
Black Flare

Akuma Kabutsu i one day transported to another world along with several of his classmates. However his perfect "isekai" life doesn't last long as he is soon labeled as the Black Flare, a demon which once destroyed a large part of the continent. He is ostracized, hated and betrayed by the very people he thought of as friends. How will Akuma survive in this dangerous world? Will he make it through the gruesome trials that await him at every other step?

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17 Chs

[2.1 Abyss] Fall

Hearing Zack's words filled with hatered and sorrow, Akuma couldn't help but feel at fault. And still, Zack's hate should be the least of Akuma's worries as he is falling into his inevitable demise.

Unable to see anything in the dark, Akuma tries to grab onto the walls of the cave. His attempt ends in failure as doesn't even reach onto the walls.

The sound of water hitting the ground begins to draw closer with every second and Akuma's heart becomes filled with fear for the first time in a long time.

"Is this my end...."Wondered Akuma as the breaking point quickly approached.

"I'll die without even achieving anything?"As these words left the brown haired boy's lips, he heard a loud "Hmmm"

No doubt, it was a beast waiting to get a snack. And yet, as Akuma finally closed his eyes, somewhat coming to peace with his death, the impact finally comes knocking Akuma out instantly.

And yet, Akuma still wakes up. Slowly but steadily, his eyes open. The image he sees is not what he expected. No flying angels singing for him nor any devils dancing that they have another soul to torment. Only a light.

A faint light at the end of the water all around him, even water falling from the light.

Akuma's eyes finally widen with the realization that he is in fact still among the living. He is mearly floating in the rocky pool where the water from the waterfall ended up.

Mustering up all of the strenght he can he sits down in the shallow water he found himslef in. Lost in thought, he looks down into his palms.

"I....I'm really alive." His feared expression is swapped by a one filled with joy. He starts to laugh repeating the words "I'm alive!" time and time again, not even looking around him.

Though as they say back in Akuma's home country "The one who laughs shall weep as well." it happens just to Akuma. While laughing and enjoying his survival, he finally looks to his right and his eyes widen with terror.

"What the everloving fuck!?" Akuma shouts at the sight that spans before his very eyes. A creature that resembles a mix between a wild boar and a bull, with the size of a bison is lying with its head smashed over a rock that resembles the edge of the pool.

Blood continues to flow out of the creature as Akuma screams in fear. He desperatley tries to run in the opposite direction but he only hits the wall after just a few steps. Turning around and hugging the wall, Akuma looks back on the dead creature.

The look of blood flowing is something Akuma will never forget. And as he stares at the creature, he notices a drop that bounced off of the surface of water hitting the horn of the creature.

Much to Akuma's surprise, the part where the horn came in contact with the water starts glowing after the horn absorbs the drop.

Immediatley upon the sight, Akuma starts to loosen up as more and more things click in his head.

"So....i fell on this thing's head while it was drinking the water here, which saved me." Figuring out what happened to him, Akuma finally calms down.

"Though, i didn't think something like this would live down here....i expected something like skeletons...or...NO i won't wish for that or it will happen with today's luck."

Lamenting about his luck, Akuma stopped hugging the walls and approached the dead creature. Along the way he picked up a bit of water. Carrying it in his hands, he poured it on the creature's horns.

A few seconds after he horn absorbed the water it started to glow a bright yellow-ish light.

Realizing that he now has a source of light, he reaches to his back to take out his dagger. But he only manages to grab air as the dagger unsheathed itself and fell somewhere away during the impact.

With the horn of the creature giving Akuma light, he starts searching for his dagger in the water.

"There you are!" With a shout filled with joy Akuma reaches under the water for his dagger. But as he pulls it out, only disappointment follows.

His dagger is broken. Only a small chipped part of the blade remains attached to the handle. The blade's lenghs in only as his index finger.

"Well....this will have to do." A statement filled with Akuma's last hopes echoes through the cave. He starts to cut off the horn of the creature and after several minutes of struggle, the horn comes off.

"It ain't the cleanest cut but it'll do." Akuma thinks to himself. Yet another problem posed itself before Akuma. "How do i keep it glowing? I have no way of storing the water?"

*snap* Akuma snaps his fingers and takes out the sheath for his dagger.

"It won't be much, but as i'm looking at it, little water is enough to make that horn glow for quite a while." Soon Akuma takes water into his sheathe.

With a glowing horn in one hand, a broken dagger in the other and a sheath filled with water at his hip, Akuma sets out to find a way out.