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20 Chs

The Arch-Bishop's Scheme

Capital City of Olympus, Caelus

Caelus directly translated to the word sky but it was known more commonly by the people of Olympus as the Footstool of Zeus, which can be indirectly interpreted as the people saying that the sky is the footstool of their Lord.

The citizen of Caelus was an honorable identity that was not easily attainable for most. The city was less than a quarter the size of Skycloud and it's registered citizens did not pass the five million mark but even though they were few, each and every one of them was a talent. They were blessed with better aptitudes, physiques and higher comprehending ability leading to the belief that those who dwelled at the foot of the Lord would be blessed and this was the reason why many sought to become citizens so that even though they couldn't partake in the blessing, their descendants could.

Caelus was divided into 3 parts namely the Outer City where it was common to see non citizens of Caelus, mostly consisting of merchants or pilgrims, who would traverse the city with apparent awe on their faces. They were given a name plate that would permit them to remain in the city for the time accorded to them after which they would have to leave the city as only Caelus Citizens were given the honor of sleeping at the foot of the Lord.

The Inner City was the next part that did not permit anyone without a Caelus citizenship identity to step within it. It was made up of the more devout followers and family members of high ranking church personnel.

The final part being the Core City which was inhabited by the high figures of the church and other significant figures. It also contained the headquarters of the three divisions as well as the Lord's Temple where the Pope and his archbishops reside.

The Pope could not run the church singlehandedly and as such helpers would be assigned to him to make the work easier. The helpers ranged from the Arch Bishops, Bishops and Templars with the Arch Bishops being the most powerful position beneath the Pope.

There were currently 3 Arch Bishops and numerous Bishops assigned under them with some of them distinguishing themselves and at the forefront of said bishops being the Weaver of Clouds Gabriel. He was the Elite of the Elite, a genius who reached the 6th Heaven before the age of 30. An existence that was looked up to by many and adored by even more.

He was also the personal confidant of the most illustrious Arch Bishop who was most likely to attain the position of Pope should the current Pope fail his ascension, Arch Bishop Daniel but now such a genius had betrayed the faith of the storm and had sought refuge in those heretics even going as far as to attempt to murder the Pope after framing him.

His attempt however was a failure and he was now one of the most wanted men within the realm. This news brought mostly pain and sorrow to most while to others it gave them the hope to rise to the top, for the Pope had decreed that whoever could kill Gabriel would be granted one wish within the Church's power regardless of their status unless they were heretics.

Such a reward was enough to drive men mad. A reward of such magnitude was one that could make those reclusive families, lone cultivators and aspiring believers give their all to accomplish it and so they went. In their numbers they surged out towards the Barrens where he was supposedly last spotted with hopes of killing the Fallen Bishop and attaining Glory.

While the multitudes moved at the whims of the church, within it's walls a bloody purge was underway. Men, women and even children were not spared from the cruel blade of the executioner's axe. Their death cries echoed within the walls of the church but could not spread out. The Inquisitors made rounds within and without the city bringing throngs of people to be judged and executed by the Church for their sins.

The people killed were involved with the opposition faction and should Gabriel have succeeded they would be enjoying riches and glory but with his loss, they to lost their lives and the lives of those they cherished. The killings went on from morning till night then repeated the next day with the same intensity.

Today the blood of the victims had pooled up in the executioner's yard and as the setting sun cast it's waning light on the blood it was as though the blood were set aflame purging the sins within it. The chief executioner saw it as a holy sign and ended the killings for the day to be continued tomorrow.

Within the church grounds was a tall tower where sinners of the church where usually sent to seek penance. In one of the highest rooms, a man sat down on a wooden chair gazing out the sealed window as though he hoped to catch a glimpse of the sun setting.

He looked like a middle aged man who was not a day over 40 but those within the church would know that such thoughts were wrong as the man was over a 100 years old and within this 100 years he had caused one storm after another within the Church nearly breaking the modus operandi acknowledged by the Church.

He created the New Gospel faction. A faction that carried beliefs that were thought to be blasphemous by the opposing True Gospel Faction but holy truth by it's followers. For years the True Gospel Faction had battled with the New Gospel Faction both in the light and the dark but Daniel was always one step ahead until this moment.

"Everything I've done so far has been to achieve one goal but everyday this goal seems to be getting closer to nothing more than a dream. Those old fools only want the Glory of the Lord to remain with Caelus and benefit themselves and their descendants when the Glory of the Lord should be shared to the masses. I wonder how the people of Olympus would feel if they discovered that the reason why Citizens of Caelus were so gifted was because all the Glory meant for the entire realm was focused on only one city.

