
Blood Cries

19 year old, Silver Ride (This is about my Oc) who lives in Seattle, Washington, has been sexually abused most of her whole life. Starting from the age of 5 with sexual harassment from teachers which ultimately turned into rape at the age of 13. Shunned from her parents and almost everyone around her, she has to face that she is alone in life and can't trust anyone, especially guys. Her sister, Nikki (Nik), is her lifeline and person she leans towards. One day her life will turn for the worst, or the better, when she is saved from being raped once more by a mysterious boy. Will it end in suffering? Or will Silver find the happy ending she finally deserves?

Silver_Ride707 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 7: Awakening

Silver's POV

Before I opened my eyes, I heard the musical chirping of the birds outside my window. I thought to myself, 'Was yesterday all just a dream? I must have a vivid imagination.' The smell of cheesy eggs invaded my senses and my eyes instantly opened. 'Was he still here?' I wondered and slowly got up. I went downstairs and saw Vole cooking in my kitchen.

"Hey Vole. Your still hear?" I asked very curiously.

He turned to me with a smile and said, "Well I thought it would be rude if I left a drunk girl alone all night you know? Plus I wanted to make sure you were okay." He turned back to the stove and put the eggs with cheese on 2 plates. "I hope you like eggs and cheese. I don't know how to make much else." He got a bit flustered saying that.

I smiled and also turned a little red because I was shocked he cared that much. "I love them. They freaking smell so amazing I'm barely holding myself back from inhaling the entire plate like it was cocaine"

He started laughing super hard at that and handed me a plate. "Well guess you better dig in before you eat my hand off. Also there is Advil on the table if you need some cause of your hangover."

I was already shoving the food down my throat when I looked at him. He started laughing more from how I was halfway shoving a melty forkful of the eggs into my mouth. I couldn't help but give him a sheepish smile and whispering, "Thank you."

We ate in silence the rest of the time and I kept catching him glancing at me every so often almost shyly. I couldn't say I didn't like that because I was doing some of my own staring, especially at his tossled brown hair sticking up in spikes at odd places.


Vole's POV

She honestly was very intriguing to me. The way she spoke and acted but I could see some darkness in her eyes. I know she has been through hell and it kills me knowing what people have done to her.

I kept glancing at her because I thought she was beautiful. She was the kind of girl who didn't need all that makeup and beauty regimens. Sharp blue eyes full of wonder, hair so long and soft, lips full and shaped perfectly. It was no wonder guys desired her, myself included, but I sure as hell not going to harm her. The more I thought about her the more sure I was on being her friend, and if the case my be, a future partner.

I remembered I had work in a few hours so after helping her clean dishes and talking to her some more, I decided I needed to head out.

"Hey Silver I have work at 1 and I have to go, but I'd love to ask if I can have your number to keep in touch with you? I want to hang out some more in the future." I asked looking into her eyes.

"Well of course." She writes down her number and hands it to me. "Drive safe okay? I don't want to hear my new friend has driven into a light pole cause he couldn't stop looking at a donut shop." She giggled, god her giggles are music to his ears, and smiled at him playfully.

I laughed and gave her my signature smirk, the one I use for playful moments like this just to be a little flirty. "The only thing that would distract me that much from driving is a pretty girl like you."

I saw her cheeks go bright red which I thought was so adorable. I then said, "I'll be careful though, I promise." Before stepping out her door.

"Bye Vole." I heard her say as I walked to my truck.

"Bye Silver. Stay safe for me." I said before driving off. Interesting girl indeed.

Chapter is a little short please forgive me

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