
chapter 16

kuria gave Binta a pack of which contains two plates of the food, she thanked him again before sticking out her tongue to me and stormed out, kuria followed her, so that she won't get lost inside the house.

After seeing her off, he returned and sat opposite me, I also told him I was going, I couldn't stand his gaze anymore, it was burning through my spine, he pleaded with me to stay a little while before leaving, Is not like I really wanted to leave but Binta who was always talking on my behalf is gone, the environment was calm and I didn't know what to talk about again, I started wishing Binta had stayed, kuria packed the dishes to wash and I needed to do something so I asked him if I can be drying the dishes while he wash, he quickly agreed so we did the dishes together and I put it away accordingly he was done washing and wanted to assist me in cleaning up the table, as his hands touched mine probably by mistake I felt I melted inside, my heart double skip and I heard this sensational feeling down my stomach, like butterflies.

We later got quite as we have being talking, especially him who has being trying to keep me company ,the cold kitchen became hot for me, I was so uncomfortable I couldn't tell exactly how I feel, he noticed and asked if I was okay, I told him I wasn't feeling too good maybe the trequi was taking effect he laughed, I asked him where the rest room was, he showed me and I quickly went in, it looks comfortable in there I wasn't doing anything in just there, my emotions were building so dangerously fast around Kuria and he was obviously careful so that he won't offend me.

I sat there for sometime telling myself how stupid I was, how can I even think of having feelings for another man when I'm getting married soon to Denis, the man I claim to love, I hated myself for feeling the way I was feeling, I was still in the sad thought when kuria called me from outside the restroom asking if I was okay. I replied affirmatively, I told him I was good.

I later came out and told him I will be on my way, I thanked him for the food and entertainment, he asked to come around sometime and I promised I will, he walked me out to the door he held my hand with the door knob and he gently turned my face to him still holding my hand, I faced him he was really cool to be with but I was only looking at his eyes and watch as his lips moved, my mind was occupied with silent prayer, my emotions were still running wide. I could have taken my hand from him but I was enjoying the moment.

I enjoyed your company Joda but you were cold after your friend left, I just wanted to ask again if you are alright?

I managed to smile before saying I was fine, at that moment it was as if something got into me and I gently kissed his lips, and as if he has being wanting to do that but didn't know how, as I tried to part my lips he held unto me as if his life depends on it and kissed me so passionately.

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