
Blood Brother - Invincible

Just your regular guy, with a regular life. Until it wasn't. In a world where Invincible protects the Earth, a new hero emerges - Matthew the male twin brother of Mark Grayson. Now, he was more than he had ever hoped for. Born out of deciet, raised with love and care, and grew with the knowledge not many have. When Mark's Viltrumite powers awaken, so do his, revealing his true heritage. But something peculiar occurs - he suddenly also finds himself grappling with an entirely different set of powers, ones he can't trace back to Viltrumite lineage and are much harder to control. As the mysteries of these new abilities unravel, he must navigate the dangerous and mysterious paths of his heritage while facing unforeseen challenges. Will he join forces with his brother to protect the Earth, or will his divergent powers lead him down an entirely unique path of heroism? .... OC's are mine for all intents and purposes, while others belong to their respective companies. This has been an itch of mine I had wished to put to writing for a long time now, and finally here it is. it won't be a story for everyone, that for sure, but it will be one I will not regret writing at all. So with that, Happy Reading y'all!

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Chapter 21

° Grayson Residence

° A Few Hours Later

Matthew lounged in the living room, utterly bored and surfed through the TV channels with disinterest.

He wanted to hang out with Throwbolt, chat with her, spend a few moments outside, or maybe inside his room and in sweet privacy. But she was busy, and so Matthew had nothing to do.

The door bell rang and Matthew wondered who it was as he walked towards it. When he opened it, William's lanky figure greeted him.

"Hey, Matt. Is Mark home?" William said.

"William" Matthew gave him a nod "Yeah, he's upstairs. Why?"

"I...can't tell you" William hesitated "But let's just say that he needs my help if he's gonna get laid anytime soon"

Matthew was quiet as he put a hand over his face, sighing. He did not want take a peek at whatever Mark's gay bestfriend was thinking, but he did have a slight idea who William was taking about.

"TMI, William. You could've just stopped at--you know what? Nevermind" Matthew said, stepping aside "Come on in"

"Thank you" William entered the house and made for the stairs.

Matthew shut the door and went back to the couch, back to his lounging.

"Matt" Debbie called from the kitchen "Who was it?"

"Mark's gay friend, William" Matthew answered absently.

Debbie walked into the living room, "What's he doing here?"

"Helping Mark...clean his room" Matthew said, nearly letting the truth slip out.

"Oh, okay. You should go help them then" Debbie suggested.

Matthew lifted his head and gave his mother a questioning look.

"For support" Debbie added.

"Why?" was all Matthew asked.

Debbie smirked, "Don't think you can trick, young man. There are only a few reasons why boys suddenly get the urge to clean their rooms. And only one of them applied in this situation"

Matthew found himself caught, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.

"I don't--"

"Matt" Debbie stared at him with a raised brow "I appreciate you having your brother's back, it is heart warming to see, but you need to help your brother too"

Matthew hid a tired sigh and rose from the couch, taking the stairs up to Mark's room. He knocked.

"Mom?" Mark asked from the inside.

"Its me. Matt" Matthew said flatly.

Mark opened the door and looked at him, eyes squinting suspiciously.

"What are you doing here?" Mark asked in a whisper.

"Well" Matthew smiled, "this is my house too. My room is literally right next to yours, and...Mom asked me  to help"

"William's here. I don't need your help" Mark said, attempting to close the door.

Matthew put a hand on the door and held it open, "I don't like it too, man, but Mom asked me. So I'm coming in"

Despite Mark's protest, Matthew entered through opened doors. William stood inside and waved at Matthew as he entered, Mark shut the door loudly behind him.

They stood quietly as Matthew scanned the room with clear displeasure. His eyes spotting fallen over action figures, scattered comic books, a dirty open closet, unkept bed, and the general fish-like smell coming from a suspicious pile of balled up tissues.

"Yeah, you are never getting laid" Matthew teased.

"...Fuck you," Mark said in annoyance.

"Okay" William said to clear the air, fishing out a few novels from his backpack "I brought you some homework. A little Naomi Klein. A touch of Margaret Atwood. Some Ta-Nehisi Coates"

"I haven't read any of those" Mark admitted.

