

There was a big fight between King Arthur and Agatha, which made his wife leave the kingdom of Aqua, along with the child in her womb. Not long after that hundreds of thousands of Shiners, tried to attack the Aqua Clan, blindly the entire population there without being left. King Arthur tried to stop the attack with all his might. However, that alone could not turn things around and instead, the Shiners Clan succeeded in occupying the entire Aqua kingdom. King Arthur and some of his loyal Servants, managed to escape to the Miracle Nation, in order to recover his seriously injured condition, and rebuild strength. Meanwhile on Earth, Alika Hester has grown into a beautiful teenager, liked by many men. At the age of eighteen, his existence on Earth had been known for a long time by the Shiners, who came from the planet Airraksa. A place that is far from Earth's area. They tried to kill Alika since she was seventeen years old to get Immortality, which was embedded in Alika's body. Evander Fire is one of the Clan Shiners, tasked with eliminating Alika. However, Blood managed to thwart each of these plans. Blood is a knight entrusted by King Arthur, to protect Alika and Agatha from the pursuit of the Shiners. Before Immortality is controlled by King Orion, then during that time Alika's life will continue to be in danger. Right at the age of eighteen, Alika felt her body possess a great power which, she could not control. Immortality had reached the peak of its power, leading to King Orion of the Shiners Clan ordering Evander to immediately kill Alika, seizing Immortality from the descendants of the Aqua Nation, just as they had previously planned. War between the Aqua Nation and the Shiners was no longer inevitable. Alika is unable to control the power of Immortality, this opportunity is used by the King of Orion to sneakily seize Immortality. However, the attempt was thwarted by Evander who was none other than his confidant. In the end, Evander was killed and made Blood angry. The two are known as Zeus and Venus, which makes Zeus (Blood) have to be injured, while reclaiming Immortality from the hands of King Orion. Alika's anger peaked. He couldn't see any more of his loved ones gone. Alika's great concern successfully activated Immortality. Immortality has chosen Alika as its new Master. The power generated was incredible, until finally King Orion was killed How's the full story?

Ariezs11 · Sejarah
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26 Chs

Chapter 13

Zeus acts so vicious. Not a single Orion soldier was left alive. Zeus killed them without blinking. Steven, who witnessed Zeus' action, could only sigh from time to time.


Someone who kills without blinking, signifies he is a person who no longer has a heart. Steven remembers, when he was the same age as Zeus, he only killed a few people, but Zeus had almost killed more than a hundred people.


"Commander Steven!" Zeus shouted, without thinking he immediately ran, throwing his sword that was aimed at the soldier, who was about to attack Steven from behind.


Zeus' scream suddenly woke Steven from his daydream. Thinking of how Zeus killed so viciously, made Steven lose his concentration.


Zues' sword hit the soldier's head right into it, knocking him out of place. Steven took a deep breath, when he saw how the soldier died before his eyes.


The sword that Zeus had seemed to have a mind of its own. That sword, kill as Zeus ordered. Steven's body immediately did not move, if the sword hit his head, then his fate would be the same as that of the soldier.


"Commander are you okay?" Zeus asked frantically.


His gaze was fixed on the headless soldier for a few seconds, only then did he check the condition of Steven who looked shocked.


"I'm fine." His lips trembled as he answered the question, "How do you kill like that, at your age now?"


Steven tried to regain his composure. His mind still can't accept, that the young man in front of him now, is not like young people in general. Only one word that Steven can imagine to describe the figure of Zeus now. Terrifying!


Zeus smiled awkwardly, he scratched his head which didn't itch. "I don't know how I kill. It's hard for me to explain now. Maybe some other time I'll tell the commander-in-chief."


Zeus didn't want his time to be wasted just chatting casually with Steven. Currently, their priority is victory, and how to suppress it as much as possible so as not to fall victim to it.


While they were still talking, Orion's soldiers took advantage of that moment to behead Zeus. The sword, which was almost a meter long, aimed straight at Zeus' head.


