
Blood King Reborn

In a world of swords and magic, a man named Vlad has been reincarnated after his death as Dracula. He possesses blood magic that allows him to create weapons and use them as tentacles, and he has no memory of his past weaknesses. Now going by the name of Vlad, he joins an adventurous guild in this new world. As Vlad begins to explore this new world and his powers, he finds himself at odds with a Holy nation that seeks his death because of his use of blood magic. This conflict only intensifies when a kingdom tries to use Vlad as a weapon for their own purposes.

C_G_West · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

The group, weary from their long journey through the serpentine tunnels beneath the castle, stumbled upon an entrance hidden behind a crumbling stone wall. Vlad's eyes widened as he pushed against the cold surface, revealing a vast underground chamber that seemed untouched by time.

"By the gods," Liliana breathed, her golden hair shimmering faintly in the dim light streaming from Vlad's blood-red orb that hovered above them like a small, eerie sun.

"Welcome to our secret library," Artemis whispered, his red mane casting shadows on the ancient tomes that lay before them.

The atmosphere of the hidden library was both mysterious and oppressive. The dim lighting cast by Vlad's orb created long dark shadows that stretched across the floor, intermingling with the scent of old parchment that hung heavily in the air. It was as if the very essence of ancient knowledge permeated every crevice of this forgotten sanctuary. Selena's violet eyes flickered with curiosity as she gazed at the seemingly endless rows of dusty shelves.

"Who knew such a treasure trove existed beneath our feet?" she muttered, her hands itching to touch the volumes that held secrets from centuries past.

Vlad could sense the weight of history pressing down upon him, the countless whispers of those who had once walked these hallowed halls echoing in the silence. He couldn't help but wonder what truths lay hidden within the leather-bound covers that surrounded them.

"Remember, we must tread carefully," Pope Benedictus warned, his stern gaze surveying the room. "This place has been hidden for a reason, and we do not know what dangers may await us."

"Agreed," Vlad replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "Let us proceed with caution."

As they delved deeper into the library, the sense of ancient knowledge became even more pronounced. The air grew colder, and the scent of old parchment mingled with a faint metallic tang that sent shivers down their spines. It was as if the very blood of those who had once studied and practiced magic within these walls lingered, a testament to the power that still dwelt here.

"Vlad," Liliana called out softly, her voice barely audible even in the hushed silence. "I think I may have found something."

"Show me," Vlad replied, his curiosity piqued. The others gathered around Liliana, eager to see what secrets she had uncovered.

As they gazed upon the ancient text she held in her trembling hands, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at what lay before them. The book, bound in cracked leather and adorned with intricate silver filigree, seemed to hum with an energy that resonated deep within their very souls.

"Whatever this is," Artemis murmured, "it's powerful."

"Indeed," Vlad agreed, his dark eyes locked on the book. "Let us see what secrets it holds."

"Have you ever seen anything like this?" Selena whispered; her violet eyes wide with wonder as she gazed at the seemingly endless rows of dusty shelves. Books and scrolls of every size and color lined the walls, their spines cracked and faded with age.

"Never," Vlad admitted, his voice filled with awe. "This place is a treasure trove of knowledge." He glanced around at the others, each of them equally entranced by the sheer scale of the hidden library.

"Think of the secrets that must lie within these pages," Artemis mused, running his fingers lightly over a scroll bound in deep red silk. "The history, the magic..."

"Stay focused," Pope Benedictus reminded them sternly. "We are here to find answers, not to become lost in the past."

"Of course," Liliana agreed, nodding. "But it's hard not to feel overwhelmed by it all."

"Indeed," King Leopold chimed in, his green eyes scanning the titles before him. "But we must press on."

"Hey, guys!" Selena called out suddenly, her voice laced with curiosity. "You've got to see this!"

They hurried over to where Selena stood, gathered around an old, ornate book perched on a pedestal. It seemed untouched by time, its leather cover smooth and gleaming beneath the dim light.

"Curious," murmured Vlad, reaching out to carefully lift the book from its resting place. "It's as if this book has been preserved, protected from the ravages of time."

