
Meeting The Baron

*Things like sexism and racism are purely for worldbuilding and to make it more realistic. Thank you for your understanding.*

Qing Fang dropped the thick and huge spine of the female Catsith onto the murky ground. Although that spine was two meters in length, it was only the small portion that Qing Fang had ripped away from the throat of the dead Catsith.

The yellow eyes of the Catsith were wide open, yet they had slumped to the side and the eyelids closed a fraction, the strength holding them open now gone with the life of the Catsith.

Even though the battle between him and the Catsith seemed to last an eternity, from the moment that the Catsith discovered him until its death, it had merely been a few minutes.

It was an extremely formidable foe; the strongest being that Qing Fang had ever killed. Thinking back, he thought he could handle the second-weakest generation of Catsiths, however, it seemed they were still superior to him.

Though, that was not the case anymore.

Qing Fang felt it still burning in his blood: the strange power he called his own. It was a weird feeling as the power was definitely his own, yet it didn't belong with his cultivation nor stem from it.

"Haha." Qing Fang laughed dryly as he still squatted over the corpse of the female Catsith and let his head droop in exhaustion. Blood no longer flowed from his wounds, however, they were still glaring as his legs were in utter pieces. He wouldn't stand yet if he did not absolutely have to.

'This is the power of my bloodline, I can feel it. Just as the Catsiths have the innate power of the black mist that comes from their strong bloodline, this is my power.' Qing Fang thought as he felt the power in his eyes.

It took no energy, nor tired him when he used that power. It was completely one with him.

'The power in my eyes is similar to the mind control that an unlocked soul can bestow, however, it is inexplicably different. I have a feeling that my power can surpass the defences of an unlocked soul as long as my cultivation is high enough.

Mind control, extreme suggestive persuasion and inflicting weakness and terror. Simply wonderful.' Qing Fang smiled horrendously as he thought of his newly-discovered power.

With this strength, he could confidently face a Catsith of the same generation as the one he just fought and kill it with minimal injuries! It seems that his bloodline was truly stronger than a Catsith.

Previously, his and the female Catsith's physical bodies were equal. Yet, it had dominated him because of its bloodline power. However, now that he had a bloodline power of his own that was granted by this strange body he had; those Catsiths stood no chance of killing him, even if there were three of them.

Qing Fang felt no need to turn off his power, as he did not even know how. As he knew, this power was one with him; it was now a part of him.

Because of that, merely a gaze from those brightly shining red eyes could convince Stage 4 cultivators to kill themselves and even leave weaker Stage 5s in a state of paralysis. Higher Stage 5s like him would have their strengths diminished so massively that he could easily kill them, and Qing Fang guessed he could stand on equal ground with a peak Stage 5 cultivator!

His bloodline, and the granted power it gave, were simply that profound. That was already clear given that a mortal of his bloodline would have the physical capabilities of a Quasi Stage 5 cultivator...

When Qing Fang became Stage 1, he pushed that to lower Stage 5. And now, as a lower Stage 3, his body was equal to that of a Higher Stage 5 cultivator. Truly profound strength.

Qing Fang waited for a while without moving and felt his wounds completely heal on the surface, yet overwhelming fatigue and tiredness still gripped him. His glaring red eyes were sealed by his eyelids, yet he could still see right through them like they weren't even there.

Feeling this, Qing Fang decided that this was how he would control his power. He would walk around as if he was blind with his eyes closed, and when he wanted to kill or inflict terror, his eyes would slowly open and shine down on his prey.

Poetic, in a sense.

Minutes passed and an annoyed expression filled Qing Fang's new eyes. He turned his head to look eastwards many times, and nothing filled his eyes which irritated him. There were only unending marshes stuck between unimaginably tall cliffs that ended in the domain of that being up above.

Qing Fang had no doubt that it was always up there, watching. After all, Qing Fang had felt the sheer power of an unlocked soul when he was a mere mortal and it was a transcendental power. When coupled with a body that matched and housed the true power of it, a Stage 7 body, what would it become then?

Something similar to complete omniscience.

Eventually, Qing Fang cast his attention to one of the two golden slave runes in his soulspace; the one that belonged to Nu Li. He prodded it with his soul, undoubtedly causing Nu Li, the dragonman, unimaginable pain. However, it was necessary.

After all, Qing Fang was waiting for him right now. He would not leave these corpses unoccupied, but would also not drag them for kilometres until he came across Nu Li. Not only were they that heavy, but it was also degrading if one were to ignore Qing Fang's weakened state.

Waiting even longer, Qing Fang felt the need to yell.

He folded his magnificent wings up against his body, the sheer size of them still looming over like a mantle. His animalistic legs with three joints, not including the ankle, had extreme mobility and he used them to stand up freakishly.

Bending down and grabbing the fore paw of the female Catsith that was nearly half a meter thick, his huge hands gripped the stone flesh like a vice. And with an exertion of strength that Qing Fang really didn't want to use right now due to his tiredness, he slowly dragged the huge carcass until it swung into the air!

