

THE BULLIES THE BULLIED AND THE SPECTATORS In a school where social status is important than anything, stating your importance and visibility. Ariana has a tough time fitting in and so becomes one of the outcasts. And even the high and mighty have conflicting circumstances that bring them crumbling down. Will they be able to overcome or will their conflictions overpower their will to find purpose? ______________________ We seem as though we're normal, happy and nothing could possibly be wrong, people look up to us. We walk in pride and esteem to bury the shame beneath our gleaming eyes and smiles. We speak and act gracefully to hide the pain. We laugh to hide the sadness that has engulfed us. "I wish I could be like them." They'd say or whisper. Little do they know, we're just like them. We're not happy, satisfied, blessed or fortunate rather we are all BROKEN and that somehow we wished to live just like them. A sneak peak to BROKEN. _________________

vee_tori · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs


♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥CHAPTER 10♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥



Melanie asked me to step out of the car into Ariana's house, I rebuffed the offer and told them my house wasn't so far away from hers. Ariana looked shocked, her brown eyes widened a bit but she didn't say a word.

Melanie bid me goodbye but Ariana gave me a faint smile. I couldn't help but wonder what went on in her mind. She acted strange, but then who knows what those girls said to her to make her feel so bitter that she refused to say a word not even to Melanie.



Hey guys! This is Ariana's pov of chapter nine.


I knew what I did was wrong and awkward at the same time, walking away like that... I had no idea why but I couldn't trust that he was helping me without anything attached to it, I was only used to Cole and Melanie doing that for me.

A part of me felt so bad for ignoring him like that, I badly wanted to apologize but I was so scared of him ignoring me like I did to him. I didn't tell Melanie about how I felt she was already so upset with me for ignoring him like that. I was upset with myself too because I knew I shouldn't have.

I kept thinking about what I did earlier, I felt stupid. I could barely pay attention in class, I hated being an overthinker. I thought about everything and every action I make a thousand times before deciding on whether I did the right thing or not. In the end, at times I end up indecisive.

I didn't see Carver until the last class, he barely paid attention too, I found myself continuously staring at him amidst the tantrums the annoying girls in class threw at him. They kept drooling and gawking at him, stupids.

I saw as he constantly drifted away into his thoughts and stared round the class, and especially at the door. His eyes darted to mine but he turned away, it was like a very quick glance and it made me feel like he didn't want to see my face at all. I felt even more awful.

School was over, my sisters had things to do and asked me to wait but I didn't feel like waiting for them. My only option, Melanie was occupied with piano lessons from her instructor. I felt dizzy and nauseous so I decided to go home taking the short cut to my house.

I plugged my ears listening to Ed Sheeran's Bad Habits and taking my breathing exercises to calm my anxiety, the evening felt calm as the leaves of the trees danced harmoniously to the music of the wind. It was beautiful, a warm smile came up my lips.

Well, a day cannot go by without something unfortunate happening to little O'l Ariana isn't it? Everything was starting to get better until a hand gripped my shoulder. I removed my ear phones and spun around to see Selena and clique again. I sighed, upset I was so tired of them acting like they owned the world, there was nothing more upsetting than that to me.

All except Joyce smiled like they found a lost penny that was precious to them.

"We told you we weren't done with you little wench." Brianna smirked.

"What do you guys want now?" I asked in a low tone.

"These days you've gotten so bold, how many times do we have to remind you not speak when we're talking?" Palome rolled her eyes.

It was true, I got bolder all of a sudden months before all this happened I'd quiver and beg till they left me alone but this time I couldn't stand it anymore. No matter how many times I begged they'd do it again and again. It was the fear they enjoyed seeing, my recent adamance to cave in to their mistreatments angered them even more.

"I'm here to talk to you." Selena spoke. "We'll deal with you some other time." She added.


"You've sure grown huge wings Ariana." Brianna said, miffed by my response.

"No fighting." Selena spoke calmly. It was the first time, I heard her speak so calmly.

"That guy from yesterday, who is he to you?"

"What?" I looked confused.

"The dude who played hero yesterday and dared me, dark hair, green eyed, tall dude. Don't make raise my voice any louder than this." She looked agitated.

"Carver. Right, yesterday was the first time I ever saw him." I replied.

"To think that someone as cute as that would think about helping you out, that's insanely weird." Palome said.

"Maybe he's not like you all, not a jerk, senseless and inconsiderate too."

"Don't forget your place, he just pitied you, you sure do seem like a charity case." Selena slurred.

"Even your sisters don't interfere and you believe he's a good person, trying to help you?" She added.

"If people like Melanie and Cole exist and help me fight you then I don't see why. You guys are obviously sick in the head and you definitely know it too because it's true. If you like him so much go meet him and stop trying to make a fuss." I retorted.

"It seems you need to be taught the same lesson over and over again so it can stick to your head properly." Selena moved her head to the side as a signal to the girls. Brianna took a few steps towards me and yanked my hair pushing me hard against the wall of the corner she dragged me into, the girls followed too.

"Forgotten your place, isn't it?" Selena hissed.

"Who, I mean who on earth would actually truly like you? Do you even look at yourself in the mirror. Cole doesn't like you, like the new dude, he thinks you're a pitiful defenseless being. Melanie's only getting bullied because she chose to be your friend and she doesn't know that. Not that she's as good as us after all she is a weakling too. She's only your friend because she feels both of you are suffering the same condition. If we tell her why she's getting bullied, do you think she'd stick with you? I mean the girl's actually prettier than you, she's better than you. If your own sisters can abandon you, how about someone who pretends to be your friend." Britney laughed shortly at my dismay.

They spoke like the voice in my head that helped me reason at times, they sounded like them or is it just their words repeating itself in another way. Their words made me insecure, I couldn't help but think they were true. I couldn't help but question if I was good enough or of I was even worthy of anyone.


We shall conclude next chapter. Till then, I bid You farewell.