"Maybe it holds something important," suggested Artemis, his interest piqued.

"Only one way to find out," Selena replied, her eyes locked on the ancient tome.

"Proceed with caution," Pope Benedictus warned as he watched Vlad open the book. "We know not what power lies within these pages."

Vlad nodded, his fingers tracing the delicate script on the yellowed parchment. "We tread carefully," he promised, his mind racing with possibilities as he began to read.

"Alright, everyone," King Leopold announced, his voice filled with determination. "Let's split up and see what we can find in this vast library."

"Agreed," Pope Benedictus said, already scanning the nearest shelf. "Time is of the essence."

"Good luck!" Selena called out as the group dispersed, each member eager to unravel the secrets hidden within the ancient tomes.

Vlad walked along a dimly lit aisle, running his fingers gently over the spines of countless books, feeling the weight of knowledge they contained. He couldn't help but feel a strange sense of anticipation, as if something crucial awaited him among these dusty shelves.

"Blood magic," he muttered under his breath, hoping to find something that could explain his abilities and their origins. "There must be something here."

"Hey, Vlad!" Liliana called out from across the room, her excitement palpable. "I found a section on supernatural creatures! Maybe there's something here about your past?"

"Perhaps," he replied, making his way over to her. "But first, I want to understand my powers... what they are, where they come from."

"Understood," she nodded, her gaze still focused on the books before her.

As they continued to search, Artemis approached Vlad, holding a thick, leather-bound tome in his hands. "Vlad, look at this. I think it might be just what you're looking for."

"Really?" Vlad asked, his curiosity piqued. "Show me."

Artemis opened the book, revealing intricate illustrations of ancient rituals and symbols. "This appears to detail the origins of blood magic, its connection to some sort of dark force."

"Dark force?" Vlad echoed, his brow furrowing as he studied the pages.

"Indeed," Artemis continued, pointing to a passage that described how practitioners of blood magic were able to harness their own life force to create powerful weapons and control them with their will alone.

"Is it possible," Vlad mused, "that this dark force is what granted me my powers? That I was once a practitioner of blood magic?"

"Could be," Artemis replied thoughtfully. "It's certainly worth considering."

"Thank you, Artemis," Vlad said, his voice filled with gratitude. "This could be the key to understanding not only my powers but also my past."

"Of course," Artemis smiled, clasping Vlad on the shoulder. "We're all in this together, after all."

"Indeed," Vlad agreed, his gaze returning to the ancient tome. As he delved deeper into its secrets, he couldn't help but wonder what else lay hidden within the library, waiting to be discovered.

Vlad's eyes widened as he turned the pages of the ancient tome, each illustration more fascinating than the last. The parchment crackled beneath his fingertips, sending a shiver down his spine. He traced the intricate blood runes on the page, their crimson ink glistening in the dim light of the library.

"Artemis, look at these," Vlad whispered, unable to contain his awe. "The book details how the runes are created using the essence of one's own life force."

"Remarkable," Artemis murmured, leaning in for a closer look. "And dangerous, if misused."

"True," Vlad agreed, his voice barely audible as he continued to study the illustrations. "But imagine the power we could harness if we understood this magic fully."

"Power can corrupt, my friend," Artemis cautioned, placing a hand on Vlad's shoulder. "We must tread carefully."

"Of course," Vlad nodded, his mind already racing with possibilities. "But knowledge is our greatest weapon."

As they delved deeper into the book of blood magic, their companions continued their search for information throughout the hidden library. The air was thick with anticipation, the scent of old parchment mingling with the earthy aroma of the underground chamber.

"Guys!" Lila called out suddenly, her voice echoing through the hushed space. "I found something!"

Vlad and Artemis exchanged a glance before rushing over to where Lila stood, her hands gripping a dusty volume from a hidden compartment within one of the shelves.

"Look at this scroll," she urged, unraveling it with care. "It reveals the Holy nation's true motives and... and King Leopold's manipulation."

"Are you certain?" Artemis asked, taking the scroll from her trembling hands and scanning its contents.

"Read it yourself," Lila replied, her eyes dark with anger. "He's been using us all along."