Throwing the corpse, it accurately landed right next to the male Catsith's corpse and sprawled atop it. The huge weight of the body that might even be a bit superior to Qing Fang's own weight shook the earth and the deep thuds were extremely loud.

He went over to the two sprawled bodies and sat atop them like they were some malformed beastly throne. He sat there laxly, with a hand propping up his chin as one of his legs swung in the air, the huge metatarsal claw of his foot flexing and unflexing independently.

He sat there for five minutes, resting his eyes and letting the wind blow on his fine white fur that didn't look different to his white skin underneath. His cat-like ears rotated independently also, always listening...

However, it was at this moment.

The huge ears twitched as the fine hairs growing from within them swayed and reacted to sound. Qing Fang raised his head, with his eyes still closed yet a red light shining underneath, and looked to the sky.

There, he saw a human walking in the air and looking down upon him with a solemn gaze. White irises shone with a light that almost made the human seem like an inhuman existence. His large frame and thick muscular body were shrouded with winding black robes that had the insignia of a screaming golden skull.

Long blonde hair that was almost white cascaded behind the man's muscular back, however, his hardened eyes took all the attention. His skin was a dark brown and coupled with his blonde hair, he was a strange human by the Qing Clan's standards; whom all had icy-white skin and dark hair.

Qing Fang recognised this human.

It was a human that he would not dare to face if he did not have his new bloodline power. It was the vast peak Stage 5 existence that fought with him and the Explosion path human on that night; Baron Kang.

Qing Fang seemed to show no expression as his closed eyes looked up at the Baron calmly. That appearance, coupled with the huge beastly corpses under his feet, made the Baron's gaze waver.

Seeing the tame appearance of what the Baron could only think of as an unintelligent demon, his white eyes gleamed as a soft and smug smile appeared on his skin. He showed no teeth, and no crinkled his eyes, showing that the smile was completely fake in Qing Fang's eyes.

And then, under Qing Fang's gaze that never left his body, the Baron descended from the sky and hovered above the dirty ground tens of meters away from the calmly seated Qing Fang.

'That bastard slave is useless, being so slow. But no matter, I had thought of this happening soon anyway.' Qing Fang thought as no fake smile appeared on his face. He was expressionless, apathetic, as he stared at the Baron with unflinching expressions.

As he descended, the Baron spoke with disdain and unconcern, clearly looking down upon Qing Fang.

"Well, abomination, we meet again. I suppose you can understand these words, beast?" The Baron was ever-smiling as he spoke. He seemed to have the entire situation in his hands, as of his appearance spelt the end of the abomination. That was why he was so calm, knowing that there was no escape!

"Understanding you is no issue, Baron." Qing Fang said plainly in a grating demonic voice that was so deep it shook the eardrums. The Baron visibly winced hearing the voice in his ears, showing a further disgusted expression.

"Hoho. So you remember. I didn't expect such a disgusting animal to have that capability. So, you also remember the fact that your life is now entirely in my hands, cretin?" The Baron's eyes thinned as his smile widened, now showing his pearly teeth. He even spread his arms, showing an aura of dominance as he slowly rose above Qing Fang once again and came closer, confident in his power.

Qing Fang was tired of exchanging such useless words. So, he only took one action.

One action to crush the confidence of the Baron, one action to make him fear.

The eyelids of Qing Fang slowly slid back as red slight suddenly burst through the cracks, shining down on whatever was before it like some monarch! The eyes gradually opened and the light was crawling upon the ground, stretching out to encompass the Baron!

And under the gaze of the Baron that was beginning to frown, those eyes appeared!

Huge red eyes of murder, encased in an abyssal black sclera. The deep, unfathomable pupil within was shrouded by the blinding red light that seemed to emit the aura of a ruler, of a controller. The one to determine all before his eyes!

Drops of sweat appeared on the brow of the Baron, and he even swallowed lightly as he gazed upon the demon. What seemed to be a beast, giving up on escape, transformed into a mighty existence that was merely resting his eyes in annoyance!

And now that those eyes lay upon his body, seemingly burning his flesh through his robes, there was a different feeling! The whirlwind of red that gathered around the eyes of the beast that was encased in a murderous red glint made the relaxed body of the white demon no longer harmless!

Those red eyes of Qing Fang's body. They contained his bloodline power, the power to control!

Under the gaze, the Baron felt his vastly stronger body start to weaken! His mind was playing tricks on him, sending him into confusion as his thoughts betrayed his common sense telling him to be careful!

The Baron felt his power weaken because of those eyes! And now, the appearance of that demon was not one bit inferior to his own! The thoughts in his mind were even telling him that the beast was superior, not something he could touch!

The Baron's entire aura became trying, resisting the bloodline power encompassing him! That caused his entire power to weaken so something equal to Qing Fang! If the Baron did not even try to resist, he would have already fallen into Qing Fang's hands...

"My life is no longer something you have right over, human. How is it? You can feel it? One misstep and you are mine." Qing Fang's demonic voice came again, however a smile never once appeared on his face.

However, that made the Baron back away. It meant that the apathetic aura from before was not something feigned, this demon truly had power that could kill him.