If this Glory were allowed to be distributed across the realms then everyone would be able to partake in it and would be given an equal chance at greatness. I have not been able to partake in the Glory of the Lord myself when I was young but yet my talent has surpassed those born in here. Imagine what I could have become if I had been allowed to bask in the Lord's Glory but those fools would hear nothing of the sort only concerned about their selfish interests.

If those talents outside could tap into the Glory of the Lord then the church as a whole would be strengthened and we won't be the lowest ranked among the upper 5 churches. Why don't you understand this Great Saints? If the church continues in this direction it would only spell our end."

It seemed as though the middle aged man had gone senile and was talking to himself but a sigh suddenly echoed within the supposedly empty room.

" To think you would be able to sense our presence, you really are not far away from the realm of saints. We understood what you are trying to say so we gave you a chance to change things without interfering. If you could take the position of Pope then it would prove that the system currently used is wrong but if you could not it would mean that the current mode of operation is better and there is no need for a change but it would seem that you were wrong so you can only accept your fate" The voice was filled with power and holiness as though it could not be tainted by the dirt of the mortal world but Daniel's response was out of their expectations. He laughed with so much excitement that even the guards outside were confused

" Haha as long as the Great Saints won't interfere then it's fine by me. Although it had seemed as such before,it wasn't assured and you could change your minds at any moment. I only wanted this word of assurance from your majesties for I wasn't sure you would all truly abstain from interfering but now I know you lot would never go against your word so I can be rest assured now."

Daniel did not sound like someone who was currently losing the fight but sounded like he still had everything within his web. This puzzled the Saints and they could not help but question his courage, to which Daniel let out a chuckle

" Do those old fools really think they could win if I didn't let them? I simply used this move to draw out the spies within my faction and the trump cards of their faction. If not for this I would never know that old Pope had such a powerful incarnation or that Rain could fire more arrows than previously estimated especially her final arrow. Everything they've done so far from using me as the mastermind that planned the Pope's allies destruction so as to draw enmity to me, the battle at Skycloud, Jason's Death and even the bloody purge was all within my calculations. Now I am in the darkness and they in the light with all their cards on the table but none of them..... know what I have hidden in my sleeves. It was a bit unexpected that Owen died though but nothing can be completely accounted for but for all they have done I will pay them back a hundred fold and I will make sure that the Glory of the Lord reaches the ends of the earth. "

A furious tempest raged within the room with his declaration and the Saints felt a chill run down their spines when they realized that everything was still within this man's web of control.

"Sigh, it would seem that those children would lose to this man but it is not their fault. I have never seen a man who is as crazy as he is but yet extremely cunning at the same time." The Saints presence faded away from the room as they realized they had been tricked by this man, leaving the tempest to rage within the room. Even though it was all within his plans, it still pained him to no end as he thought about all the lives sacrificed and the many more that would be lost.

"We do this for a brilliant future for Olympus. I promise you, for as long as the winds within my heart flow unbridled by nothing, the future you sacrificed yourselves for would be achieved. "




The Barrens

A place that was was scorched in the day and was frozen in the night.

A land that reeked of death and decay were nothing living could be found.

The grasses were yellowed out like the sands they walked upon.

The trees as though they had been set aflame, left with only dried up branches and rough bark that would leak no sap if cut.

This was the place where the former Genius of Caelus and the realm of Olympus as a whole spent his days roaming from one place to the other within this dead lands.

" Haha who would have thought that even you Gabriel would have such a day. You always walked among us as if your head were in the clouds but now you have been thrown down from glory and your true colors have been revealed. Now I shall kill you and claim for myself the honor and glory bestowed by His Highness the Pope and Heaven "

A handsome man led a group of people behind him as they confronted the figure before them. Despite all that was being said the figure never spared them a look and was continuously gazing in the direction of Skycloud.

He knew the purpose to which he was sent to Skycloud was not to kill the Pope but give the True Gospel Faction the a falsified sense of victory and draw out their cards but he had higher hopes and hoped to kill the Pope.

Adad was the one person that he noticed set Daniel on edge and he felt if he could kill this person then he would be doing his master a favour but everything went so wrong so fast.

Owen was killed alongside the Mountain Crushing Immortal and Velvet Deck Immortal. The latter 2 were regrettable but Owen's death left him shaken and he couldn't still understand where that cloaked figure came from. He noticed the surprise on the Pope's face when the figure appeared and the figure never appeared again within the fight so he determined he wasn't a man of the Pope but that only made it much more confusing to him.

