
Burned to Beta

When Lynexia's world is stolen by flame, her life falls apart. She is alone and an orphan. She is taken from her home and everything she had ever known. She must figure out what future she will live. Will her mate save her from her darkness?

Samantha_Shaffer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

The Visitor

Lynexia awoke sometime later, hearing voices down stairs. She got up and walked out of her bedroom. Then she walked down the stairs and cracked the door open, just a little. She could finally hear the voices more clearly. "I'm sorry, Alrik, Lynexia has not come down. I don't think this is a good time to visit." Melania said. "Mel, I need to see her." Alrik protested. "I understand what you are feeling but you cannot rush her feelings. You constantly around will unnerve her. She is already struggling with the new life she has been dealt." Rydell responded, trying to calm the young man. "I can't just walk away and wonder how she is doing. She is me.." "Stop, do not talk about that right now. If she can hear us, this news would scare her more. Now is not the time to add that into her world. Give her some time to settle. You can come back another time. We will let you know when it would be a good time. I promise to keep you up to date on her condition. Be patient." Melania urged. Lynexia heard a huff, stomping and the door slam.

She quietly closed the door and went to sit on her couch. 'Why was Alrik so upset about not seeing her? Why was he acting so overprotect.. Wait… could he believe that they had some sort of connection like a… no, he couldn't be her mate. Wolfless wolves were not allowed mates.' Lynexia shook her head and pushed the thoughts out of her mind. She stood, grabbed the bottle she had left there earlier and returned it to the refrigerator. She decided she had to eat something. She looked in the fridge but nothing looked good. Food didn't seem appealing right now. So she just grabbed the bread, peanut butter and jelly. She made a sandwich and sat at the table to eat. When she finished the whole sandwich, she cleaned up the kitchen. Lynexia stood in the middle of the multipurpose room thinking. Should she go back to bed, go talk to someone, she kind of wanted to take a walk but didn't want company. Finally, she decided to explore the study that Rydell and Melania had provided for her.

The shelf to the right of the door was filled with books of all subjects. There were reference books, fantasy books, science fiction books, and even romance books. She looked at the titles and noticed that some of the authors were unfamiliar to her. She picked out one of those books and looked at the publisher and saw that it was printed here in this village. There were authors right here in this village, this made her happy. She had always liked to write little stories, nothing big, just stories that she used to tell the pups back home. She took the book and sat at the desk and started reading. The story was about a living legend of the Lupe Guroux. She read the book from cover to cover. She made a note of the author and wanted to. At some point, meet the author and talk to her. Lynexia put the book back on the shelf and searched for more by the same person.

By the time the sun started to sink below the horizon, Lynexia had read every book by that author that was on the shelf. Her stomach started to growl, so she decided she had to have a little dinner. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and poured in some cereal and milk. She sat down at the table and started to eat. A knock at the door pulled the young woman from her meal. Lynexia got up and walked through the living room and down the stairs to the door. She opened it to find Melania standing there. "Hey, Lynexia, how are you feeling today?" she asked. "I am alright." Lynexia replied. "Alpha Xavier has requested that we join him and Luna Ginger for dinner." Melania announced. Lynexia's face fell. SHe didn't want to be around anyone but she also could not refuse an invitation from the Alpha. "Alright, I will change." Lynexia sighed. "I know but being around people will start to help." Melania addressed Lynexia's trepidation. "I just wish it could be more on my terms." the young woman complained. "If it was up to you, you would never leave this apartment." Melania pointed out. "I would, someday." Lynexia countered. "Yeah? When?" Melania asked. The way she asked reminded Lynexia of her mother. "When I am ready. I considered a walk but still didn't want anyone to go with me. So I didn't because you asked me not to go off alone." she responded. "Thank you for respecting my request. NOw, get ready because we are supposed to be over to the Alpha house in 5 minutes." Melania said. Lynexia nodded and closed the door.

Lynexia walked up the stairs and went to the bedroom. For the first time she opened her closet. She looked through the clothes and tried to pick out what she wanted to wear. She was impressed with the selection. She picked out a pair of black pants and a black shirt and a pair of converse sneakers. She went to the bathroom to get ready. A few minutes later, Lynexia left her apartment and met her foster parents in the living room downstairs. The pair were sitting on the couch waiting for her. Lynexia walked in and cleared her throat. The couple looked over to see the young woman. "Are you ready?" Rydell asked. Lynexia just shrugged her shoulders. "Ready as she will ever be." Melania chuckled. The couple got up and led Lynexia from the house. They walked down the street to the Alpha house.

"So, Lynexia, what did you do to fill your time today?" Melania asked. "I spent most of the day sleeping. Then I woke up and went to the kitchen and made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Then I went to the study and looked through the bookcases. I read a few books for the rest of the day." Lynexia responded. Melania was surprised at such a long explanation. That was more words than the young woman had since she arrived. They arrived at the Alpha house. They ascended the stairs and knocked on the door. Before Rydell could knock, Alrik opened the door. He smiled at Lynexia and welcomed the group in, not really paying his brother and sister-in-law any attention. Rydell and Melania led the way in with Lynexia coming in behind with her head down. Rydell grabbed Alirik's arm and whispered in his ear, "be a little more subtle, bro. You are going to scare her." with a growl. "I am just opening a door." Alirik tried to sound innocent. Rydell let him go and the group made their way into the living room. Rydell and Melania sat on the couch while Lynexia sat in the chair across from them. Alirik stood in the corner, looking like a lost puppy. He was not used to the feelings he was having nor having to hide his feelings.

Xander entered the living room. He looked at the group and smiled. He sat in the chair next to Lynexia. "I'm glad you came, Lynexia." he said. SHe gave a small smile in response then looked back into her lap. He didn't push her for more, and looked at his son and daughter-in-law. "How are you two this evening?" he asked. "I am doing fine." Rydell responded. "I am fine. We are allowing Lynexia to settle in. She spent her day in her apartment. Nothing else is happening." Melania explained. "No other news?" Xander questioned. "Dad, why do you always have to ask about pups everytime we come over?" Rydell asked. "I want grandbabies and if I don't ask your mother will. At Least I can ask once and let her know so she doesn't ask incessantly all night about it." Xander smiled. "It's alright, honey. We have been married for three years. I am sure they expected pups in the first year."Melania soothed her husband, then turned to Xander, " We are not in any rush and now with Lynexia we have many things to take care of. I think now is the time to focus on helping her." she added. Xander nodded. At that moment, Ginger came in from the dinning room to the left of the couch. "Dinner is ready." she smiled. The group stood and followed her into the dining room.