

Written by Sir Humayun Ahmed, one of my favorite wonderful writers. I am only translating his writing here.Misir Ali is a popular character created by Sir Humayun Ahmed. Misir Ali's character in Bangladesh has captured everyone's attention. So I'm translating a story from the Misir Ali series into the language of the author. I hope you like it. please enjoy it.

Sadichan · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 1 Introduction( 1)

The role is bigger than the supernatural story.

The tree is hundreds of feet tall and its stalks are bigger than that. And so it will be in this story. I will start with a long introduction. I request the readers to read the introduction. It is needed.

My cousin's wedding. Although the only son of the parents is not a prince, he is quite handsome. He Passed MA. His activities are limited to overseeing his father's business and doing group theatre.

If the parents are the only son, then there are countless girls for marriage. they don't like anyone from those girls. Some are taller, some are shorter, some are fairer, some talk more, and some are seen talking less. Lots of trouble.

In the end, the one who was liked by my cousin, the girl studied B A in Dhaka Eden College. The girl has no parents. Mother is remarried somewhere else. The girl grew up in her great uncle's house. He is paying the expenses of the girl's marriage.

Neither my uncle nor my aunt could take this marriage easily. The girl who does not have parents, the mother remarried, as a bride she is not so much. Besides, she is not very beautiful. Fairly kind look. My cousin still knows why he only saw this girl once and said _ he will not marry anyone but this girl. What happened if the girl did not have a father? Does everyone's father live forever? The mother of the girl is remarried, what is the problem? She became a widow at a young age, she should get married. It is not that Widow marriage is forbidden in the country.

Uncle and aunt agreed in the end but did not agree very happily, because they also disliked the girl's great uncle. The man is the ultimate rude. It makes sense to move the catch. cheap type.

The date of marriage has been fixed.

One Tuesday morning we set off in a microbus and a white Toyota. The destination is a town 90 miles from Dhaka. I don't mean the name of the town. You don't need to know that name for the story.

33 bridesmaids. Most of them are young generation. The noise is being finalized. Breakdance is taking place inside this microbus, this cracker is exploding. Something happened to the gearbox of the microbus when it came to the empty road. Repeatedly the bus stops. Everyone has to push the bus down. The bridegroom's enthusiasm seemed to increase. Only my uncle became impossibly serious. He whispered to me, "This is ominous. Very unlucky. I saw an empty jug while leaving, then I thought something would happen. Gearbox is gone, now you will see the wheel will be punctured. Must be."

Even so. The wind blew the wheels while crossing a culvert. Uncle said, "What, did you see? Do you believe me now? Now sit and suck your fingers."

It took a long time to install a separate wheel. I didn't see anyone else being upset except uncle.

The enthusiasm of the bridegroom seems to have increased. Screaming and shouting. Someone is trying to sing. Only after reaching the wedding house did everyone lose a little bit of enthusiasm.


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