

Delavire and his brother finally stopped their argument and that was when they turned their focus back to us.

Letting out a deep breath, Delavire said to us. ''I am sorry for the fuss that my brother caused. I didn't expect that to happen at all. Rooney, my brother can be wild and unreasonable at times and…'' then he turned his gaze towards my father while Rooney continued to stroll round the house and touch things as though they were his. ''You don't seem to be moved by all these, Bruno. Aren't you moved that your eldest son just died in your presence.'' Seeing that there was no reply from my father, he continued. ''Anyways I do not intend to waste any more of my time and yours because staying here for long can propel some unusual consequences. Don't you think?'' from where I was I was very furious at the way that they were handling the matter. How could Delavire speak as though what happened was a minor incident? Did he realize that it was a life that was taken away and it wasn't just the life of an animal but the life of my brother?

I looked across the room while Delavire conversed with my father. I wanted to have a glance at the man that took the life of my brother away as though it was nothing and there he was, walking nonchalantly and mumbling only-god-knows-what to himself as he touched some of my grandmother's belongings. All my life I have never itched to kill someone as I was feeling at that moment but then all I imagined was that the things I wanted to do weren't going to be possible at that moment. Yeah, I would avenge my brother's death later but for now I had just had to figure out a way to save my family from the hands of these wrathful murderers.

''we can wrap this up once and for all, Bruno. Look…'' Delavire stretched out his hands towards one of his men and they presented some documents to him. He collected the documents and dropped them in front of my father. My father stared at it and glared back at him without saying a word and I must say that despite all the chaos happening around us at that moment, I just couldn't believe that my father who most people called ''the lion'' was actually acting like a lamb. Why was he so cold and silent? How come the man who was loud and the man who always had his problems settled was cold and feeble all of a sudden? What happened to that man that men feared? What happened to that man that made men tremble whenever he spoke? What happened to my father?

''Right before you are the documents pertaining to some of your companies and properties. Don't be surprised on how I got them. I am just like you after all and I have my way around but anyways, you are free to go through them if you want.'' Delavire said to him before proceeding to sit on one of the chairs.

My father scoffed and for the first time in a long hour, he replied to him. ''You must be foolish to think that I have to go through my own documents that have stayed with me for a long period of my life. Why don't you go ahead and tell me that you want me to sign the documents rather than running around in circles? Oh it is clearer to me now. You don't just want the Ortega Villa, you want everything.'' My father laughed and to be honest even I was wondering what exactly he found funny. ''Delavire… you never cease to amaze me. Why don't we come to an agreement? Let my children go and I will do whatever you want.''

After staring at my father for a few seconds, Delavire burst into laughter. He would clap his hands and laugh hysterically that even I wondered if he suddenly started a competition on who was going to laugh the best. Then he said to my father. ''You must think that I am stupid, don't you? I should let your children go…hmm…'' he rested his elbows on the table and his fingers crossed against each other'. ''I know you too well, Bruno. You and I know that you are better than this. You have always been smart and that is why you are where you are now. One of the richest people in the country. Telling me to release your children is like locking my hands with a handcuff and leading me to my place of suffering. I really don't have time to waste, Ortega. Sign the documents and everyone walks out of this place happily.''

Even I wouldn't believe that. It was obvious that it was a blatant lie and I am sure that my family thought that too. My father looked at me and my brother and took his eyes away immediately but then he said some words to us.

''Listen to me now you two. I want you both to carefully leave this place and as soon as you get out make sure you call the police and get to somewhere safe.''

''But dad, how is it possible for us to leave? There are armed men everywhere and they might shoot us if we act in any type of way.'' Dylan said to him.

''You don't have to worry about that. I will make sure that nothing happens to you both. Now on the count of three, I am going to react but as soon as I do that, I want the both of you to run.'' My father said,

''But what about you and mom?'' I asked with a shaky voice.

''Don't worry about us. We will be right behind you.'' He replied and the next thing I heard was a deep breath which he took and for some reason it bothered me. ''Now I am going to count to three. One…'' he paused, ''two…'' he paused again and then continued. ''Three… Now run!'' He picked up a glass and threw it at the thug that was standing close to Dylan thereby creating an opportunity for him to escape. I on the other hand didn't have much of a problem leaving my seat and running away. My father had taken them by surprise and before they could catch up with us, we had already run away.

I watched my father and mother fight them off while we tried to escape. My mother was constantly hit at the back but she held firm the legs of the man that was so close to catching up with me. I became distracted at some point as I saw my mom being treated as though she was garbage and wanted to help her but my brother pulled me away. My concentration was still on my parents that were fighting off Delavire and his thugs and just as we left the house, I heard a gunshot. As I paused and looked through the window in a sharp glance, I saw that the person that had been shot was my mother.