"Damn him," Vlad hissed, clenching his fists as the truth of King Leopold's deceit dawned on him. "We trusted him."

"Trust can be a dangerous thing," Artemis mused, his voice tight with fury. "We must confront him. Expose his lies."

"Agreed," Lila said, her jaw set in determination. "We have the knowledge now. Let's use it to bring him down."

"Indeed," Vlad murmured, his thoughts already focused on the confrontation that awaited them. "The time has come for King Leopold Blackwood to face the consequences of his actions."

Vlad's heart raced as he stared at the scroll, his eyes scanning the words that revealed King Leopold's treachery. The inked letters seemed to burn into his mind, igniting a fire of rage within him. "How could he have done this?" he spat, his voice trembling with barely contained fury.

"Deceit comes easy to some," Artemis replied grimly, his brow furrowed in thought. "We need to come up with a plan. Quickly."

"Right," Lila chimed in, her gaze steely as she clenched her fists. "Any ideas?"

"First, we must gather proof," Vlad suggested, his mind racing. "The information from these books and scrolls will be crucial in convincing others of Leopold's true intentions."

"Agreed," Artemis nodded. "But we also need to prepare ourselves for the confrontation ahead. Who knows what traps or guards he has set up to protect his secrets?"

"True," Lila said, biting her lip. "We should gather any weapons or tools we can find in this library. There might be something useful hidden among these dusty shelves."

"Good thinking," Vlad praised, glancing around the dimly lit chamber. "We'll have to split up. Cover more ground."

"Then let's get to it," Artemis decided, determination etched upon his face. "Time is not on our side."

As they dispersed throughout the library, anger and betrayal simmered within them, fueled by the revelations they had uncovered. Vlad's thoughts were consumed by the looming confrontation, his pulse pounding in time with the flickering candlelight that cast eerie shadows on the ancient texts.

"King Leopold will pay for his deceit," he vowed silently, his grip tightening on the tome of blood magic. And with the knowledge they now possessed, they would bring the cunning ruler to his knees.

"Artemis, Lila," Vlad called out as he ran his fingers over the spines of ancient books, searching for anything that might help them. "We have to be strategic about this. We can't just barge into King Leopold's chambers and demand answers."

"Agreed," Artemis replied, his voice strained with barely suppressed fury. "But we cannot allow him to get away with this treachery. He must answer for his actions."

Lila's hands shook as she clutched a scroll detailing the Holy nation's true motives. Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears, but her resolve remained steadfast. "We need allies. People who will stand with us against King Leopold."

"Exactly," Vlad said, his heart pounding in his chest. "We're stronger together. And there are surely others who have been manipulated by Leopold. They deserve to know the truth."

"Alright then, we gather proof and rally support," Artemis declared, slamming his fist onto the table, causing the scrolls to shudder. "How do we go about it?"

"Carefully," Lila whispered, her eyes scanning the dimly lit library. "We need to find more evidence of Leopold's deceit, something that will make even his most loyal followers question their allegiance."

"Very well," Vlad agreed, feeling the weight of responsibility settle heavily on his shoulders. "We'll divide the tasks among ourselves. Each of us will focus on gathering information, allies, or weapons that will aid our cause."

"Sounds like a plan," Artemis grunted, his jaw set with determination. "I'll work on rallying support from those who have been wronged by Leopold."

"Good," Lila nodded, wiping away a stray tear. "I'll search for more evidence of his manipulation. It has to be here, somewhere."

"Meanwhile, I'll focus on finding anything that can help us against Leopold's guards and traps," Vlad decided, his eyes flashing with renewed purpose. "We must be prepared for any obstacle."

"Then it's settled," Artemis said firmly, his eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "We expose King Leopold's treachery and put an end to his ambitions, no matter the cost."

"Agreed!" Lila and Vlad echoed, a fire igniting within them as they set their minds to the tasks at hand.

As they went about their duties, the air in the hidden library crackled with determination, each of them fueled by the desire to see justice served. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, but they knew they had to act quickly. The future of their kingdom depended on their ability to work together, to uncover the truth and confront the ruler who had deceived them all.

