
Lasombra’s Affair (2)

Chapter 38: Lasombra's Affair (2)

"Lowly woman, tell us, where is your Sire? Our Master has unresolved business with him."

Their red eyes gazing at the blonde beauty with cold arrogance, as if she was just a lowly creature beneath their world. Even her beauty, in their eyes, was just a pile of flesh that would deteriorate in a couple of years, while their eternal youth would keep them in their pristine shape.

'Sire? Why is this terminology reminding me of that Novel I've read on Vampires? Are they referring to Carl? Wait… No, it's not worth thinking about that at this moment. I'm sure he has good intentions for me.'

'They probably can smell Carl's fragrance on me, and if they are after him… They are dangerous.'

"Wait? Pardon? Sir, I don't know where that is coming from, but I'm pretty sure you got the wrong person. That one I'm sure. Still, I wish you a pleasant night, and hope you find the one you were looking for." By this time Jeanne barely managed to keep together as she was trying to gaslight those Vampires, and deep down she could tell that they smelled her fear and also picked on her heartbeat and lies.

She was reminded of how easily Carl could see into her, and get so deep in her heart while she was shielding herself.


With her attempt to end this conversation without giving them much reason to believe she had anything to do with whatever 'Sire' they referred to, she closed her door in their face. She felt too scared to think this through, but she felt how the door stopped from budging as the blonde Vampire stepped forward like a ghost, giving Jeanne a shock, as he planted his feet with one step inside her house.

"Mister, this is trespassing! I'll call the police!" 

The arsenal of self-defense of a Modern World woman was limited against those who wanted to cause them harm, but for Jeanne who was up against the supernatural it left her without a way out, expecting to pray in her heart that Carl would come and save her.

Wasn't the Legend that Vampires required to be invited inside before getting into their victims homes? Would Garlic fend them off like the Evil Spirits they were?

… No, it wouldn't work. She saw Carl eat pasta and she could swear that the sauce was garlicky. Even touching the silver utensils, he was just fine, no harm or burns to his perfect hands. Eventually, he was like usual, no changes to his behavior, and this was proved by the bliss and ecstasy she felt in bed that night.

Backing away as the blonde Vampire forced his way inside, he gazed down at her whole being, and in doing so, the second guy, a brown-haired man in his early 30s by his appearance delivered his snobbish remark while doing so.

"Orlok, I've told you it would be a waste of time talking with those dumb humans. Let's grab her, torture her to reveal Krassius's location and kill him while he is at his weakest. Prince Lotharius orders take priority over morals of conduct in the Masquerade."

"Orders above the Masquerade when it comes to the Prince, but we're still Nobles of the Night. Let's not give a shameless appearance to this woman, Wisborg. I do think of playing a bit with this woman since she gives off Krassius's scent all over her."

"It's annoying smelling his disgusting ooze. That ungrateful traitor. If you're not doing it Orlok, let me turn her into my Thrall. I'll turn her into my toy and present her to Krassius. I'm sure he'll come to regret slapping the Lasombra Clan's face."

"Do you want to have one over our Master? Wisborg, learn your place."

"Tsk, of course, I didn't mean to say it like this. Of course, Master Lotharius can have the first round with this bitch, then me, and you… Or do you want to share her with me at the same time? We're like brothers anyway. Different Generation, but we're close."

Wisborg continued one while giving Jeanne a twisted grin as he extended his hand at her, revealing his long nails while his features were more inclined into the Vampiric State that Carl was always making sure to suppress. 

"Swine, you'll come with us." By this point, he used his supernatural agility to grab hold of Jeanne, but to his slight surprise, the woman dropped to the floor, dodging his grabbing arm.

Unknown if she could see his movement or if she acted on instinct, he was a bit perplexed that a human could respond in time.

Jeanne, before Wisborg attacked, felt a stinging pain on her leg which made her drop to the floor, and the pain was reminiscent of an insect bite but where the pain was increased. With her whole body feeling weightless, she felt an invisible force pushing her back into her home.

Her heart raced with terror, her mind frantically searched for a way out of the nightmare unfolding before her. She knew that calling for help was her only chance at survival, but the vampires' menacing presence filled her with a paralyzing fear.

"Please, someone help me!" Jeanne cried out, her voice trembling with desperation. "Please, anyone!" Her cries were meant for Carl to pick on them, since she could feel that he was on his way based on the fact he was still alive while facing those two vampires.

What she missed was that her cries made the two Exorcists wait their best time to strike and question their reasons for fighting against the Demonic and Evil. Irina felt that she was betraying Jeanne's pleading cry, but Xenovia remained resolute on her decision to bide her time and wait, she could feel that there was a different Demonic Presence inside the House that didn't belong to the Vampires.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears as the blonde vampire, Orlok, advanced further into her home, his imposing figure casting a long shadow over her. Jeanne's heart pounded in her chest as she backed away, her mind racing with thoughts of how to escape this nightmare.

