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"You know, you could end the world, should you wish for it."

"Shut up. That'd be unfair to the people who just want to live normal lives. I'd rather suffer now than have everyone else pay the price for me later."

"Oh, but most of them are guilty too. They've sinned as well, and many remain unpunished. Isn't it wrong that they face no consequences? Don't you think it's only natural that they atone for their misdeeds? Isn't it also favorable for the unrepentant sinners to get their 'karma', so you can be forgiven yourself? This is your only chance."

"I can't. The weight of the world's sin can never match mine, and even if it could, It doesn't change the fact that I still did what I did. It may not be same for most, but for me, the guilt is punishment enough. I've been paying for this mistake since I committed my first sin. And I also believe it would be wrong to order the world's retribution to cleanse myself. While many sins can be overlooked, I fear mine cannot."

"So you think they should get away with their sins?"

"No. You really like to twist my words, don't you?" They should atone, but I'm not the one to make them. They should do it themselves. Forgiveness from others means nothing if they can't acknowledge their own sins and forgive themselves."

"Can you forgive yourself, hmm? I wonder."


"That's okay. I can forgive you."

"I guess you weren't listening to me. It wouldn't be you forgiving me. It would be them."

"What's the difference?"

"I don't think we'll ever see eye to eye on this. Anyway, I can't do what you're asking of me."

"Really? That's too bad. It was merely a suggestion. Just trying to help you out a little."

"I appreciate it, but I'll pass. Coming from you, you're definitely trying to work something out in your favor."

"While it does sting that you think of me that way, you're not wrong, so I can't be upset about it. Go ahead and ignore me. Use the wish to fulfill any desire you have."

"I wish-"


Lust. Greed. Gluttony. Sloth. Pride. Wrath. Envy. The seven deadly sins known to the world. It doesn't matter how hard you try to stay clean. You'll always find yourself entangled with them.

I hadn't seen her since that day. That was two years ago. So I was shocked when I received a letter from her saying "Come here ASAP" with an unfamiliar location listed.

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