Matthew scoffed and whispered to himself, "Must some feminist think piece or something"

William heard and hid a grin as he continued his explanation to Mark.

"But she has, so get started. It'll show Amber you're interested in her" William said, then added "She's also into spicy foods, stand-up comedy, and fourth-wave feminism"

Matthew and Mark suddenly stared at William, finding his information too suspiciously specific.

"What? I read her file" William said.

The brothers were unconvinced.

"I asked around at school" William admitted.

"It's just a study date, not a first date" Mark reasoned, pushing aside a bundle of tissue.

"Mark, every date should feel like a first date" William said, trying to convince Mark.

Matthew listened absently, his mind once again thinking about Throwbolt. And to Claire's sensual selection of mental pictures. Which was a good distraction despite the arousing images.

The door bell rang again and Matthew felt relieved that he wasn't going to impose on his brother more. He spun around the chair and grinned at Mark.

"Uh-oh. Times up" he said, teasing.

Mark began to panic, pushing Matthew and William out of his room

"Go!" he whispered to William "Out the back way"

"You can thank me later when you call me" William said as he walked off the stairs "And tell me exactly how it all went"

Matthew eyed Mark and chuckled, deciding to offer his help "I'll distract her. That'll give you a few seconds to prepare"

Mark stiffened and quickly gave him a strained but grateful nod as he shut the door.

Matthew went for the door and opened, greeting the new guest that just arrived.

"Hello, Amber" he greeted.

Amber greeted him back with a slight frown.

Matthew just knew, at that moment, that his task was going to be a bit more difficult than he expected.


° A Few Minutes Later

Matthew decided to clean up the house to pass the time and while Mom was away, his interest in Mark's relationship with Amber was nil. Truthfully, he would've liked it if any other pretty girl from school was with Mark instead. He did not like Amber at all.

He was sweeping the dust below the dining room table when he felt a pair of feet shoes tap down the stairs.

He looked at Amber looking around, her eyes met his and blinked a few times.

"Have you seen Mark?" she asked.

Matthew quirked an eyebrow, "Wasn't he with you?"

"Yeah. I took a moment in the bathroom while he answered a call. He was gone when I came back" Amber said.

Matthew pulled out his phone and went to his messages, finding nothing new from Mark at all. That got him curious, at least until an Unknown Number messaged him right at that very moment.

[Keep the girlfriend occupied. I've got Mark handling a situation in Mount Rushmore with Atom Eve. -Cecil]

Matthew's face twitched in annoyance at the request and typed back.

[Why didn't you ask me? I'm not doing anything]

[Relax, kid. Your turn will come soon. For now, make sure his date or whatever doesn't get moody and walk out]

[How do I do that? I don't even like the girl]

[Jesus, kid. FIGURE IT OUT]

"Oh, yeah. That's great advice right there" Matthew said sarcastically "Genius, really"

"What did he say?" Amber asked.

Matthew quickly thought of an excuse, "Mark's old manager from that burger joint asked him for a favour. Might take an hour or two, but he'll be back"

"Oh" Amber looked disappointed.

"In the meantime" Matthew said, heading for the kitchen "Why don't you sit down a sec while I make you something?"

Amber looked up, "Oh you don't have to--"

"Please" Matthew interrupted, "I insist. It's the least I can do. For both of us"

Amber considered it and nodded, following behind Matthew as she sat herself upon a stool.

"Any preferences?" Matthew asked.

"Just anything is fine. Thank you" Amber answered.

"Okay then. Something I recently learned it is then, I'll have you be my taste tester" Matthew said as he started assembling the ingredients and chopped it up.

Amber watched him move in silent fascination. Matthew felt uncomfortable with the silence and the staring he felt so he began to engage in some light topics.

"So, Amber, how's your situation with Todd?" he said.

"It's taken care of" Amber said, "And we don't have to talk while you're busy"

"Nonsense. I can absolutely multitask" Matthew shifted topics, "And I have to say, I'm impressed with the blackmail strategy. Well done"

Amber perked an eyebrow, "Who told you it was blackmail?"

