
Chapter 4: Team X vs Team Z

Izuku's Perspective:

Our team devised a strategic method for determining player positions—none other than the classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Consequently, we established the following formation:

Goalkeeper: Lemon

Right Back: Chigiri

Center Back: Igaguri

Left Back: Kuon

Left Midfielder: Raichi

Central Midfielder: Naruhaya

Right Midfielder: Kunigami

Right Wing: Bachira

Left Wing: Gagamaru

Central Attacking Midfielder: Isagi

Center Forward: Izuku Midoriya

To my astonishment, I emerged as the victor in the game. It is worth noting that the opposing team's only notable player was Barou, who had yet to undergo an awakening. The multitude of openings I discerned reminded me that we were up against a team of strikers. Therefore, I resolved to execute a move that defied conventional wisdom.

Third-Person Perspective:

The ball soared through the air with the velocity of a launched cannonball, leaving the goalkeeper helpless as it connected forcefully with the top right corner of the net.

Score: 1-0

Izuku's remarkable goal left everyone dumbfounded. His teammates were rendered speechless, unable to react as he swiftly propelled the ball into the goal right from the kickoff. A handful of Team Z members erupted in cheers, while the rest exhibited a mix of disbelief and curiosity regarding Izuku's inclusion in the team.

Game resumes.

This time, Team X takes possession of the ball. Unexpectedly, their striker finds himself tackled by a teammate in an audacious attempt to score.

Isagi's Perspective:

Perplexed, I observed the football field transform into a chaotic battleground. Ego's words about revolutionizing soccer from zero to one resonated in my mind. Yet, this free-for-all spectacle before me defied comprehension. It hardly resembled the sport of soccer in any recognizable sense.

Just as it looked like this was for nothing, a player emerged from the chaotic throng, effortlessly breaking through the mass of bodies. "Don't stand in my way, or I'll kill you!" he declared with unwavering confidence. I realized it was my duty to stop him from reaching the goal. Snapping out of my stupor, I swiftly assumed a defensive stance, shifting to the left. However, my maneuver was in vain, as the player executed a masterful heel flick, elegantly evading me. I turned around, prepared to shout at Kuon to step in, only to witness the ball gracefully land at Izuku's feet.

I marveled at Izuku's lightning-fast step-overs, seamlessly followed by a deft nutmeg on Barou, whose jersey he had firmly grasped. In a remarkable display of speed, he surged past Barou, leaving me struggling to keep pace. My eyes remained fixed on Izuku as he executed a chop feint, effortlessly nutmegging two more of their players. Closing in on the goal, with a mere thirty meters separating him from it, he unleashed a thunderous strike that soared towards the top right corner. Doubt crept into my mind as I questioned my own abilities and whether I possessed what it takes to endure at Blue Lock.

Izuku's Perspective:

My plan was simple—to score eight goals, each representing a crucial point that would secure me a steak, a bed, and the return of my phone. I turned around and noticed Isagi's despondent expression. Sensing his inner turmoil, I decided to intervene, recognizing his immense potential for the upcoming U-20 match.

Approaching him, I found him gazing up at me, a perplexed look etched on his face, as if wondering why I had sought him out. "Never doubt yourself. Yes, I may currently outshine you, but if you give up now, the regret will haunt you indefinitely. Consider me the benchmark you must surpass, for failing to do so would squander your remarkable talents," I imparted, before walking away, preparing myself for the upcoming kickoff. Glancing back at Isagi one last time, I observed a contemplative expression on his face. With a knowing smirk, I felt assured that my mission had been accomplished.

Third-Person Perspective:

Score: 2-0

Game restarts.

As Team X regained possession, a noticeable shift occurred in their formation, with Barou assuming the role of forward. Rather than opting for passing plays, Barou charged forward, his face contorted with anger, specifically targeting Izuku. Determined to replicate his earlier move he used on Isagi, Barou attempted to execute a heel flick over Izuku. Undeterred, Izuku instinctively stepped back, allowing the ball to rise before elegantly volleying it towards Isagi.

Barou found himself taken aback, witnessing a different facet of Izuku's gameplay, no longer limited to being a ball-hog. Isagi, catching Bachira's nod of affirmation, swiftly bypassed the midfielders alongside Bachira. Isagi sent a well-placed pass to Bachira, who expertly trapped the ball between his legs. Moving forward, Bachira effortlessly performed a double nutmeg, making his way past the opposition. Sensing three players closing in on him, Bachira wisely passed the ball to Isagi.

Just as Isagi prepared to unleash a shot, Barou intercepted his path. Reacting on instinct, Isagi swiftly redirected the ball to his right. The ball found its way to Kunigami, who expressed gratitude to Isagi before unleashing a powerful strike that sailed straight into the goal.

