
Reincarnating with a Gacha System?

Awakening to the feel of grass and the sound of water in close to his location, a teenage boy looking like he was around 17 or 18 slowly got to his feet. In his surroundings were rows of trees that went into the distance while surprisingly a waterfall was close to him.

"What the hell... what is going on here???" Confused as to why he had awoken in what seemed like a forest he felt his throat become dry.

"I need some water..." Without thinking much the boy, also known as Kam, walked over to the pool of water that was filled from the waterfall and got onto his knees before cupping his hands and drinking the water from them.

After a few successful gulps of water Kam finally sighed and looked at the water before him.

"Did I always look like this? No, I should be asking why my hair is white and why do I look more handsome ? Is this the difference hair color makes?" Kam currently looked almost the same as he did before he died. Though his hair color was changed that wasn't the only difference.

His eyes have changed from the once brown color to a red color with white irises. His body was fairly built. Though it would need work in order to have the toned and muscular figure girls would fight over, he has a great starting point for that. The biggest difference was how he looked. His body's age is around 18 but his age when he had died had been 17. His current look seems more mature than in his previous life, though by a small margin.

With a sigh, Kam took a second to relax and think of the current events. "So I died... and now I am alive again with a new body." Moving his right hand to his heart he felt it beat inside of his chest.

"But... Anna is nowhere to be seen..." as a few tears escaped his eyes he quickly wiped them with the sleeve of his shirt before taking some simple deep breaths.

"No! Maybe it's better this way. Anna is at a better place in the afterlife, Or maybe she is still alive back home!"

Cheering himself up with his assumptions of the possible fate of Anna he looked around trying to figure out what to do.









[Initialization Complete]

"Is this one of those web novels where someone gets reincarnated and is given a system by one of the gods of the universe?"

An exciting look could be seen on his face as he jumps around with joy while thanking whoever gave him the system.

"Is it going to be a hero system where I must gather a team to defeat the demon king? Or maybe a system helps me become a god! Or it might just help me become a cultivator like in one of those web novels!!!"

[Congratulations Host]

"Finally!" Ok, let's see what I get." Kameron said as he stood still beside the pool of water. He was trying his best to keep his energy down but he was unable to stop his hands from sweating a little.

[The Kingdom's Gacha System has been activated]

(Ahem, Greetings New Host!) An energetic voice was heard in his mind. As he looked around to find the source of the voice he saw a transparent text box pop up before his eyes. In this text box were the words he just heard now.

(Host! Can I ask you what you would like to be called within this world?)

"Well... my name is Kameron but most people call me Kam. Um, what should I call you?"

(You can call me whatever you like, give me a name if you want, or call me other things like, System, Sister, RNG GOD, whatever!)

"A-Alright then..." A bit shocked with why a system would even be called RNG GOD he simply thought of a name to give it.

The voice sounds like a girl around his own age so many things can work. For now, I will call her Ina.

"For now, I will call you Ina. Is that fine?" He asked wondering if the system really even cared about a name in the first place.

(Ina... I love it! Call me Ina from now on peas- I mean Kameron.)

Kameron just looked at the text box. He is pretty sure the system or rather Ina, used the word peasant but as it corrected itself/herself the text in the box didn't. There half of the word peasant was seen as clearly as the white clouds in the vast blue sky. Deciding to just ignore it he shook his head and asked Ina a few questions.

"So Ina, what does the system do? What is it for?"

(Finally! I shall give you the knowledge you seek hehe)

(This system is for helping you rule your own kingdom. The way you rule the kingdom is entirely up to you. It can be to gain the most amount of wealth, World Domination, or simply building a place where people can be whatever they want. It is entirely your choice!)

(This system helps you do it by giving you things in the form of those gacha games you played in your past life. None of this is for free though, you have to complete quests and gain tickets to use this feature.)

"Ohh... I see now... anything else?" Though he was a bit sad to know the system was truly a gacha system he knows that if he is lucky enough he could get some very strong things to help him in the future. What he doesn't understand though is how a gacha system is helpful for establishing a kingdom.

(Since this is the first time the user is operating the system you have been given 10 UR(Ultra Rare) tickets to commemorate this event! Before you use them though feel free to check your status and then the system itself. I will explain more after.)

"Thank you Ina!" Smiling Kam reached out his hand as a gentle breeze swept past his palm. "Status"


Name: Kameron

Age: 17

Race: Nero

Class / Rank: Unchosen Class / Rank 0

Level: 1

Exp: 0/100

Health: 100/100


Str: 10

Agi: 10

End: 10

Int: 10




"Not the worst outcome at least, anyways let's see how to do the ticket pull." After figuring out how to close the status window Kameron quickly found how to open the system window.


[Ticket Gacha]






After choosing to go to the ticket gacha since he had just seen the status window a transparent wheel appeared before his eyes. It looked to be about the size of his body and on the reward wheel, only question marks filled the hundred of quickly rotating screens.

"Well then, Let's see if I am lucky..."

[Ticket Gacha]

Current tickets: Normal - 0, UR - 10

Spin x1, Spin x10


Hoping for a good outcome Kameron spun all 10 tickets at the same time. The wheel lit up with rainbow flames as it spun and after a few seconds rainbow orbs of fire the size of basketballs popped out of the machine and floated at eye level with Kameron.

(The rewards orbs are only seen by you and can only be interacted with by you while they are in that state. After revealing people will be able to interact with any physical items obtained so be careful about where you use them. Also, the reward orb location is linked to your eyesight, if you want to move them just turn your head and they will move into your line of sight.)

"I understand, thank you for the information Ina."

(It is my duty to assist you when needed Kameron)

As he smiled to himself Kameron sighed and turned his head to the open area of grass beside him. He clearly wouldn't open his rewards over the water. What if his reward fell in the water and was taken downstream? Wouldn't that be tragic?

Hoping for luck similar to those web novel characters he stretched his hand out to the first orb in line on his left. Just as his hand touched the rainbow colored orb, it slowly started to crack and shine brightly.

[Congratulations, The Host has earned....]

AN: My goal is to have fun with this story and while thinking of a few things to give the character and even in the future what species of people will reside in his kingdom I thought of something. Why not let readers give ideas also? I have a good idea of what items and abilities I want to give Kameron next chapter but what kind of item or ability would you guys want him to have? I will dedicate 1 item and/or 1 Ability to the readers. The most liked comment will have their suggestion added to the story. If other readers like this idea we can do this with future ticket pulls also. I don't mind making a story with everyone, it might be more fun that way.

(AN: Thank you to those giving my story a read, Next chapter will be up in the next few hours.)

(Join the discord! https://discord.gg/NfJGxrzW)

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