Nonetheless, he extended his hand to stop Wisborg from acting, as he could tell that there was an Evil Spirit in this House and unexpectedly it was protecting the human.

Wisborg couldn't tell why Orlok would bother with stopping him from catching the woman that even dared to dodge his grab and humiliate him in the process. 

He spoke up with a cruel grin on his lips, his tone dripping with malice. "Enough games, Orlok. Why make me wait, I'll just put this woman under a Hypnosis and be done with," he hissed, his voice sending a chill down Jeanne's spine. "Besides, you continue to deny your involvement with Krassius, but his mark is all smeared on you. He sprayed his territory just like the dog he is. We know you're hiding something."

Just as Wisborg moved in to capture her once more, a sudden commotion erupted from within the house as the hidden 'something' that was kept by Jeanne finally revealed itself with a sudden surge of movement that erupted from beneath her clothing. 

Jeanne's eyes widened in shock as she felt the presence of the Blood Spider, the guardian entity Carl had bestowed upon her for protection.

"Arachne!" She knew that this entity was meant to protect her against her ex if he would even dare to create another conflict with her over their differences, and in its small form she never thought that it would be able to fight off those Vampires. "Careful!"

The small arachnid, previously concealed under Jeanne's clothing, now revealed itself in all its horrifying glory. It had grown in size, its crimson body pulsating with dark energy as it lunged forward with startling speed.

With a guttural screech, the Blood Spider launched itself at Wisborg, its razor-sharp legs poised to strike. Wisborg, caught off guard by the sudden attack, barely had time to react as the spider's corrosive blood sprayed forth, burning through his flesh with merciless efficiency

The vampire cried out in agony as the acidic substance ate away at his skin, causing him to stumble backwards in shock. Orlok, looked at the 'Blood Familiar' with slight surprise before his expression returned to its cold indifference, as if he was only taken aback that Carl would waste his power to put a Familiar to defend a lowly human. 

He wanted to give his partner a helping hand but Wisborg's thrashing movements hindered his efforts to assist.

Meanwhile, Jeanne watched in awe and horror as her unexpected savior unleashed its fury upon her would-be captor. Despite the terror that gripped her heart, she couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards the Blood Spider, but in her mind, the sparks of hope as she imagined Carl bursting through the door, his strong arms wrapping around her protectively as he defeated the Vampires with ease.

But deep down, she knew that such fantasies were nothing more than wishful thinking, and the harsh reality of her situation began to set in with the Blood Spider standing in front of her, giving its protection to its Mistress.

"Huh? What the fuck is this insect? A Blood Familiar? Seems a bit off. Tsk."

"I knew Krassius was insane, but to think he would even put a familiar to look after a lowly human. You can't expect much from a bunch of inferior beings, a Dhampir is still half worthy to breathe the same air as us." 

As Wisborg's wound began to regenerate before their eyes, his expression twisted into a cruel grin, his confidence bolstered by the sight of his rapidly healing flesh. With a swift motion, he withdrew a massive two-handed sword from a dark subspace, its blade gleaming with malevolent energy as he brandished it with a primal grin.

In the face of his partner's fury and rage, Orlok simply watched unbothered by the current progress, in fact he wanted to find out how strong that Blood Familiar was since it came from the infamous Blood Prince who struck horror in the whole Lasombra Clan. 

"You'll pay for that, insect," he snarled, his voice dripping with venomous malice as he charged forward, his sword raised high, ready to strike down the Blood Spider. His eyes burned with a feral hunger as he anticipated the kill, relishing the opportunity to assert his dominance over the creature that dared to challenge him.

With Wisborg lunged forward with a savage roar, his sword arcing through the air with a powerful momentum, the Blood Spider braced itself for the impending impact. With lightning-fast reflexes, it dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the lethal strike as Wisborg's blade sliced through the air with a terrifying whoosh, destroying a part of Jeanne's home.

With a hiss of frustration, Wisborg spun around, his eyes blazing with fury as he prepared to launch another attack. But before he could strike again, the Blood Spider retaliated with a swift counterattack, its razor-sharp legs slicing through the air, sending the blood of the Vampire flying all around the living room.

Wisborg cursed under his breath as he felt the sharp sting of the Blood Spider's strikes, his flesh burning with pain as the creature's corrosive blood ate away at his skin. With a roar of rage, he swung his sword once more, determined to crush the insect beneath his heel.

With each strike of Wisborg's sword, the Blood Spider screeched in pain, its crimson form writhing in pain as the vampire's blade sliced through its flesh, but unlike what expectations Wisborg had over this fight, the Blood Spider continued to counterattack, managing to wound him..

For a couple of minutes the fight seemed balanced from outside spectacles, but for Orlok who watched in silence, the sight of his partner acting like a roid-raged moron in his attacks that were all telegraphed, he couldn't stand seeing him humiliate himself even if Jeanne couldn't keep up with the movements put on display.