"A simple deduction" Matthew confessed, and explained "I heard everything Todd said, you know. Something about pictures, mentioning you, and the way he avoided everyone's eyes when he walked away screamed of balckmail. Social blackmail, maybe?"

Amber nodded appreciatively, "Wow. I didn't think you were a regular Sherlock"

Matthew smiled as he gave the dish he was making a few finishing touches before serving them for Amber.

"There you go" Matthew waved toward the bowl set in front of Amber

"Thank you" she said, giving it a good look.

The dish was served in a wide transparent cup and a simple teaspoon to the side. It had a pudding like texture set upon an abundant amount of brown liquid. She examined it a bit more and a hint of recognition crossed her face.

"Is this...Taho?" she asked with wide eyes.

Matthew raised an eyebrow and his respectful the girl grew "You actually know what that is?"

"So it is. I've only ever seen these things in the Philippines, but how did you--"

"It's just tofu, a bit of brown sugar, sago pearls, and a little bit of my personal sweetener" Matthew said "It's a pretty simple thing to make. Give it a taste"

Her eyes lulled to a close and let soft moan of delight as he mouth chewed the salad.

"Oh my god" Amber said between mouthfuls.

"You like it?" Matthew smiled.

"Like it? It's amazing!" was all Amber managed as she quickly consumed her serving. Slurping the sweetened brown mix in satisfaction.

"That's good to hear. And I hope-" Matthew added "That you will take this as an apology for being a bit harsh last time"

Amber paused just enough to look at him.

"I was very angry at the time, some idiot had just sucker punched my brother, so when you spoke to me I got a little carried away" Matthew explained.

Amber eventually nodded after a few seconds "Apology accepted"

They got to talking some more afterwards, talking on light topics like school memories or embarrassing teacher stories both new and old. All while enjoying Matthew's cooking and some cold beverages.

Until eventually, Debbie and Nolan came home.

With their arrival came curious questions aimed at Amber, at which point Matthew silently slid away from and went back to lounging at the couch.


° A Few Hours Later, Evening

Matthew sighed, again.

He was floating above the house, with nothing on but his sweatpants, laying on his back and enjoying the shine of the moon and stars in full view above. Cut off from all the coupling happening below.

From his mom and dad, to Mark and Amber.

In short, Matthew didn't want to complain and interrupt whatever they were doing below. Also, he was slightly jealous.

He had texted Throwbolt and didn't get a reply, thinking that she was no doubt busy with her school work. He respected her time, but that didn't mean that he wasn't going to crave the feeling of her lips or body on his.

His musings were interrupted by a sudden *gasp* to his side. Matthew turned and saw Atom Eve there, floating and in her full hero costume.

They eyed each other, each not expecting to see one another at this time or place.

"Eve?" Matthew asked "What are you doing here?"

"I...I was looking to see if Mark was still up" Eve replied.

An odd lookcame over him when thinking about how many times people he knew seemed to want to find Mark for some reason or another.

Matthew studied her more closely, but found no signs of crying or anger in her eyes. Matthew then hazarded a peek into her mind and saw a moment that no doubt happened not long ago.

Matthew inwardly cringed at his next words, "He's up alright. But, he's not alone"

"Why? What's wrong with-"

"He's with Amber" Matthew said plainly.

Eve was stunned at the reply, her thoughts becoming a complicated mess that Matthew was getting dizzy seeing. Ultimately, she calmed down and proceeded to land on the roof and sighed.

Matthew closed his eyes and held his own sigh, not enjoying the fact that his day had somehow turned into a litany of making people feel better about themselves rather than making himself not feel worse. But he still landed beside her and waited.

"Rex and I broke up" she said after a while.

"Ah" Matthew acted like he just realized it, "Is that why you didn't join the Guardians?"

"Yeah. He cheated on me. With Kate. All there of her" Eve explained.

Matthew cringed inwardly, "Yikes. That's a shitty thing to do"

"He said that I cheated on him first" she said "He thinks that I'm dating either Mark or you"

"That's a stupid excuse" Matthew blurted, almost absentmindedly. His opinion of Rex Splode plummeting.

"Right? And he had the nerve to slap that in my face!" Eve raised her voice "Why couldn't he just ask me first before hooking up with Kate over something so stupidly untrue!"

