A book appeared, and dream became reality. A new hero rises, between the material and immaterial. (This is a reboot of Book of Dreams and Nightmares)
ln this world, in 2108 A.H.. There are heroes and villains. There are people without superpowers and those that wield them. Superpowered individuals are commonly known as Supers.
I was born to a regular family. Two parents, three siblings. Only my father had superpowers. They were a class 1 though. Which means they are unsuitable to be used in most jobs. As machines exist that can cheaply replicate what they can do.
Class 2 is where your superpower starts to matter. Class 3 is where most of the useful superpowers are classified. Class 4 superpowered individuals, are considered elites. They mostly do hero work, or get into an lucrative career. As their powers are truly powerful. Class 5 Supers are top tier heroes or absolute geniuses in their career field. Class 6 information is classified to civilians. Every class that may exist thereafter is also classified.
I used to imagine all the things a class 6 Super could possibly due. I knew they had to be stronger than class 5s. Which are strong enough to level cities already.
My family lived well despite only having my father as a class 1 Super. Technology is advanced and keeps up well enough. It allows low class Supers and normies like myself to still have good jobs and good lives.
Supers may be incredibly important to modern society, but only 30% of the entire human population are born with superpowers. Although that number steadily increases between 0.2% and 0.7% every decade.
Despite all these Supers in the world. It is safe to be out and about. Crime is low and has only been getting lower. However, villainy is its own label. Crime is different from villainy. Although the difference is subtle. Crime is simply breaking the law. Villainy is committing acts of evil.
The true danger is getting caught up between a hero and a villain. Worse, being near an act of villainy with no heroes around yet. Villains don't care about collateral damage.
Unfortunately, my family and I are in the worst situation possible. We got caught near an act of villainy when there were no heroes around. We were on a family outing in Neo-Atlanta City. When a villain caused explosions that covered specifically the sidewalks of an entire block of the city. I had ran into a tech-toy store to check out the new toy gadgets. Then the sidewalk where my family still was, blew up.
I was knock off my feet by the blast and shattered glass was all around me. Besides a few cuts and scrapes; I was fine. My family, not so much.
There were blown to smithereens. That was a terrible day for me.
That is the reality of villainy. The villain didn't even have a good reason besides killing weak civilians being fun to him.
Survivors of acts of villainy are compensated by the government according to how they suffered. As a child who lost their entire family. The government provided me with a full monetary support up until I'm 18. Along with a college fund that created for me.
I'm a smart kid. Always have been. I'm a grade ahead even. I'm 12 right now, but I'll be going into high school when I'm 13 because of this. I'm good with technology and analysis. I excel in those topics. Which happen to be part of a Supporter's skillset. A Supporter is exactly how it sounds. A role meant for supporting heroes. Which is not unimportant. Supporters give Heroes everything they need in the field. They give data, plans, manage communication, keep up their equipment and if push comes to shove; Supporters will put on a power armor and pick up a weapon to fight too.
That is the career I want to pursue. No more thoughts about tech companies and government projects. I want join the Heroes and help keep the world safe. As a comic reader, I recognize that motivation may be simple. That doesn't make it less real.
Orius Panterra. The dream of my family. As my conception was a miracle to them. As Mother was told she would be able to have any more children after my siblings. It's an odd twist of fate that I survive them.
I was luckily born with above average intelligence. Their deaths made me mature fast as well. I was okay on my own because of this. The sadness of their loss remains, but I already cried. My Mother always told me to not shed tears for a dearly departed but offer a smile. As they'll be watching heaven.
It helped the sadness go away a lot, but a bit of lingers. I believe it will always linger.
I was of course put under the care of an orphanage. No known living relatives to take me in. Parents were both only children and grandparents are all dead already from age.
The bright side is that I was put in a private orphanage for gifted children. Which doubled as a boarding school. I was smart enough for it. I'm a 12 year old and already in 8th grade. I'm a bit ahead academically and that gets me some privileges.
One night coming back from school and spacing out in my room. A book warbled into existence in front of me. It was a leather bound book of decent thickness.
It had a title....
Book of the Dream