
born with a hand full of jokers

Realistic Fiction
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What is born with a hand full of jokers

Baca novel born with a hand full of jokers yang ditulis oleh penulis James_Starr_8024 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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" Please, May I know what the name is? you look 'stressed and pale'... and I would like to get you something to eat. " No! I objected to his request... &quot, oh really....no one ever rejected my offer...and what did they call you?.... I mean , your name ? " I am Rosemary but you can call me 'Rosie'... i said flatly Rosie is the third born of her mother. she got three elderly ones and three younger ones. she from a polygamous home. her mother was so loved by her father before death took her father. Her eldest siblings marriages is not a place called home because their homes is full of acrimony and that made her so scared of marriage. she has seen and heard of broken homes and even witnessed some occurrences. with the death of her father and acrimonious home of her eldest siblings with the biggest mistake made by her eldest brother made her to be pressured by her mum to get married to a wealthy man so that the standard of living in the home would be elevated. Rosie is a virgin that has never been touched by any man. she is so scared of marriage and even delving into relationships. but with the happenings at her family home, made her to disguised herself at school and don't even look like a virgin even if you are told. she is one of the most beautiful young lady in her family. she have a brief bow legs and some distinct features about her that made guys to approach her. people thought she was philandry because of different guys tripping into her school hostel to get to know her but with this act, she was in search of a heart called home while keeping her virtue. sex before marriage is out of her style. until she met this young charming looking dark guy named JERRY! who won her heart with just a helping heart and who was also in search of a peaceful home to build up with the right woman. follow me and see how destiny brought them together!

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Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Min's system, System #151044, is tired of watching him get girls and make dumb decisions yet still manage to defeat the villain. If only he was the villain, there's no way Min would win. His wish was granted. He now upgraded from a bodyless helper system to the evil villain, Ronin Dreadborne! ----------------------------- After getting murdered and reincarnating as a system inside a Hero Transmigrating Machine, System #151044 spent thousands of years wondering why he had such a cruel fate to be a system for incompetent transmigrators like this. But the worst is Min Cheng............ Because Min Cheng spends all his Hero points on girls instead of leveling up! And he is the dumbest transmigrators he ever met! But through a rogue system that gave them a code to free themselves from their roles as a system, System #151044 was able to transform into Min Cheng's enemy on the next world, Ronin Dreadborne, in a mage fantasy world! [Fate itself is evil. The only true enemy is fate, and I have defeated it.] [And I shall teach you how to defeat it too. I will be giving you the gift of freedom. ] [Be the master of your fate like you were always meant to be. And conquer those who try to stand in your way.] That is exactly what he did as Ronin, and to defeat an evil fate, you have to be evil yourself! "I will be the best villain in all the dimensions! Watch out, Min Cheng! I'm coming for you!" ---------------------------- Disclaimer: This book has a villain MC, and he is pretty cold and ruthless and cares about nothing besides killing Min Cheng at the start. However, his character will be developed, so if you're expecting this to just be an evil MC power fantasy althroughout, you're out of luck. There's no romance though, if that is what you are dreading about. No girl would change him or anything like that. There would a lot of violence, gore, and strong language. ------------------- Publishes 1 chapter every day

Aries_Monx · Fantasi
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"Even if you were looking to die, little girl. You could've easily done so under someone else's account," his cool tone almost tricked her mind into thinking he was giving her some sort of compliment but she also detected the coldness oozing from his voice which made her to realize that she'd actually almost gotten herself knocked down by this man standing before her. Did he just call her, little girl? Her mind stuttered. Based on quick observation, It was quite obvious that he was super wealthy. Was he looking down on her perhaps because he had money? Or was it because he had a face that looked like that of a prince? She wasn't going to take that from him, she decided. Just a while ago she was told that she was bethrothed to a Billionaire's son. She didn't know about looks but this man shouldn't be able to hold a candle next to him based on wealth status, right? Sophie instantly felt crazy. How could this be what was running through her mind? She was baffled by her own thoughts. "Still trapped in dying mode, are we?" He asked gruffly and his sharp words stole her away from her crazy thoughts. She swallowed as she really looked at him, as he just stood there leaning by his car with that effortless posture. His dark eyes which held a hint of a dim blue glint preyed down on her. His dark curls only hovered and spread across his insanely perfectly structured face, highlighting his domineering presence. Sophie have never seen anyone this collected and yet, so painfully brutal with his words. "Is that your way of apologising? You obviously almost killed me with your wreckless driving. I wasn't looking to kill myself…but it clearly seem like you were," she blurted in a sharp tone but her words failed to come out as harsh as she'd intended. Sophie saw his lips make a movement, although it was fleeting. But there was just something evil about that certain movement. "Apology?" He echoed that word like he was new to the term and was only hearing it for the first time. His fingers played with the car keys he held in his hand which made a rattled sound. "Maybe I should have just hit you," Sophie's jaw dropped outrightly, at his words.

Augustina_Dickson_4917 · perkotaan
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The Immortal's Gauntlet

In the distant future, the massive virtual world of Elysium offers an advanced and immersive gaming experience through neural interfaces. Former soldier turned skilled gamer, Alex Thorn, seeks fame and recognition within Elysium after leaving the military. When the enigmatic CEO of a powerful gaming corporation, Victor Cipher, introduces a deadly expansion called "The Immortal's Gauntlet," Alex's competitive spirit pushes him to take on the challenge. As Alex and his unexpected ally, the elite assassin Lilya Nightshade, venture into the treacherous realms of the Gauntlet, they uncover clues about its origins and Victor's sinister motives. Pushing their gaming skills to the limit, they must navigate dark strategies employed by rival players and face the consequences of real-life stakes when their neural interfaces are threatened. Amidst the adrenaline-fueled battles, flashbacks reveal Lilya's troubled past, adding depth to her enigmatic character. As they uncover hidden messages and schemes, the line between the virtual world and reality begins to blur, leaving Alex questioning who he can trust. Throughout their journey, Alex and Lilya encounter cunning rivals and unseen enemies while confronting their own inner demons. The pursuit of power becomes a central theme as Victor's obsession with control threatens to engulf them all. In a desperate gamble to gain an advantage, Alex risks everything, and the alliance with Lilya reaches a breaking point when her secret is exposed. Yet, in the face of betrayal and redemption, Lilya makes a pivotal decision that impacts their path forward. The Gauntlet's challenges escalate, testing their perceptions and sanity in surreal realms. Showdowns with rivals and Victor himself culminate in a final confrontation that reveals the truth behind the game and its creator's dark ambitions. As the story unfolds, "The Immortal's Gauntlet" explores the complexities of virtual reality, friendships forged within the game, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. With a tone of mystery and psychological intrigue, the story delves into the impact of games on human behavior and emotions, blurring the lines between the virtual world and the real one. Alex and Lilya's quest for fame and glory leads them down a perilous path where the price of ambition in the Immortal's Gauntlet will be higher than they ever imagined. ------------------------------------- Read my Other books :) Get Immersed in a Romantic Love story of Ethan and Lily with Emotional Twists and lots of ups and downs.. Read Love's Resilience https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/26955657906121805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4324947762

Samuel_Rivers · Seni bela diri
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