He let out a worried sigh, hoping his actions and their consequences would not affect his master's plan too much. For now he would carry out the next phase of the plan and this time there would be no mistakes.

'I have to expand the Repentant Corps and draw more power to our sides. This power can be used by master to settle the latter phases, as for this joke of a manhunt.... '

When his thoughts reached this point he shook his head and finally landed his gaze on the people who came for his head. Apart from the young master looking figure and his group before him, he focused his gaze on those people hidden in the shadows of the dying trees.

"Do you all think it would be so easy to take my head?" He did not have the familiar jewelry on him as he had used it all to survive his fight with the Pope and his escape from the city.

His crown was lost somewhere within the fight and his once brilliant robe was stained with dried up blood and dirt but his assassins could sense the power within him had not lessened in anyway. They could not help but reconsider if they were throwing their lives away after all if they died they would not be able to enjoy the wish anyway.

"Do not fall for his tricks. He is already spent, fighting off the constant pursuit of the Church and nursing his wounds. Besides he is a Fallen, so he can't use his powers again. We must not waver before this fallen Bishop."

At this words, the people found strength and locked their gaze on Gabriel's figure as to who would take the reward that would be up for discussion after they killed him.

"I am indeed a bit tired and I do have very serious injuries but there is something you do not seem to understand..." Clouds gathered over the dead field and the unforgiving sun was hidden away casting a dark shadow over the field.

Gabriel looked towards his assailants with contempt and disdain in his eyes. Although they were powerful amongst their peers but before him they were still too weak.

"....even with my injuries it would take nothing from me to end your miserable lives." With this he waved his hands down bringing the fury of heaven upon his attackers.

"How can he still use the divine chants? I thought he was a fallen Bishop?" The question of the young master would never be answered or at least he would never be able to hear the answer as the clouds engulfed him and then darkness was all that was left.




"I can still use my powers cause my Lord has not forsaken me. Why would he do so when it his will I seek to carry out? A Fallen's powers is lost because he has fallen out of Grace with his Lord but I have not so you cannot call me a Fallen. " Davis replied while looking at the clear skies

" Their all dead. Who are you talking to? " A hazy figure appeared besides him and Gabriel looked down to see the mess of decapitated bodies before him. He shook his head stunned that they would die that easily, they most likely thought he would lose his powers but he gave them a fatal surprise.

"Where you able to contact the others?"

"Yes. I've set up a location where we can meet up but what about those within the city?"

"There is nothing I can do for them for now but we had prepared for them to take up new identities should something like this happen so they should be able to hold on till our return if they are careful enough. We should start heading out soon, the night will soon fall and ..... " Gabriel could not complete his sentence as blood spurted out from his mouth and he fell face forward on the ground. Hazy Mist Immortal was silent for a while before letting out a sigh and picking him up.

" You know that you are injured but you still went so far with your powers, couldn't you have just finished it off simply? Aren't you worried that you'll die before you can complete the Master's will? "

Gabriel leaned on the figure as he took in deep breaths but he knew the figure was a female so he pushed himself off her. No matter how bad it got for him he hadn't reached the point of needing to become a burden to a lady but as he tried to stand on his own he nearly fell again before the hazy figure caught him.

He resigned to his fate as he felt the figure hold him more tightly but he was confused as to why he lashed out with such strength towards those fools when he was injured then he came to the realization that he was angry.

"Did you look into who that person was?" He didn't specify who that person was but he didn't need to because she already knew who he was talking about.

"We couldn't find anything not that there was much to work with in the first place." Gabriel thought it over and admitted that apart from the weathered cloak and the smiling mask there was nothing else they could work with.

" We'll find him eventually and I'll make sure he dies a gruesome death. "

Hazy Mist Immortal was silent for a while when she heard this as they trudged through the desert before she stopped suddenly then the haze surrounding her figure disappeared showing a petite figure in an all black body suit and short black hair.

She looked at Gabriel with determination in her dark eyes and before he could question her actions she held his face and kissed him deeply.

He tried to resist initially but there was no strength within him and he subconsciously let go of any resistance and kissed her back.

When their lips separated, she looked at him with glassy eyes and then let out a smile so beautiful that Gabriel was lost in it.

"We'll kill him together and get revenge for my father "

Gabriel was quiet for a while then he came to and he smiled " Yes we will"

Y'all thought she'd strike out at him didn't ya.... hehehehe

<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

See y'all next week (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡

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