

"A new town, a new house, new people, new school". Selena sighed deeply. She doesn't mind the first new things she was reciting but the last two, she roughly shook her head. "This time I'm sure I'll die".

Selena was informed by her mother Erin that they are moving again to a new town she found in the internet. According to Erin the place is like a paradise. There still a virgin forest that very well protected by the people who lived in that town. The air is clean, the people are nice and the town is almost like a city. It means there are some small buildings and malls in the area for teenagers to go or stroll. Though Erin described the town as a perfect place to live Selena still felt uneasy and unhappy by her sudden decision.

"Selena, sweetheart..... Something wrong?.... Don't you like the idea or the place?". Erin stopped herself from talking when she noticed her daughter is not listening. "Didn't I describe the town well?". She thought her enthusiasm and description of the new town didn't appeal much to her daughter.


"What is it sweetheart?".

"Who's going to pack our stuff?". Selena don't mind moving again. They've been doing this since Erin have her. Her mother can't stay in one place for more than two years, MAX!. But packing their stuff, that is something she's worried the most.

"Sweetheart do you really have to ask me that". Erin paused and smiled sweetly to her. "Of course, It's your job. Who else will going to pack for us!".

"I knew it!". She exclaimed. Selena rolled her eyes and tried to walk away from Erin. But she still heard her mother asked a question.

"Are you going to your room now?". Erin asked casually.

"Yes Mom.... I'm going to pack all my things and runaway!". Selena answered sarcastically.

"Okay sweetheart, after you do that don't forget to pack all of these too!". Erin was mockingly grinning while pointing to all of their belongings. She loves to tease her daughter till she got irritated. She never take Selena's word seriously.

Selena went to her room and head straight to her laptop. She wants to see the town Erin fell in love with. Her mother went nuts about the place and keeps on talking of moving there ever since she saw it in the internet. Selena wants to see for herself what this place really offer.

"Interesting!". Selena mumbled as soon as she read the place's historical background. "Clawed City.... Weird name". The town's name gives her a bit of a creep but ignored the feeling.

Selena started to read articles from Clawed City and she found out that the place is like a last frontier for a green and healthy forest. A safe and well protected woods where anyone can camp out with no worries. She thought at least if ever she decided to settle down and have children of her own they can experience hiking in a well protected forest and her future children can see a true green lush mountain in real life and not on books only.

"And where the hell that thoughts comes from!". She blurted out, horrified by her own thoughts. Thinking of having kids already gives her a goosebumps. She never even had a boyfriend ever since. "Ugh!..... I'm beginning to sound like Erin.... I'm going crazy". She closed her laptop and throw herself to bed.

The next day Selena found herself packing all their stuff, just like what she always do everytime they move into another place. There's no emotions on her face even a slight sadness. A thought of leaving a friend behind never been a problem to her because there's no such thing like that exists in her world. In all the city or town they lived before no one tried to make friends with her, something she finds very weird. Though she tried to make friends everytime they move to a new place and a new school it always ends up in failure. Those new people always treat her as an outcast and sometimes they bullied her but her personality won't let them. Maybe she's 5'1 in height but her personality is more than 6 feet tall. Plus the fact that she persuaded her mother to let her study taekwondo and muay Thai for self defense. No one can harm her physically. Selena bowed to herself that she will never let anyone to hurt her or her mother. She always gives back what they gave to her.


A bright smile and a lively words took Selena's attention. She noticed herself plunge to a deep thought. She didn't noticed Erin's footsteps.

"Oh let me see... Hmmmmm.... Maybe everything should be ready if you tried to help me!". Selena is giving her mother a wide eye of dissatisfaction. She can't believed she left her to packed all their stuff by herself again.

Erin pursed her lips and showed her daughter a pleading look. "I'm sorry sweetheart but Mommy needs to run some errands".

Selena rolled her eyes. She know how lazy her mother when it comes to packing things but she loves to move out anywhere. "Mom, I love you but we need to stop moving all over this whole country. Can we at least give this new place like a few years of chance?". She pleaded. She really is tired of moving.

"Of course we will... A couple of years will do". And Erin hum away when she saw her daughter's eyes grew big.

"Mom!!!!!!!!". Selena can't believed her mother would say that. Two years is the longest time they can actually stay in one place the shortest is three months.

A moving truck came and load all their stuff inside. Selena and her Mother will drive themselves to Clawed City and the truck will follow. Erin was looking forward to her so called perfect place. She told Selena she bought a two story house and decided to make the lower floor their store. She also talks about the school she will attend to. Something Selena hates the most, attending new school. At 18 she's already a junior in college and she is looking forward to graduate the next year. Hoping they will settle in this new town until then.

Clawed City.

Selena felt like forever sitting inside the car just to get to this new place. This is probably the farthest place her mother took her. It's like her mother drove to the edge of the earth. But looking at her sorroundings she was quite impressed. The place isn't lacking of city vibes as if this place is not a small town or a country side. "Why do I have a feeling I will like it here". She mumbled to herself.

"Welcome to our new home!". Erin spread her arms and looked at her daughter with wide smile on her very red lips. She is standing on a street and behind her a two storey but small building though it looks old but still look sturdy.

Selena just looked at her mother casually without any emotion. Then her eyes shifted on their new home. She looked pleased with the building but she won't show it on her face. Her mother is a very exaggerated person. She knows when Erin sees a satisfied look on her face she won't stop praising herself.

"Ok, it looks fine". She just said and leave her mother with a gape mouth.

I'm BACK!!!....Hope you'll like my new novel...

Keep safe!!!

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