
A Fated Encounter.

It was a cold night in a small obscure town within Russia, a man wearing a black jacket and black pants would be seen walking down the street, catching looks of almost everyone he passed due to his clothing, or lack thereof. Passing building after building , his gaze never looking up as he stared at his feet.

" Can't believe that bastard sent me to this random ass planet to kill this Russian demon, whatever that means" he would stop walking as he came to a street sign , looking at the sign and back down to his directions he would turn down the road eventually ending up in front of a bar.

"Looks like this is the place...hopefully this will be quick so I can get back to training" As he would walk through the door a burning sensation would be felt in his chest pulling his necklace slightly out of his shirt he would see it was glowing, confused but not concerned he would proceeded to just ignore it and it back into his shirt.

As he walked through the bar he would see a man sitting at a table in the corner, walking over spinning a chair and sitting on it backwards. Throwing him a file at him. " Nero Blackfire I assume?" He would let slight chuckle "the Russian demon they call you huh? You don't look stronger then any other human on this pitiful planet"

This cold night held danger, and the male knew it. He had cleaned himself up after his nightly filling, uncaring of the human death toll that now followed him. He had killed enough of these 'mortals' over the few years to have gained a moniker. This moniker even ended up giving him access to some secluded forest, which was best for him.

The Russian Demon. With the eyes Ice cold, void of all life and emotion, so blue, one could almost swear that they were ice themselves. Even thinking about the moniker made him smile. Yet, deep down, found himself now thinking of home, and thinking about how they would be disappointed in the path he's chosen. Shaking his head, he shrugged. He had lost his brother, his wife and child, and his entire home world and race. He didn't care about their approval now.

The male sat at the human establishment they referred to as a bar, which he found peculiar. As he downed another shot with his left hand, it could be seen that his right arm entirely was casted in a sling, even the hand covered in a glove. His Rainstorm silver hair flowing back as he knocked the shot back.

When he put the glass back on the table, his necklace began to glow. The male knew he wasn't hallucinating. This necklace was only meant to glow when family was around. That's when he was approached by the Newcomer, that he had ignored the moment he had come into the bar. but now that he was close. The male at the bar knew something was special about this one, and his sapphire blue necklace began to glow brightly. Nero looked at the file, picking it up before thumbing it over. A smile spreading over his face as he realized the file was a contract for his bounty. " I see, so you're here to take me out. You're not very subtle, are you?" Nero asked, finding himself containing a small laughter within himself. Before his right arm began to burn, and he knew he wasn't looking at another random human being. " you aren't human, are you?" and then, as f being smacked in the face with the realization, he saw the dull red glow from The newcomers neck, and instantly knew who this man was, and his possible capabilities.

Nero instantly shoved the file into The newcomers face, before upper cutting the male through the door he entered. Nero's right arm no longer in a cast, revealing his demonic arm, and the reason for the moniker of the Russian Demon. " So, are you sure you wanna try this Shane Cryocera?" He asked the man, now knowing exactly who the male was.

As he was sent flying through the door , a laugh could be heard coming from him before he heard the man say his name. " Flipping in the air and landing ,sliding across the snow slightly concerned as the how the man knew his name he shrugged it off as it didn't matter, he was a contract and he had to die.

Once he would see the man necklace shining from afar a slight smirk came across his face, to his knowledge these necklaces had been passed down through generations of powerful families,not nearly knowing the full extent the powers it actually gave him, never having seen someone who weld one besides him, the excitement build up inside him.

"I hope you're ready old man" The snow beneath his feet would appear to explode as Shane dashes towards the man grabbing a table and tossing it towards him blinding him to Shane sliding beside him, jumping up and kicking him through the nearby wall with enough force to make him go flying through 3 buildings outside.

"Huh, that's new " He would laugh as he walked towards where the man has flown "Guess all that training finally paid off" not realizing the power that was surging within him.

Nero watched, as the male got up, sprinting towards him and tossing a table towards him. Nero raised his arm to easily block the table. Before Nero turned his head to see Shane Kicking him through the wall and several buildings of the nearby village. Nero knew what has happening from the moment of contact. This was an A member of his own race that had forgotten who they were. No, that necklace he wore meant something deeper. Nero was looking at his brother. There was no denying it.

Nero proceeded to pick himself out of the rubble, dusting himself off as he looked up to see this man walking towards him. " That's not training. that's your powers awakening. You're one of the last Surviving Ancient Immortals. You just seemed to have forgotten about it, so the power went mostly dormant. Now that your brother is around, it's waking back" Nero picked up a huge boulder, chucking it Shane before jumping towards the man throwing several fireballs and earthen spears. " up.." Nero landed, walking towards Shane slowly, picking him up from all of the rubble by his shirt. " look, I'm willing to show you how to work your powers, but uhh, you're gonna have to not kill me for that one. which you wouldn't have succeeded in the first place. " He explained to the now slightly damaged shane, held up by his shirt in Nero's demon arm.

His body would go limp as he picked him up and Shane started laughing. " I don't know what you're talking about man , Ancient immortal? Never heard of them"

"The only thing I know is I've never failed a contract, and I promise you won't be my first" His eyes would begin to glow a bright red as Shane would use the man's arm to monkey flip him overhead, proceeding to get stand up Shane would dash back towards the man , noticeably faster then the previous time as he would draw a sword from his back , throwing some snow towards his eyes in an attempt to blind him as he would blitz towards him slicing towards his chest .

Nero flew onto the ground from the monkey flip, Nero looking up to see Shane quickly close the gap. 'oh shit. ' Nero thought before getting hit in the face with snow, growling out. " you stupid-" Shane's approaching footsteps caused Nero to aggressively shove his hand out towards the sound " Earth spike rain!" Suddenly, earth spikes began launching from the ground near Nero's feet towards Shane's direction, Forcing Shane to dodge while Nero quickly recovered his vision.

" I'm going to make you eat those words. " Nero growled. Before jumping to close the distance between Nero and Shane, his Demonic arm punching Shane so hard it sent him through several buildings. Nero already running to catch up to the midflight Shane. Nero was getting tired of this. " you're my brother you dumbass, and I'll beat the memories back into you if I have to. I already see your powers coming back. " Nero stated, jumping to land on Shane himself, before grabbing him with an extension of his demon arm, A giant spiritual hand equivalent to the Susano, and chucking Shane's body into a nearby mountain. Jumping to get to Shane's body, seeing a tunnel where his body had impacted. " what the? " Nero muttered curiously. " I sent him this way."