Eve trembled in anger, but tears threatened to fall from her face as well. Hinting at how hurt she was.

Matthew put a hand on hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze, "Eve, just let it out. Don't hold it all in"

Eve wiped the tears threatening to fall from her eyes and put her head on Matthew's shoulder.

"Thanks, but I'm not a little girl anymore" Eve giggled.

Matthew chuckled at himself, "My bad. Just saying. If you cry right now, I have an invulnerable shoulder you can squeeze and punch to your hearts content"

Eve grinned and put her head on his shoulder with a smile, "Thanks, Matt"

"He was your first, wasn't he? Your first love?" Matthew suddenly asked after a brief quiet passed between them.

"...Yeah. How can you can tell?" Eve asked.

"A wild guess" Matthew admitted "Nothing hurts like a first love heartbreak. Or so I heard"

"Where did you hear that?" Eve asked, curious.

"Some cheesy vampire teen drama" Matthew lied "But I will say one thing from my own experience. If you'll allow me"

"Sure" Eve nodded casually.

"This pain you feel now, don't let it sour you or close you off from the world because it will pass. No matter how long it takes" Matthew looked her in the eyes "Because it is better to have loved and lost it then to not have loved at all"

They shared a silent moment as Eve digested the words, making herself comfortable on Matthew's shoulders all the while. Matthew enjoyed the silence of the moment until Eve whispered.

"Thank you, Matt. I needed to hear that" Eve said quietly.

More silence followed afterwards.

Then, to Matthew's surprise, Eve began to lightly pat all over his arm. From the forearm all the way to the back of his hands.

"Eve?" Matthew called.

"Just checking" Eve said, shifting topics "You know, you're very muscular for a gay guy"

Matthew stiffened then. Remembering that Madison issue and how it resolved, how he missed asking Madison to clear up the issue with Eve.

"Crap" he said, hesitating on whether or not to explain it to her at that moment or not.

"Woah. I didn't mean to--I don't just. It's just, I have seen a muscular gay man before. The only gay guy I know is William, and you know how he is" Eve explained.

"No, it's not that," he said, settling on his choice.

He didn't want to lie to her at that moment.

"Okay. I need to tell you something. So please don't freak out" Matthew said.

Eve looked at him suspiciously, "What?"

"...I'm not gay, Eve. I'm straight" he said in a low tone.

Eve's face went through a series of expressions in the span of a minute just then. Going from confusion, to suspicion, to realization, and eventually settled to a look of utter disbelief.

Matthew kept his eyes on hers as he prepared himself for whatever she was going to throw at him, in both a figurative and possibly literal sense.

"You're...No. You're lying" she said, raising her voice slightly "Is this some kind of prank or joke? If so, then you are not doing a good job at it"

"I'm not. I'm telling the truth--"

"Prove it!" Eve snapped "Prove it or so help me I will turn your penis into sand"

The threats aside, despite the severity and intent in Eve's voice, Matthew was at a loss at exactly how to prove it. He had a number of options that were both easy and difficult to accomplish just to prove his straightness.

Before he could think things further, Eve impatiently took matters into her own hands and pulled Matthew's face towards hers for a deep kiss. She closed her eyes and focused on his reaction.

Matthew was completely stunned but his body reacted by itself, his hands wrapped around her curvy body and pulled her close. His wide eyes lulling to a close as the testing kiss turned to a heated make-out as both teens fell to their urges that had been piling up for the day.

They only parted a few minutes or so later, both flush and eyeing each other with intense hunger.

Matthew couldn't think of anything else as all the blood left his body and focused below, a reaction that Eve didn't miss as it poked on her pelvis and through the fabric of her costume.

Eve, fully consumed by her frustrations and anger towards her ex-boyfriend as well as the missed chance with Mark earlier, settled on a decision quickly as she asked.

"Do you have a condom?" she asked.

Matthew nodded "In my room"

"Good. Lead the way" Eve replied and once again dove into a passionate exchange of kisses as Matthew floated towards his room through the window and set them both on his bed.

And the rest of the night continued with a pink anti-sound barrier and a loud moan of ecstasy.