"Leopold won't know what hit him," Vlad thought grimly, his fingers tracing the edges of a book detailing ancient traps and defenses. "We will bring him down and restore peace to our land."

"Alright, I think we've gathered everything we need," Artemis announced as he carefully rolled up the ancient scroll and secured it with a piece of twine. "Are you both ready?"

"Ready as we'll ever be," Lila said, clutching the book on King Leopold's manipulations to her chest. She glanced at Vlad, who was holding the tome on blood magic under his arm, his eyes filled with determination.

"Let's get out of this place then," Vlad muttered, casting a last wary look at the rows of books that seemed to close in on them like a suffocating embrace. "It feels like the walls are closing in."

"Agreed," Artemis nodded, leading the way to the library's entrance. As they walked, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the responsibility they now carried – not only for themselves, but for the entire kingdom. He felt it in the heavy tomes they bore, in the way their footsteps echoed through the dark and silent chamber, in the somber expressions that marked their faces.

"Artemis," Lila whispered, her voice barely audible. "Do you think we'll encounter any guards or traps when we leave? I mean, surely King Leopold wouldn't have left his secrets completely unprotected."

He sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I wish I could say no, but I don't know what to expect. We must be prepared for anything."

"Stay close, then," Vlad advised, his voice low and tense. "We've come too far to fall victim to one of Leopold's schemes now."

"Right," Artemis agreed, gingerly pushing open the hidden door that led out of the library. A dim light filtered in from the hallway beyond, casting eerie shadows across their faces. "One step at a time, and we'll make it through."

"Here's to hoping," Lila murmured, her breath hitching as she stepped out into the corridor. Vlad followed closely behind, his eyes darting this way and that, searching for any hint of danger.

As they moved cautiously away from the hidden library, the sounds of their footsteps echoing off the stone walls, Artemis couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease. They had discovered King Leopold's secrets, yes, but now came the hardest part - confronting the man himself and bringing his treachery to light.

"Focus on the task at hand, Artemis," he told himself, swallowing down his rising apprehension. "One step at a time, and we'll see this through to the end."

"Alright, everyone," Artemis called out as they continued down the dim corridor. "We have what we need. Let's regroup and decide how to confront King Leopold."

"Agreed," Vlad said, his voice a low growl. "It's time to bring him down."

Lila clutched the ancient book on blood magic to her chest, her eyes gleaming with determination. "He won't know what hit him."

"Easy, Lila," warned Artemis. "We need to be smart about this. We can't just barge into the throne room and reveal his secrets."

"Artemis is right," chimed Vlad. "We must be strategic. Use what we've learned to our advantage."

"Okay, okay," Lila relented, rolling her eyes playfully. "So, what's the plan?"

As they turned a corner in the shadowy passage, they reached a small chamber, hidden from prying eyes. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, each of them knowing that the stakes had never been higher.

"First, we need to analyze the information we've gathered," Artemis suggested, laying out the scrolls and books on a makeshift table. "Then, we can find a way to expose King Leopold's true intentions without putting ourselves in danger."

"Right," Lila nodded. "But let's be quick about it. I don't want to spend any more time in this creepy place than I have to."

"Agreed," Vlad added, his face grim. "There's no telling when Leopold will discover we've found his hidden library."

"Understood," Artemis said, turning his attention to the open books and scrolls before him. "Let's get to work."

As they poured over the ancient texts, the air around them seemed to hum with energy, as if the very words on the parchment were alive with purpose. Each character offered their insights and expertise, piecing together a plan that would not only expose King Leopold's deceit but protect the kingdom from his malicious ambitions.

"Alright," Artemis said finally, looking up at his companions. "I think we have our strategy. Are you both ready?"

"More than ready," Lila replied, fire in her eyes. "Let's do this."

Vlad nodded, his expression steely. "It's time to end Leopold's reign of lies."

"Then let's go," Artemis declared, a fierce determination surging through him. "Together, we'll bring the truth to light and save our kingdom."

As they left the hidden chamber, armed with knowledge and united by a common goal, the air crackled with anticipation. The stage was set for their confrontation with King Leopold, and there was no turning back. The next chapter of their adventure had begun, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.