
Sike I lied

After waking up from the fight with my dad I checked my clock seeing as it was almost right I decided to get the training room and house ready for guests. Which means a whole lot of cleaning I start with the training room as that is where I currently am it's also the messiest place right now. When you take into account the blood on the floor and walls. Fights between my dad and I can get violent. Wait where is my dad anyway? He'll be back eventually.

As im cleaning, I check my phone again to see who's coming and what I should train them in because while I could just train them all in the same things bet some people are better suited for different things. Nonetheless, the people coming to my house are Sero, sato, kirashima, and ojiro. I can work with this sero and ojiro will be learning paper arts best they can in a week. And kirashima and Sato will be doing the opposite in iron body. I get out the torture devices I mean the training equipment that will be needed.

Now that im thinking about it can they even learn the six powers? I know I can but am I an exception to the rules of this world? Or can everyone learn them? Honestly, even if everyone could I wouldn't even tell them as I am selfish and don't care enough. I'm just a hero for fun. I mean really what else is there to do in this world? Vigilante is just an unpaid hero. And being a villain sounds lame. But then again someone doesn't need the heart of a true hero to become one. It's like I always say a good hero can beat the villain but a great hero focuses more on saving the civilians around them. I'm aiming to be good, not great.

So let's get them out im gonna need a baseball launcher and a metal pipe. Yeah, that should be enough. Baseball launcher to dodge and the pipe to hit them with. After I have all the equipment out and cleaned I take a shower and make myself breakfast. Almost as soon as im done eating I hear a knock at my door.

After letting everyone in I show them to the living room and let them sit down as I hand them a clipboard. Today's exercises will be mostly to train your reflexes and durability. After that, I will be able to see exactly where you guys are and what you need to be better at. And what you just signed was a contract saying you won't sue me for all the injuries you will get while here.

After starting everyone out I decide to have them all learn iron body at its absolute fundamentals cause they won't be able to learn it to say but they can learn how to train it on their own. so after we are done I give them a training manual on how to learn it. And as they are heading out I give shoji a manual on finger pistol. Which starts with you stabbing your finger into sand and then things of various durability until you can stab somebody with your finger.

After that, I count my one good deed of the year and shoo them out of my house. Once they are gone I wait for my dad to show up but after a while, I don't think it's happening so I ask my butler to make me something for dinner before I go for a jog. There is nothing compared to seeing a beautiful sunset. Once I finish my twenty-mile jog I head home eat my dinner an go to sleep.

At 9:00 am I am awoken by the sound of birds chirping at my window and the morning sun hitting my face. It's a very comfortable feeling and im happy to experience it. I was up and head downstairs once at the bottom I see my father sitting and reading the newspaper. "Kamina my darling boy you finally woke up I thought you might sleep all day. But again you've never been someone to waste the day away.

So what are you up to today." "Nothing much dad I actually wanted to hang out with you." Oh is that right and here was thinking that you didn't wanna hang out with your old man. Your sure you're not too cool to be seen around town with me? he asked. How could I be too cool for you your the coolest person I know I mean look at you you were me when I grow up and no one could be cooler than that. You know what son I believe you wanna see a movie I hear that made one about a cocaine bear. I don't know what it is but I wanna see if I could beat it in a fight. Sure dad that sounds fun.

This shit ain't dropped deal with it

Lor_D_Twigocreators' thoughts
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