The Baron's expression sank. He was extremely annoyed and vicious. A poisonous and serpentine voice came from him.

"Cease your machinations, you evil abomination. You have no power here, nor over me! The City Lord is my master, and he had power unimaginable to you. You are in my territory, my province! I don't care what you are, I order you to leave."

The unease in the Baron's body was rising. Not only did he think the demon to be dead as he had run into the sky, the domain of the being above, that night; the demon now had two beasts under his foot. The fact that Qing Fang lived, in his eyes, multiplied his mystery and danger my many times.

"This is not your territory. This entire city is not your territory. You are just surviving here, and your great City Lord is shackled to the earth! Hahaha! You believe yourself to be a master? You are the pawn of a pawn." The sniding demonic voice shook the Baron.

Eventually, he took a step back and spoke gravely.

"What do you want?"

Only now, Qing Fang smiled.

"The beasts beneath my feet, do you recognize them?" He spoke calmly.

"I recognise them. I also recognise that you will be dead soon because of what you've done." The Baron spoke of the fact that the Catsiths were the true masters of this Cage of Beasts. It was not that beasts locked them in, but that they were locked in with them: the Catsiths.

And the being up above was just that: a Catsith.

"You should be grateful, Baron. For I killed them instead of you humans. A disaster will befall whoever kills the kin of the Catsiths." Qing Fang said.

"I don't know why you are so calm, abomination. You are so arrogant to think we will protect you just for this? Not only are you prideful, you are ignorant as well..." The Baron retorted.

"I do not want your protection, and I don't look upon it highly either." Qing Fang said which made the Baron have an ugly expression.

"Then what do you want? Speak." The Baron gave in and spoke.

"Haha, you should be more afraid. After all, who did these Catsiths here come to kill? It was not me. And who do you think the greater Catsiths will think killed their kin? Hehehe."

As Qing Fang was laughing, an extremely ugly expression came over the Baron. What did Qing Fang mean when he spoke? He meant that his city had taken the blame for Qing Fang's murder! And what would that result in?

Hordes of elder Catsiths flooding from the depths of the ravine marshes, descending upon himself and his city!!

Thinking of that, the great power of the City Lord didn't seem to be enough. Not in another ten thousand years.

One had to know that the Catsiths Qing Fang just killed were the weakest of the weakest! The second-youngest generation who had just sired a kitten! Older, more ancient Catsiths are not something anybody could fathom.

Just one generation higher than the Catsiths under Qing Fang's claws, the older Catsiths that had sired them, merely the third-weakest generation could kill Qing Fang and the peak Stage 5 Baron without question!

"What have you done..." The Baron was overtaken by fear for the future as his face was ashen!

"However, worry not, Baron." Suddenly, Qing Fang's voice came and revitalised the lowered head of Baron Kang!

Qing Fang continued.

"You recall? My venture into the sky that night long ago? You were there, weren't you?"

"I remember it well, before..." The Baron hesitated.

"Before you were struck down from the sky by an attack directly on your human essence?" Qing Fang said. The Baron nodded solemnly.

"I cannot perform such an act." Qing Fang lied outright.

"..." The Baron was speechless as realisation took him.

"You mean...?" He stuttered incoherently.

"Haha, yes! It was the being above! It struck you and that other human down simply because you angered me and sought to kill me." Qing Fang smiled viciously and with pride as he continued to lie and confuse the mind of Baron Kang!

After he spoke, the Baron looked at Qing Fang with fear as he slowly backed away and looked up at the sky with utter terror written all over his face!

"Why do you think I don't fear killing these weak Catsiths?" Qing Fang shouted at the retreating Baron as he laughed madly!

The Baron did not answer but was retreating slowly, eager to escape from Qing Fang!

"Haha! Escape! Escape from your doom!" Qing Fang shouted loudly at the receding figure of Baron Kang who simply turned and flew back to the city with all his might!

"Haha..." As soon as the Baron left, Qing Fang immediately stopped laughing as his crazed demeanour returned to something cold.

'Fool.' Tricking a peak Stage 5 human that could probably defeat him as he was now had never seemed so easy.

As for the thought that Qing Fang could dissuade the Catsiths from taking revenge on the city? Mere fantasy. He never intended to stop their vengeful descent, and instead, capitalise on it!

How much blood would be shed then?

Blood that Qing Fang wanted; needed.

All he wanted to do by scaring the Baron was to get him to retreat as Qing Fang couldn't defeat him right now!

As for whether Qing Fang was truly protected by the Catsith up above, he couldn't be certain. However, he was sure that it was the one to contact him in his slumber, whispering mutterings to him...

As for what it truly meant by that, only the future could reveal it. However, he was sure that no Catsith would knowingly kill him. However, leaving it up to chance was not ideal.

However, what did that matter? Qing Fang could hide from them using the shielding of natural Laws in his underwater cave easily.

Besides that, Qing Fang could be certain of one thing.

A war would commence sooner or later.

*3,184/3,000 words*

Scare tactics are all about bluffing

PSYcho_72creators' thoughts
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