
Chapter 30: Confronting the slave merchant part 1

"That is..., this is bad, Filaurel there seem to be two child being chased by someone, so i am gonna go and see what happen" [Azumi]

"Understood, and be careful" [Filaurel]

With wind and time magic, Azumi uses his acceleration magic. He run as fast as possible toward the place where he detect the children.

Once the children were in his sight, he is boiled down with anger. There seem to be an eleven years old boy from the dog beast tribe carrying around four year old rabbit beast race girl, and a sight of adult male effortlessly "chasing" them while having a whip in his left hand. Azumi can see that the boy are trying his best to protect the little girl. The sight of the adult male enjoying this with tear coming down from both children make his blood boiled to the very maximum

(you scum!) [Azumi]

"Hahahaha, run, run away both of you or else this whip will hurt you" [Scum A]

Just as the whip about to hit the boy in his head, Azumi leap forward and catch the whip with his right hand. All three of them were startled

"Boy, girl, both of you stay behind me" [Azumi]

The two of them still not fully comprehending what just happen can only nod their head

"You, who are you!" [Scum A]

"Not worth telling my name to a scum like you" [Azumi]

"heeh, cocky i see, well take this" [Scum A]

The man uses a fire mana and sent it to Azumi via the whip

"such futile effort" [Azumi]

Azumi in less than a second cover the whole whip with Ice magic and the ice magic almost engulfed the man left hand but he quickly release the whip. He then proceed to the take out two knives from his item bag

"You really are cocky aren't you, not only that but you have the nerve to disturb my entertainment, now i am piss off" [Scum A]

"Entertainment!" [Azumi]

Azumi clearly piss off by the man word and a vessel can be seen popping out of his head. He quickly give off an intimidating aura while holding his keris in his right hand

The man charge forward toward Azumi and slash his right knife toward Azumi neck but Azumi simply brush it off by kicking the man in his stomach

"purgg..." [Scum A]

the man knocked away a few steps back after receiving the blow right in his stomach,he started vomitting, the reek of alcohol can be smell from his vomitus

He then begin to throw a fire knife right toward Azumi but Azumi simply use a space magic that he uses against Blade and make the knife float midair

The man realizing that he is currently in disadvantages situation begin to analyse his opponent

(A black robe like that of a noble wear, a black hair and eye and keris, don't tell me he is the demon who is always with Princess Alfin)

The man realizing who Azumi is quickly run away while screaming as fast as he could but suddenly he hit a wall of earth right infront of him, he turn around and slowly but surely the demon walk toward him, in frantic effort, he fire off several fire spell in which Azumi simply block it with his left hand imbuded with wind and water mana

"No, No no no no no, please don't kill me!" [Scum A]

"of course not, I will not kill you as of now" [Azumi]

"heeekk...." [Scum A]

"now then please tell me where are the rest of your group or else" [Azumi]

Azumi with such an intimidating aura then stab the man left arm and the man started to experiencing a painful muscle spasm in his whole body, a second later he withdrew the keris and heal the man

"This is the magic i develop with the head of royal research lab, and not only that, i have more way to torture you than you can even imagine, now tell me everything you know" [Azumi]

The magic of poison can be made mainly from three element, earth, flora and fauna element. Azumi having heard the research and lecturer about poison from Mr Fei started to develop advance poison magic. While the usual poison magic are simply poisonous if come in contact with blood causing symptoms like dizziness, vomitting, and weakness, the study of poison make those who learn it develop advanced magic poison where the user can control the dose and how lethal the poison is in affecting the victim body

The man, still in severe pain have his whole face turn pale, he know now that his very life is in the mercy of the demon who hate the act of slavery and oppression toward the non human

"Alright alright i will talk so just spare me, I beg you and please don't kill me" [Scum A]

"I will not kill you though as long as you give the information" [Azumi]

Having heard those word, some ray of hope appear in the man face

Just as the man about to open his mouth, a shout can be heard from a carriage behind

"Sir Azumi, is everything fine?" [Filaurel]

Filaurel shout from infront of the galloping carriage

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