Score: 3-0

"YES! LET'S GOOO!!" exclaimed Kunigami, pumping his fist in celebration. In the heat of the moment, Raichi seized Isagi by the collar, angrily questioning why he hadn't passed the ball to Raichi, who was unmarked, instead of choosing to pass to Kunigami, who faced tight defensive pressure. Before Isagi could respond, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Barou, the number 10 from Team X. "Hey, number 11. If you falter in front of the goal, you have no business being a striker. You lack talent," he taunted.

The piercing sound of the whistle signified the end of the first half.

Team Z Locker Room:

Amidst the jubilant atmosphere of Team Z, reveling in their three-point lead, both Izuku and Bachira couldn't help but notice the somber expression on Isagi's face. It seemed as if his entire career had crumbled within him, leaving a weighty burden on his mind.

Bachira positioned himself near Isagi, attempting to offer solace, yet realizing his efforts were in vain. Just as they were summoned back onto the field, Bachira's mind sparked with an idea. He resolved to assist Isagi in scoring a goal, hoping it would uplift his spirits. "Perhaps that will bring a smile back to his face," Bachira pondered.


Barou, still stationed as the striker, made an ambitious dash, only to be swiftly intercepted by Izuku, with Kunigami not far behind. Barou attempted to execute a deceptive maneuver, but his efforts were futile. In a critical misjudgment, he charged directly at Izuku, resulting in a decisive slide tackle from Izuku, who skillfully snatched the ball and surged towards the goal.

Blitzing through the midfield with an explosive acceleration, Izuku approached the defensive line with remarkable speed. He effortlessly nutmegged the head defender, deftly evading two more players, before launching a powerful strike aimed at the bottom left corner of the net. The velocity of the shot was so astounding that it left onlookers dumbfounded, departing from Izuku's foot before the sound of the speaker could even announce the goal.

Score: 4-0

Izuku's Perspective:

That was my rendition of Kaiser's Impact, albeit nowhere near the level of the original. So, what exactly is Kaiser's Impact, you may wonder? It is a formidable volley technique utilized by the German prodigy, Michael Kaiser. The shot possesses such force and velocity that witnessing Kaiser make contact with the ball is an arduous task, let alone predicting its trajectory. How did I acquire this technique, you might inquire? Well, there exists a remarkable tool called the internet, from which I gleaned this knowledge.

Third-Person Perspective:

The game unfolded, and the score steadily mounted until it reached a resounding 10-0, with Izuku claiming a remarkable eight goals and Kunigami adding two more, the second goal courtesy of a well-executed pass from Izuku. Team Z now occupied the coveted top position on the leaderboard, while Team X found themselves teetering on the brink of elimination.

Team Z Locker Room:

Within the locker room, a whiteboard prominently displayed the team's formation. "First and foremost, it was an ideal decision to place Izuku as the striker," Kuon voiced his opinion, and his words were met without judgment. "However, making Isagi the CAM proved to be a mistake. He only managed a single pass. In the next match, I will take on the CAM role," Rachi declared with a tinge of frustration. Though he desired to assume the position of striker, Rachi understood that Midoriya was a perfect fit for that role, leaving him with little support for his ambition to be the team's center forward.

The locker room erupted with discussions as each player advocated for their suitability as the CAM, with some even asserting their prowess as potential forwards. Amidst the clamor, a solitary sentence pierced through the commotion. "I will not be the striker in the next match." Izuku's declaration silenced the cacophony of voices.

Izuku proceeded to outline his rationale, explaining that by shouldering the majority of responsibilities, he could guarantee the team's passage through the initial selection. However, he cautioned that this approach could pose a problem in subsequent selections if they were not aligned with him. To address this, he announced his intention to assume the role of goalkeeper in the next match, providing Lemon an opportunity to showcase his abilities. Before anyone could offer a response, Izuku calmly exited the room, leaving his teammates in a state of contemplation.


Despite the talent displayed by Izuku, I couldn't bring myself to feel satisfied. As I reviewed the recording of the Team X versus Team Z match, I observed Izuku's goals closely, searching for any sign of ego. "Perhaps this will be the turning point," I muttered, shifting my attention to a certain individual named Seishiro Nagi. This could potentially work.


Third-Person Perspective:

The clock neared 10 pm, and most individuals had retired for the night. Isagi let out a weary sigh as he settled into a seat in the cafeteria, clutching a small can of Natto. "I've missed dinner again," he thought to himself, sinking deeper into his chair. It had been a week since he arrived at Blue Lock, yet his confidence remained shattered. He found himself outclassed in every aspect and struggled to identify his own unique strengths. The memory of Barou belittling his talent only deepened his despair.

