Chapter One; Meating

March 7,1875

"AHHH!!"a man yelled "HES GOING TO KILL US ALL!!" a woman cried,sirens going on and of, Who am I you may ask? I am a killer...

~ Present Day~

June 12,2010

Dear Diary,Today was the day I get to prove to the whole school that I am not just a girl who lost her parents, I will be Elaina Gilbert the girl who will be asked "Are you okay?" or "How have things been?" and I will simply say "I'm Fine" Even though it may not be true I will say it and I will mean it.I just hope that Jimmy will be okay after everything that has happened over the years...He's been leaving the house late at night and coming home stoned and depressed, it also doesn't help that his girlfriend broke up with him because of rumours. I hope he feels better today or there will be consequences.


I get out of bed feeling the cold wooden tiles touching my feet,I sit in my chair to my vanity A.K.A my dresser and look in the mirror I started with my smiles and pronunciation on my sentence that I will say when they ask and then I got dressed throwing on a pink tank top blue skinny jeans and a black leather jacket.I sit down and drink my coffee with Aunt Jenna and Jimmy who was just sitting there one hand in his sweater pocket and the other holding his phone. Aunt Jenna then whispered "You sure you guys don't need a ride?" I whispered back "we are fine Aunt Jenna" She then walked over to the counter grabbing our bags while saying out loud confidently "I believe your fine but I don't believe the same for him" I laughed then grabbed both bags and using my spare hand to grab Jimmy by the wrist and pull him out the door once he was out I waved to Aunt Jenna. Once I made it to school I see Taylor and Bonnie standing by my locker I rush over "Hey guys!" Bonnie replies automatically "Hey! How are you? How have things been since you know..." And there went my chance Bonnie why'd you mention It? I get it I'm the sad girl who lost he parents due to an airplane crash thanks...But I gave my best smile and said "I'm Fine,everything's fine thank you" they both knew I was lying but they played along.Jimmy walks past me bumping me hard on the shoulder leaving a bruise I have Taylor hold my things and I rushed after him leading to the boys bathroom "What the hell Jimmy!" I yelled "what do yoh mean sis" he says funny but he also made me even more mad because he never calls me "sis" I finally say having him HIT my last nerve "What is that stoner talk?! Listen you have hit my very last nerve when you make a ridiculous decision I will not be there to save you from your consequences, got it?" he started to walk off "ok,Mom" he said quietly I walk out to be pressured on chest by chest with a really muscular guy...IS HE NEW?!?!

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