Sensing an opportunity to deliver the final blow, Wisborg lunged forward with a savage roar, his sword raised high above his head. But before he could strike, Orlok suddenly intervened, his movements so swift and fluid that they seemed almost otherworldly.

"What the fuck, are you doing? This is my fight."

In a blur of motion, Orlok withdrew a demonic longsword from a dark subspace, its blade gleaming with malevolent energy as he brandished it with a primal grin. With a feral hunger burning in his eyes, he charged forward with a speed that Jeanne could barely comprehend, his sword poised to strike down anyone in sight.

"I've had enough of you, moron. Just the image of you struggling against a damned Familiar makes me sick in the stomach. It's a fucking Blood Familiar, and you couldn't put an end to it in 5 minutes."


Seeing how Orlok, who even by his standards as a Captain of the Lasombra Clan, was considered too arrogant of a bastard for his own good. Apart from being an ass kisser for Prince Lotharius, he wasn't that much better than him, apart from being specialized in agility.

The Blood Spider, caught off guard by Orlok's sudden attack, barely had time to react as the vampire's blade descended upon it with devastating force. With a sickening crunch, the creature's exoskeleton shattered under the weight of the blow, its agonized screeches filling the room as it crumpled to the ground in a mangled heap.


Jeanne, her heart heavy with despair, watched in horror as her beloved guardian was torn apart before her eyes, its once formidable form reduced to nothing more than a shattered husk.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she cried out in anguish, her voice trembling with raw emotion. "NOOO! Why do you bunch have to be such monsters? With what has Carl upset you? He's just trying to live his life as a normal person without hurting anyone."

Orlok, with a cruel smirk, turned his attention to Jeanne, his eyes gleaming with malevolent amusement.

"To my disappointment, this Familiar isn't even that strong. Pathetic human, you even got attached to that insect? Are you furious that you couldn't do anything to change the situation? Continue crying for me. I love women's tears, regardless of their Race," Orlok taunted, his words dripping with contempt as he relished in Jeanne's anguish.

Meanwhile, Wisborg's frustration reached a boiling point as he felt the sting of the Blood Spider's attacks, his flesh burning with pain. "Orlok, I didn't need your help to deal with that insect. I'm obviously stronger than a damned Familiar, it was just annoying to catch it, since it's an insect."

"Urgh, humiliated and even getting my clothes dirty. A good way to end my night," Wisborg grumbled, his voice laced with annoyance as he continued to lash out at the now disintegrating creature.

Despite Jeanne's desperate pleas, the Blood Spider fought on with abandon of its safety and solely focused on protecting Jeanne, even enveloping her into a cocoon of Blood. With each strike, it seemed to grow weaker, its once fierce roars now reduced to a pitiful state.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a surge of energy rippled through the room as the scattered remains of the Blood Spider began to coalesce into a shimmering pool of crimson light. Wisborg and Orlok stepped back in shock as the Blood Spider began to regenerate, its form glowing with a malicious aura that reminded them of Krassius's abominable power.

The Blood Spider let out a deafening roar, its crimson eyes blazing with fury as it prepared for its final stand. Jeanne, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and hope, watched in awe as her guardian prepared to protect her once more.

"Arachne, don't fight them. Go hide, don't worry about me. They are looking for Carl, I'll not give them the satisfaction of harming him," Jeanne pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion as she reached out to the creature.

But her words fell on deaf ears as the Blood Spider lunged forward with renewed vigor, its razor-sharp legs poised to strike. Orlok, with an otherworldly speed, moved to intercept the creature, his longsword flashing with deadly intent as he prepared to deliver the final blow.

As the two clashed in a fierce battle, Jeanne could only watch in horror as the room was engulfed in a whirlwind of blood. With each strike, the walls shook and the ground trembled beneath her feet, leaving her feeling more helpless than ever before.

"No, no. What have I done? Arachne, why?" Jeanne whispered, her voice barely audible above the cacophony of chaos that surrounded her. But there was no answer, only the eerie silence of the aftermath as she was left to mourn the loss of her beloved guardian in solitude.

The blood cocoon started to slowly crumble, leaving the aftermath of the clash between the Blood Spider and the two Lasombra Vampires, a destroyed interior of her house living room, hallway, kitchen and other base level floor rooms.

She was holding her hands to her face, all bloody, not with her own blood, but this sight brought her directly into a nightmare that wouldn't be able to compare with anything else she ever experienced in her 28 years of living as a normal human.

"Why?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of her own heartbeat

"Why do monsters like you walk free, unpunished by God? It's because of people like you that Carl has to flee and hide, to look over his shoulder! It's you people that paint someone like him into a Monster!"


A/N: Carl-Krassius is pissed for sure for having that Blood Familiar destroyed. All of that Blood Essence down the drain. 

Now, I wonder where his younger brother, Lotharius is right now. 

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