

way from obscurity to royal acclaim as the King’s pet, beloved by all! As a talented young court fool with dreams of fame, scrabble with other young jesters to secure prestigious positions in the courts of Brenton's nobility. In a royal court humming with intrigue, keep them smiling as spies, assassins, blackmailers, ambitious nobles and a reluctant Heir wait in the wings.

HUGUEL_0568 · Fantasi
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440 Chs


You stay with her for quite some time, using your cleverness to get her laughing with gentle, murmured jests. She squeezes your hand through the bars.

"I've none other in my life like you, Bandochel," she says, eyes wet. "You'll work to help me, won't you?"

You squeeze her hand back. "All I can do, I will do."

As you depart the gaol you console yourself that it was no lie. All that you can do for her—without risking the station that you've worked your entire life to attain—is provide a little cheer during this dark time in her life. It shakes you deeply to think how quickly her fortunes changed. A chill rushes through you as you contemplate just how fragile your own position must be. [-Surety] [+Melancholy]

"It's beyond my power to help, in any event," you say aloud to Brute at your side. The beast eeps agreement, or perhaps just eeps for reasons of its own. It's agonizing to walk away thus from the woman you love, but you are resigned that there is no rational alternative. [+Phlegm]
