards Mrs Diana to talk. Mrs.Diana what Happened?

what is this chaos all about why everyone looking so worried? did something happen?

Oh! Joy its bad, it's very bad, said Mrs Diana. what is it, Mrs. Diana? asked Joy. Company president has decided to sell the company because the company is not earning a profit, said Mrs.diana. What sell? company? asked joy? yeah Joy, and ? and what Mrs.diana? And the new Owner would replace us with his new employees, said Mrs Diana. what Replace us but why Mrs.diana? I have worked here for 3 years and you, you have worked here for 10 years how could they replace us? asked Joy?

I do not know joy but the new owner has only given us 2 month time to arrange new jobs for ourselves. what 2 month how I am gonna arranged a job in 2 month.? joy left office early that evening after finishing her work.

how I am gonna find a new job? there are still 6 months left for completing graduation, how I am gonna find a job without my graduation. it was so hard to get a job without graduating, I remember how much I begged to get this job 3 years ago and now how I am gonna find a new job just in 2 month, joy kept thinking about this while walking.

Joy visits her mother and then walk home. hey, sister, you are home early? asked Lisa? hmm? yeah, princess? joy prepared the dinner. after dinner, Joy asked Lisa to go to bed and cleaned the kitchen and went to her room. Hmm!! I must find a new job as soon as possible or I won't be able to pay mama's hospital bill, Lisa's fee, said joy to herself.

Next day joy prepared her CV to apply for a job at many places, and decided to took more part-time work after 6 PM so that she could save something. One and half month has passed and joy still could not find any job.

only 10 days are left and Joy tried at many companies even for the lowest post but no one hired her, she was rejected everywhere. joy sat down on the chair in her room and said to herself

how I am going to do it? what if I could not find a job in the next 10 days. how I am gonna pay a hospital bill, Lisa's fee? please help me, mama! I need you, mama? Please help me mama?please!! said Joy.

joy slept shedding tears silently that night remembering her mother.

Next Morning Joy woke up prepared breakfast and left for her work as usual. joy was trying hard to find every possible way to get a job. I am gonna find a job, stay strong joy, you need to stay strong, joy said to herself. there are still few companies who could hire me, I have sent my CV there must be a reply soon from them said joy while arranging mail to herself. after delivering all Mails to related departments, joy left the work to visit her mama. on the way to the hospital in taxi joy phone beeped.Oh? there are two emails? maybe the companies I send my cv to have sent a reply. what does it say? please god, Please?

Joy opened the Email and read the reply," Miss Joy, your qualification does not match our requirements, so you are rejected".

Joy sigh Deeply. we reached miss said the taxi driver .joy came out of the taxi and went to visit her mother. she sat beside her mother and said "Mama, I am sorry I am not a good daughter I can not do anything for you I can not even have a good job so that I can take care of you, I am so sorry mama, I tried mama but I did not get a job, I failed at carrying my responsibility mama". I am sorry Mama said, Joy, as tears drop out of her eyes quietly. Joy? how are you? asked Dr.drake as he entered the room. joy hurriedly wiped her tears and said with a smile "I am fine as always doctor".

Joy? I need to talk to you about something, can we? asked Drake? sure the doctor.

Joy? said, Drake.Hmm! Doctor Drake, what is it? Joy is something bothering you? you look quite tensed for the last few days asked Drake. its Nothing Doctor everything is fine and I should get going now, said joy. as joy walk ahead, "Its okay to say its hard if its hard joy, there is nothing wrong in saying it, at least to me" said Drake as he walked towards joy. what do you mean doctor drake? asked joy? I heard everything joy, said, Drake. uh? it nothing doctor drake I just had a bad day at work and nothing else, I would leave now. As joy started to leave drake to hold her hand and said "joy please do not hide you pain if its hard just say it joy, say it to me", I like you joy, I really liked you since I first saw you but I could not tell it to you I thought you would be upset". " But Joy, now stop worrying about everything leave everything to me I will take care of your mom, your sister, Please let me take your responsibilities and burden from you and just free yourself from all these responsibilities and burden that you are carrying for the past 3 years, now let me have your all responsibilities". I will take care of everything joy, I just want you to be happy, let me take care of you now joy, said Drake.

"Miss Joy Your qualification does not match our requirement so you are rejected". you are rejected. You are rejected. "I am Sorry Mama, I failed at carrying my responsibilities mama"."I really Like you, Joy, Please let me take care of you now, let me carry your responsibilities now"

All these things, those words kept appearing in joy's mind, joy was shock and startled. it was the very first time in her life when someone said this to her.

Doctor Drake? said joy. Please, Joy, don't think too much let me take care of you? I don't want anything else joy.

Doctor Drake ? said Joy .I...

what would be Joy's reply ? will she accept drake feeling for her ? she is human too she too needs love, care respect and Drake wants to give her all that and wants to take her all burden and responsibilities. what will she do?

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