There were only a few inches left before the sword hit Zeus' head, at that moment Zeus rolled to the ground. He had sensed the soldier's presence before, which prompted Zeus to take action.


The soldier did not remain silent, again he pointed his sword at Zeus, at that moment Zeus swung his sword. There was a clash between the two swords in the air.


With Zeus lying on the ground, making the soldier dominate the attack. He pressed his sword so Zeus felt overwhelmed.


The soldier thought he would be able to win the fight, and it would be easy for him to bring Zeus's head before Orion later.


However, what the soldier had in mind turned out to be horribly wrong. Zeus did make reproaches so that the soldiers were easy to attack him. When the soldier felt the upper hand, only then did Zeus react.


His body immediately explained, he immediately stood proudly with a sword that was ready to kill his opponent's life.


With one swing of the sword, Zeus instantly made the soldier's body split in two. Fresh blood spurted from the soldier's body and hit Zeus' face.


Zeus was bathed in blood, because not only the soldier he killed, but there were other soldiers who tried to surround Zeus from all sides.


It only takes a few minutes, for Zeus to be able to knock out his opponents. Again, Steven was amazed by the action that Zeus showed.


With Zeus' abilities, it was not impossible for him to finish off a thousand troops without difficulty. Steven is sure that even if he fights in top condition, he will not be able to beat Zeus.


"I can't lose to that kid. At least I have to take a lot of dead enemies with me!" Steven exclaimed, and immediately swung his sword in any direction.


His scream certainly provoked many enemies to approach. Zeus smiled gently at Steven who started his action again.


The old man regained his fighting spirit, even though previously Steven had almost given up because the number of enemy soldiers was very large while Arthur's soldiers only made up a few percent of the enemy's strength.


However, now Steven believes that the flow of this war can be changed and the casualties that fall on his side will be maximized, if he fights with all his might.

Steven swung his sword non-stop. It's been countless how many soldiers who died in his hands now. Steven was bathed in blood, and so was Zeus.


They compactly cripple their opponents regardless of whether the warrior is young or old. Now, the more Orion soldiers died, the easier the flow of this war would be for them to control.


When Zeus and Steven compactly cooperate with each other, meanwhile the aerial battle between Orion and Arthur has yet to find out who the winner is.


Arthur had not expected before, that the power that Orion had now had increased by leaps and bounds. Arthur, was made to retreat several times, as Orion's tread hit his internal organs.


"Just give up, Arthur! It's useless against me, because your strength is not comparable to mine now."


Orion laughed loudly. With sixty thousand troops fighting, and his strength above Arthur's, Orion had the upper hand.



"You'd better leave that Immortality to me, then you and the people of Aqua won't have to fight anymore!"


Orion laughed even more, he felt he was already on the cusp of victory. The fragrance of this victory had already been smelled. Even though he was tired from all the pressure, Arthur could still smile broadly.


The thing that made Arthur feel that way, was because he saw Zeus and Steven fighting against the enemies relentlessly. That's what made Arthur's spirit rekindled.


Orion looked at Arthur who was smiling. He looked in the direction where Arthur's smile was directed. When his eyes saw what Arthur saw, at that moment Arthur gasped.


His mouth was open and his eyes were wide as well, it was a sight that made his heart heat up even more.


Arthur returned his gaze to Orion. A beautiful smile appeared on his face. Instead, the smile slowly faded from Orion's face.


"You see, don't you, who is currently controlling the flow of war? You can see right, right now my mighty soldiers, are crippling all your troops one by one!" Arthur exclaimed, shrugging his shoulders.


His chest swelled, even though his body was covered with cuts and cuts, but the pain seemed to disappear into a burning spirit.


There was a radiance of fear from Orion which was caught by Arthur's net. Witnessing the significant change in Orion made Arthur, confident that he and his troops, would be able to control the tide of this war.