
New Life - 001

Calmly watering the beautiful plants in her private greenhouse, her creaking, old legs start to give out into her growing dizziness. Vi Lin, who is dying, had a peaceful and successful life and is, or was, 80 years of age.

She expected herself to go any day since she had contracted a deadly disease, but she doesn't know if she will be taken note of as being gone; she was already in a secluded environment. Regardless, she was very satisfied with her life of selling medicinal plants to the sick and unfortunately.

Her sorrow-filled chest slowed to a snail's pace before stopping, her warm and creased skin becoming ever-so cold. Tears of bitter sadness were shed by her fellow flowers which had blossomed beside her, expressing how they felt at her neared end. To others, it was a stillness, but to the flowers, butterflies, bees, and bugs, it was the passing of life from one unto another.

In amidst of it all, a single flower shone, Vi Lin's prized Rose. This flower had lived for fifty years and still living, more than she ever expected. Though, she knew it was a real flower and had once caught a terrible disease which ended up with her nursing it back to health for weeks.

As if there was a sudden breeze, the Rose had drifted from its pot, like it no longer had roots, and landed into her arms which had clutched at her chest. Slowly, the glowing flower had turned into a golden, shiny rose. Hints of blue and red shown like swirling emotions inside its delicate petals.

A voice from the softest clouds had appeared into the soul of Vi Lin and her body rotting impatiently slowly as her mind also faded, "As a botanist, your value of flowers has been appreciated by a Golden Rose. A blessing has been bestowed upon thee as a form of thanks, another form of life will be given, but this time, free from burdens."

The voice continued, "The <G. R. (Golden Rose) Garden> and <G. R. System> has been given to help set a stable life for you, enjoy it well since you are the first... <Godly Botanist>."

. . . . .

Vi Lin wakes upon a soft bed of grass and endless rolling clouds above. Confusion sweeps upon her, "I thought I had died...?"

Looking down, she notices a pendant with the words "Golden Rose" imprinted on it. Her body which was previously delicate and wrinkled is now completely smooth, having her come to a conclusion that some people who read interesting Asian light-novels would come to in this situation; "Am I in another world?"

As if to be an answer to her question, a large amount of memories wash over her, flooding her with answers and questions. The original owner of the body she's in also had the exact same name as her and similar interests, but this one had failed and was pressured enough that she had left her family household a disgrace.

"Golden Rose System activated, to proceed to the tutorial, please continue and open the <Menu>," said a random voice.

"There's a <Menu>...?" Vi Lin asked. When she said the word, a screen was prompted in front of her.


Name: Vi Lin

Oxygen: 500

Plants Owned: 0


After she had seen this screen, Vi Lin knew she had a long life ahead of her.

Heyo! This is an original story that I made and it may have slow updates. Questions, comments, and concerns are welcome to be heard. I would like to thank each and every one of you for reading my story! This chapter was only short because it was important to the story; other chapters in this novel will be similar. If you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me about it. After all, let's keep calm and take it slooow~!

CasualSlothcreators' thoughts
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