
Every Day Life

There was a plump Pink Lady apple clenched in my mouth, waist length copper red hair fell in light tangled from sleeping in yesterdays straightened style, yellow crop top and high waisted stressed out skinny jeans completed the ensemble. Shoving and manipulating my feet into black converse, I threw my school bag over my shoulder, and bolted out the door, not worrying about my two older brothers who take the same bus. I couldn't worry about them. No time.

Rushing in a pathetic run, one that was fast enough to get to the bus stop, but would never win a race, I jumbled down three blocks and finally to the corner by the train tracks where Bryson Lydd was the last one loading up on the bus.

Coming up behind him in embarrassing gasps for air, he looked back at me with a raised sandy blonde eye brow.

"Cutting it close." He said in a quiet low voice.

"Yeah." I chuckled.

I followed behind him as he made his way to an open seat.

"You can sit here if ya want." He said.

"Oh. Ok." I took the seat next to him, feeling a little jittered. This guy had me making rounds around crazy town. Ever since he stole my first kiss in 8th grade, I've thought of him too often. Two years later, my Sophomore year in high school and we act like awkward acquaintances.

His kiss absolutely blew my mind.

I had gone to his house by myself after my friend and I had gone together after school a couple of days ago. None of my friends could hang out and in my naivety thought that I could hang out with my new friend. Whom I thought would by my friend-at-the-time Kirsten's boyfriend. He was devilishly handsome to look at with his golden tan skin, big almond shaped gray hazel eyes, and sandy blonde hair. He was a whole head and shoulder taller than me and built like an ox. He was also fun to talk to, which was the main reason I went to see him. Or so I told myself.

The whole night we talked and laughed, he was bushing my foot with his foot, tickling my pinky finger with his pinky finger, and edging closer to me. I was a clueless fourteen year old who had no idea what he was doing. I had heard of flirting, but I had thought it was blushing, and touching shoulders or something. I had no idea he was flirting with me the whole time. I thought he was acting annoying like a brother or something. The conversation had wound down and I got a text from my mother to head home. I had gotten up and excused myself, but he requested a hug. Another thing that had confused me because my brothers were never cuddly or huggy with me. EVER. So I went to hug him and his arms enveloped me in a tight embrace. I could feel his strong upper body and I pulled away, only to find myself stuck in his embrace. I looked up at him to say, 'What the heck?', but I didn't even get a 'Wha' out. His lips were on mine before I knew it, caressing. My mind felt like it had gone off like a firework. I had not seen this coming AT ALL and I was confused, my mind racing one thousand miles per minute. But his lips felt good. I found myself going up on tiptoes to push against his mouth to let me in and when he opened his mouth, a raging animal went in. I explored his mouth in hungry curiosity and his strong hand slid down my spine, pushing me against him. I jolt out of my stupor when I could feel HIM against me and before I knew it, I was taking wobbly steps home, shaking due to the first kiss I had ever had. Not only that, but Bryson seems to be the only guy of my acquaintance that could kiss me like that. Two years and every boy I had locked lips with, left me empty and wanting.

"Hey." His voice brought me back to the present.

His hand reached over and started playing with strings that hung over my knee from my stressed out jeans.

"Hm?" I asked, watching him play with the strings that might as well have been connected to my heart, making my chest tight and body ache with remembrance of his touch.

"Did you get the English assignment done? It's due today." He asked.

"Yes, I finished it yesterday. How about you?"

"Yeah, I did."

His fingers stopped toying with the strings to out right stroking my knee, causing near heart attack. I closed my eyes, reveling in the little attention he was giving me, knowing very well that it wouldn't turn into anything else. He was my life's tease, showing me what I desperately want, but will never have.

"Hey Bryson!" Bryson's hand jerked away from my knee as Kirsten came sashaying over.

Her hair was in two pig tail braids on either side of her dumb head, her annoying perky smile was all teeth for Bryson. She hated me. Ever since I told her Bryson had kissed me. She believed I did it intentionally. I didn't, but I couldn't blame her for not believing me. It looked bad. No one knew just how innocent and naive I was.

"Uh, hi." He managed to squeeze out before turning his head to face the window. I watched as she kept face, but I could see the pain in her eyes as she waded down the isle and sat at her own bench. As much as I like Bryson, I felt guilty that he was the reason I was no longer friends with Kirsten. But I guess it revealed her true colors. She kept the things she had borrowed from me and deliberately wore my Tommy Hilfigure tank top in front of me to make me upset. I figure it's her way of getting back at me since Bryson wouldn't give her the time of day ever.

"Do you want to sit with her?" Bryson's question got me by surprise.

I blushed as I shook my head. "No."

"Aren't you two friends?"

"We were in 8th grade, but the friendship broke."

"Why is that?"

I blushed. "She got upset at me for talking to a guy she liked." There is no way I am going to bring up our kids again. Last time I mentioned it, he said, "That was a long time ago." I felt shit down and no longer wanted to broach the subject.

Finally the bus reached the high school that was high towards the mountain. Springville Red Devils. Ugh. I know we're supposed to have school pride, but I met too much trash here to really want to represent. The Principal and Vice Principal were bad jokes and people always seemed to have a chip on their shoulder here. Someone save me.

I waved Bryson goodbye as I made my way to my locker which was in the opposite direction. I had PE first, so I stuffed all my stuff inside. Making my way to the breakfast room, I wanted a sausage pizza square and I had a few bucks to pay for it.

"Jan!" I smiled at my bestie Rebecca who was sitting alone at a table and I sat with her. Her dark brown hair fell down in crimped waves, her clear blue eyes now an ocean blue due to her contacts were lined perfectly catlike with black liner, black Vneck tshirt and stressed skinny jeans completed her look. She avoided crop tops. She liked them, but she dared not wear them with her double D's. I didn't blame her either. The idiots for boys we hung out with would definitely try to pull something on her. The tended to leave me alone because I was mean. Straight up. If you were an idiot, you had no chance. Rebs says I am picky, but I couldn't help it. My father had said men would be suave and smart and try to get me to love them first before trying to sleep with me. Well, not in my day. Every dope I met asked me straight up if I wanted to hook up. What a joke. They weren't even smart about it! At least make it tempting. No way am I going to just "bang" a dude outside or in a vehicle. Did I want to? Of course, the desire was there. But I wasn't desperate.

I sighed at the thought of the misery I had for the next three years here. Three more years and then maybe I can get away from the oh-so-hot, but teasing Bryson and the busted up and broken guys with no charisma. Welcome to my life.

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