"I'm tired of natto," Isagi mumbled forlornly. Suddenly, a deep voice broke through Isagi's despondent musings. "Good work today, Isagi." Startled, Isagi looked up to see Kunigami standing nearby. The man arched an eyebrow and remarked, "You're still having natto?"

Isagi managed a self-deprecating laugh. "That's just how it goes when you're near the bottom of the ranks. Wait...haven't you had dinner yet?" Isagi's realization of the late hour made him curious about Kunigami's tardy arrival. Kunigami nodded and replied, "I just finished eating. I came to talk to you."

Perplexed, Isagi inquired, "About what?" Wondering why Kunigami sought him out. Kunigami scratched the back of his head with a hint of remorse. "I never properly thanked you," he admitted. Isagi's confusion deepened. "For what?" Kunigami saluted, a genuine expression on his face. "Thanks for the pass."

Isagi's momentary confusion turned into realization. "Ah, you mean in the last game? Is that all?" Kunigami affirmed, "Yeah. I believe in doing things the right way." With that, he turned away, having conveyed his gratitude. "Anyway, that's all. Good night." Isagi hurriedly rose from his seat, his hand reaching out toward his departing friend. "Hey, wait a minute! Kunigami-San, why do you play soccer?" Kunigami blinked, taken aback by the unexpected question. "What kind of question is that?"

Isagi winced at his own words, feeling a pang of embarrassment. "Jeez, what am I saying... I'm sorry. It's like I'm making a fool of myself here. Forget I even asked. Good night." Kunigami turned back fully, his expression serious and resolute. "That's an easy question to answer," he replied. The intensity of his conviction was evident on his face. "I want to become a soccer superhero."

"Huh?" Isagi's curiosity was piqued. Kunigami proceeded to share a glimpse into his childhood dreams. "When I was young, it wasn't superheroes, robots, or pirate kings that captivated me," he explained. Images of soccer players flashed through his mind. "I idolized strikers who dashed across green pitches, scoring goals to win games. Those players weren't fictional characters; they were real-life superheroes who inspired and emboldened me. That's who I aspire to be."

Isagi found himself in awe of Kunigami's dream. "Are you serious?" he asked, genuinely intrigued.

"Absolutely," Kunigami replied with unwavering determination. Isagi's eyes widened in response. "I don't care if people think it's silly or laugh at me. I feel no embarrassment whatsoever," Kunigami declared firmly. "To realize my dream, I will fight with honor and take on the world." Isagi couldn't help but be inspired. "Wow... His resolve is so strong, unlike mine," he mused to himself.

The conversation continued, and at one point, Kunigami brought over a tray with two steaks. Isagi expressed his curiosity about how Kunigami acquired them, prompting Kunigami to point at a poster. "Cell phone? Bed? Yes, please. A 'One Day Out of Blue Lock' pass?" Isagi read aloud.

Kunigami handed Isagi one of the steaks, acknowledging that he only scored that goal because of Isagi's assist. Isagi's spirits lifted, relieved to be finally free from natto. The conversation continued, and Isagi eventually asked if Kunigami knew what Izuku had chosen. Kunigami informed him that Izuku had opted for a bed, a phone, and a steak. This realization led Isagi to surmise that Izuku might still be at the training ground. After finishing their meal, Isagi headed to the field to find him and have a conversation.


Izuku's Perspective

As I neared the end of my stretching routine, the automatic door swung open, catching my attention. I looked up to see Isagi making his way towards me. "Um, Izuku-San, I have a question," he began. I arched an eyebrow, curious about his inquiry. "Sure, what is it?" I responded, welcoming the opportunity for discussion.

"Can you train me?" Isagi asked, his tone a mix of determination and apprehension. This request caught me off guard, but I appreciated his desire to improve. Perhaps I could offer him some guidance, a gentle nudge in the right direction. "Certainly, we can start by exploring your potential as a player," I offered in response.

Isagi's reply carried a hint of dejection as he muttered, "I don't know my weapon... maybe I don't have-" Before he could finish, I interrupted, interjecting with a revelation. "Spatial awareness," I interjected, piquing his curiosity. "Huh?" he responded, clearly intrigued. I proceeded to explain, "Spatial awareness refers to the ability to instinctively analyze the entire field, granting the user - in your case, you - a comprehensive understanding of the game and the positioning of all players involved." My words hung in the air, emphasizing the significance of this attribute.

Continuing, I pointed out, "While this is not something I can easily teach you; you should have realized that it only activated once, purely on instinct. However, what I can assist you with is developing your physical capabilities, pushing your body to its limits to rebuild it even stronger. Who knows? Along the way, you may also pick up a few tricks of mine." A faintly mischievous grin crept across my face as I finished speaking. Isagi's eyes widened, a sudden realization dawning upon him.

"First of all, let's start by..."

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