

Habiibah46 · Masa Muda
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5 Chs


Snow was taken to the police station for questioning.

Policeman....Where were you last night??

Snow....At home, why??

Policeman....We found dead people without their hearts and you were the only one with that kind of murder, did you do it?

Snow....I swear it wasnt me.

Policeman....Are you even human?? Your some kind of a beast hidden a human body, arent you?

Monica arrived at the station.

Monica....Stop questioning her already, i was with her the whole night so aint no way she did it.

Policeman....Yes we are going to let her go since we dont have proof but brace yourself because you might her victim one day.She is not human, dont ever keep your guard down.And you Snow, i will find evidence and i swear i will put you back in jail.

Monica....Whatever, lets go Snow.

They outside and Monica hugged Snow.

Monica....I dont know what wouldve happened to me if i lost you.

Snow....Come on, am fine now.Thanks for helping me out once again.

Monica....I will do anything just for you.

Snow....But why??

Monica....Because we are friends and your my only friend i have.

Snow....Okay, but thanks anyway.

They went back home and the next they went to school.They didnt study in the same class though.

Teacher....Okay, lessons are over.You can all go but Snow stay.


Students left and the teacher went to Snow.

Teacher....Hy Snow, i know that your scared but please dont be.

Snow....Am not scared but why did tell me to stay?

Teacher....First give me your bag.


Teacher....Just hand it over.

Snow gave the hot teacher her bag and he opened it.He pulled out a folded paper where Snow had put the drugs.

Snow....Its...not mine...

Teacher....So they are really drugs?

Snow....How did...you know?

Teacher....I followed you one day and i saw you going to a bush, you opened your bag and got the drugs then you inhaled them.I saw you and i knew they were drugs so dont say that they arent yours.


Teacher....Its but stop using them because your still young and they are very dangerous.If the school finds out about this, you will expelled and sent straight to prison.

Snow....Will you report me??

Teacher....No, i wont.If i was to report you then i wouldnt have asked to talk to you in the first place.

Snow....Thank you very much Sir, why were you following me that day?

Teacher....I wanted to know where you live.

Snow....Why is that?

Teacher....Because i want to know much about you.

Snow....You want to know much about me??


Snow....But why would you?

Teacher....I know that am your teacher but am also human, now am talking to you as a guy who is in love.


Teacher....Yes, i know this is not allowed but i like you Snow.I liked you from the day i started teaching this class.

Snow's heart started racing and she felt shy, she looked down.

Teacher....Please dont feel shy, am sorry if am making you feel uncomfortable.


Teacher....I want to start a love relationship with you if only you agree.I will accept any answer you give me because i know that this is sudden to you.

Snow....I....will think about it...

Teacher....Thanks Snow, but am taking away these drugs so please dont use them again.


The teacher held Snow's hand and kissed her on the forehead.After Snow went back home thinking about what the teacher told her.

Snow....He really gave me butterflies and am so happy.His also hot and young, should i move on now from Ben?? I think i like the teacher too.But i have to deal with you, you filthy officer.

Snow was still angry at the policeman, she followed him at night and he noticed that he was being followed.He pulled out his gun but Snow was fast and reached to him in no second though he had already pulled the trigger.Snow was shot in her belly.

Policeman....Hahahahaaa....i knew that it was you beasty girl and that you will try to make a move on me, gotcha!!

Snow stood up and the bullet went out on its own and the wound disappeared.The policeman got scared and tried to run away.Snow stood infront of him since she could run like flash.

Snow....Your right, am a beast and i feed on human hearts, yours is next and i cant wait to taste it so bad.

Policeman....You will go to hell for killing innocent people you beast.

Snow....Fine but you will go there first.

Snow pulled out his heart and ate it, she ran to the bushes because each time she ate a heart, she always had to faint.She fainted in the bush and woke up after one hour.She went home sneaking and washed off the blood.The news circulated about the death of the policeman and she also saw them.She went to school the next day and after lessons, she talked to the teacher.


Teacher....Sup, how are you?

Snow....Am good thanks.

Teacher....I failed to sleep last night because i wanted to here your answer so bad.


Teacher....You do??? Am so...happy.Thank you for giving me a chance Snow.Can we go for a date today?

Snow....Huh??? Okay.

He took her to a private bar and they started dancing.The teacher pulled Snow close to him and they kissed sweetly.After, he took her back home and she was happy though Monica saw it.She kept quiet and pretended not to know and Snow also didnt tell her anything.Snow decided to quit drugs because she loved the teacher so much and also stopped killing people.It was already a month and it was kept as a secret between them.

Teacher....Lets go to my house since its a weekend tomorrow.


They went to his house and they hooked up.Shockingly, Snow woke up in the morning and she sleeping in blood, she turned to see the teacher but he was dead from multiple stabbings.Snow didnt believe what she saw and she was shocked.

Snow....No...no...no....this cant be....his not dead....he cant die....wake up pleas, you said you wanted to be with me.Wake up now.....Noooo....you cant live me like this.....

Snow cried and cried and later heard the police coming, she ran through the back door because she knew that she will be arrested for his death yet he was her teacher.