
Blood Tome

This tale follows a book teaching an ancient, almost forbidden magic. Cover art is not mine, if it’s yours and you want credit or me to take it down tell me. Warning, this book will have gore and other things described that might be found disturbing. I have returned to college so I might not be adding chapters for a while

Daniel_Mauger · Fantasi
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11 Chs


After reading all the risks Cayde decided that it would be best not to try to cast the blood condensing spell while injured so after he managed to drop all the bloodless bodies into the river he returned to the side of the bridge.

Slicing his now muscular forearm from his wrist to elbow he absorbed blood knowing that he didn't want to run out of his pool to use to condense his blood. He harvested it as fast as he could without fainting.

The book did not rank the spells in any way, but Cayde guessed that if all the spells he'd learned so far were novice level, this would be apprentice level by comparison.

As dusk crept closer he would take breaks from enlarging his blood pull to walk. And though he had left the bridge behind he was disappointed by how slow he now had to move.

The sun had set and while he had found a clearing he was not able to build a fire, his leg was taking longer then expected to recover.

'Normally my body improves drastically after a full night of sleep so I'll just have to hope I'm recovered in the morning'

In fact the full nights sleep not only healed him, but he felt almost drunk after sleeping with ten gallons of blood in his pool.

With the confidence of any drunkard Cayde decided he could definitely start making his blood denser. So sitting on his bed roll he tried to relax as he grabbed hold of all the blood in his body.

Cayde was uncomfortably aware that his blood pool had already started draining. So he quickly pushed forward. Urging his blood to drain from his head then neck, down and condense with the rest of his blood.

He could feel that his blood pool had drained to the point that he only had a gallon remaining. So he stopped pressuring it down and urged to to recirculate to his neck and head. By the time he felt he could softly release his hold on his blood he was left with less then a cup of blood.

It should be noted that if his physical body had not been able to withstand the pressure his legs would have burst permanently crippling him. Cayde knew that it was likely only due to his large blood pool and strengthened physical body that he didn't kill him self during that spell.

He wasn't quite sure how successful the spell had been. All the confidence that came with a large blood pool had left him, but he could clearly feel that his blood was significantly more potent now. However with increased potency he could not produce it as fast.

To counter this he used his more potent blood to fuel his blood production spell. He spent the day harvesting his new blood and making it produce faster. Not even bothering to travel at all that day to ensure he would be in peak condition when he arrived at the capital in the morning.