
Bringing Along a Dating System

Thank you for choosing Heart ♥ Capture System~ to go along with you on your journey! Please press [Start] to continue... ----- This is the story of how Han Ganxing goes from a shy boy who has no experience in love to a casanova who captures hearts in the blink of an eye.

SauceMaster64 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


"Greenleaf Sword Style?"

Sounds of pages flipping echoed through the wide wooden room. The bed that Han Ganxing laid on creaked as he moved his position a little.

"...Sounds lame."

The complicated scriptures and figures on the later pages of the book were ones that Han Ganxing could not comprehend, so he gave up on peeking. He went back to the very first page.

"Greenleaf Sword Style. The sword style utilizes a set of moves that puts emphasis on force and posture, such that even a single leaf can be deadly. Hmm, kind of cliché but whatever."

Time passed, and his eyes grew tired of reading. Each individual word he could understand, but put together, he couldn't really make sense of even after trying his hardest. For now, he had a superficial understanding of what to do.

Han Ganxing crossed his legs and put his hands together. Ever since his birthday, he had always felt strange particles coming in contact with his skin, but he didn't know what they were until now.

"Turns out they were Worldly Energy... or as I like to call it, qi. Yeah, let's call it qi."

As the novels he had read referred to the energy as qi, he figured, why not take the same term so as to not confuse himself?

"Cultivation is easier than I thought. I can already sense the energy, what's next? Let's see..."

While trying to recall what the next step was, a familiar beep rang through his head.

"The system? What does it want while I'm cultivating?"

Han Ganxing opened the interface. A new button was available, a circle with the label "Self" in the center. It was located beside the gear icon at the top sidebar.

He tapped it and a menu popped up.


Username: Player#1

Current Name: Han Ganxing

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Cultivation Level: N/A

(Tap to adjust values...)


"Tap to adjust values? What does that mean?"

He scanned through the interface one more time, and the "Player#1" username ticked him off. He wanted to, no, he needed to change that username. Otherwise, it would haunt him forever.

Feeling a bit cautious, he tapped on the username. In an instant, a new menu popped up.

"Enter username: _"

"Ooh, I can change this stupid default username! Let's see, uh... HeartCapturer?"

"Enter username: HeartCapturer_"

Seeing the name HeartCapturer appear on the interface, Han Ganxing cringed.

"N, nevermind about HeartCapturer. I'm just gonna use my gamertag from my previous life, SauceMeister64."

"Enter username: SauceMeister64_"

Satisfied, he tapped OK and closed the pop-up. Now, instead of Player#1, what was written beside username was SauceMeister64.

"Since I was able to change the username, how about the other info?"

He tapped on the "Current Name" value.

"Error: You cannot change your current name."

"Okay... that makes sense."

Han Ganxing shrugged. His name was given to him by his parents, and wasn't something that could easily be changed. He looked at the next value.

"Er, I don't wanna change gender... but I'll still try."

He tapped on his gender.

"Error: You cannot change gender while playing."

Han Ganxing pursed his lips. If he couldn't change these two, then he probably wouldn't be able to do so with the other ones either. Still, it didn't hurt to try.

Even though he was pessimistic about it, he still tapped on the next value, age.

Surprisingly, it wasn't an error message that greeted him. This time, it was a prompt.

"Would you like to change: Age?"

Excited, Han Ganxing agreed. Of course, the next screen was quick to destroy those hopes.

"Buy Age Changer for: 2,500 AP? (95% off)"

"No, of course not!" The disappointed Han Ganxing closed the window. Even then, he still tapped the next value.

"Would you like to change: Cultivation Level?"

"Ohohoho..." His eyes sparkled. How overpowered would it be if he could max it right then and there!

However, he expected it to have a cost like the Age Changer. "I'm just gonna see how much it is..."

"Buy Cultivation Level Adjustment Bar for: 50,000 AP? (95% off)"

"Fi- fifty thousand?!" The cost dumbfounded Han Ganxing. "Let's see, if I do the daily missions for 10 AP a day, I would need to do it for 5,000 days straight. That's... about 14 years. Every single day."

"It's 95% off, right? That means at normal price, it costs... a million affection points."

Han Ganxing crashed onto his bed, burying his face in his pillow. It wasn't that comfortable...

"Welp, forget it. This is a cheat tool anyway, it's reasonable to have this sky-high price."

With a sigh, he exited the settings. He was back at the main menu, where all of the buttons could be seen.

The [Shop] was still flashing as he hadn't redeemed the freebie yet.

"...Wait, freebie?"

Hurriedly, he went back to his settings page and tapped on Cultivation Level.

"Buy Cultivation Level Adjustment Bar for: 50,000 AP?"


Han Ganxing was chewing his fingers, his nervousness shooting through the sky. If this worked, then...


An image appeared in his mind. It was of him levitating in the sky. With a single soft flick of his hand, a mountain was obliterated into smithereens.

Just thinking about it made his heart race! It made his heart become an F1!

"Error: You do not have enough AP. Redeem as freebie?"


This was it!

"Y, yes! YES!"

Hope you don't mind shameless self promotion as SauceMeister64 lol

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