
Chapter 1 : Run

Present : Age 19

Every inch of my body was littered with bruises and scars ranging in size and color. It was painful for me to even move, each breath a struggle. The beta had just finished, and left me to rot in my cell, chained to the same cold wall as I have been for what felt like eternity. I can't remember how long it's been since I was taken by this rogue pack. Their 'Alpha' uses me as his own little pet, and gives his friends the same opportunities as well. The door creaked open slightly, the sound making my heart go into overdrive. He can't be back! He was just here, I thought to myself. Panic quickly settled in, my body shaken to its core. Whom I did see, though, was the Alpha Rogue's gamma, Peter. He rarely came down to the room, and when he did, it was to bring me food and water. He seemed equally distressed as I was, and frantically made a beeline towards me, a chrome colored key concealed in his left hand. My eyes widened, "What are you doing?" I whispered, watching as he began unlocking the chains binding me to the cell. "They're distracted," Peter whispered, the shackles finally falling down, freeing me. My eyes welled up with relief, and I instantly fell forward. "Thank you so much," I whimpered. He nodded, "You need to run Charlotte, it's the only way you'll ever escape from this place. Please, you need to leave before they find you."

I stood up on my shaky legs, adrenaline pumping heavily through my every vein. "Don't let me down, Char," He opened what seemed to be a hidden exit found in the back storage area of the room. The light that peered through thereafter was blinding, and I had to close my eyes shut to stop it from burning holes though them. Once I adjusted to the lighting, I was off and running. I wasn't very fast, having barely any muscles nor fat to pull energy from. Peter gave me one last shout of encouragement before shouts and snarls began emerging from far back. We've been caught.

This only prompted me to run faster, angry rogues hot on my trail. I shifted into my wolf for the first time in years, and it overwhelmed all my senses, my body moving faster than ever before. My legs burned from running at such a high speed. My limbs grew more and more tired but I persevered, honoring Peter's last wishes of me. After hours of running, I began to lose all sense of direction. The rogues were now gone, realizing I wasn't worth the chase anymore. I stopped running, nearly collapsing on the ground from pain and exhaustion. I faded in and out of consciousness, sobs of relief and agony falling past my lips. My tears immediately stopped as I heard the rain crunching of leaves in the distance. I looked up, unable to detect where the noise was coming from. The area I was in was completely foreign and unrecognizable. But, in a matter of seconds, I was surrounded by a fleet of beyond angry guards, finally revealing my location.

I was in Royal Territory.


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