
Awakening to Reality

Why her luck had to be this bad Mó yù didn't understand - ditching Zhang Wei at the altar was a necessary but difficult decision, by the marriage her family would have a strong alliance with one of the most influential clan in all of Harfrou region. Due to Zhang Wei's position marrying into a wealthier family would not be looked down on but she never understood why he picked her... At least if he had given her a warm glance showed any fondness she might have assumed he actually cared but since he told her about his intentions he never showed her any warmth or closeness...To her, it felt like a transaction. These were the thoughts that ran through her mind as she showered. She had been called names by the gossips, accused of unrealistic scandals by the media and she was getting tired of it, after all, she only agreed to the marriage because of the pressure from her family.

Immersed in her thoughts, she nearly tripped and fell as she exited the bathroom. The good thing she decided was the fact that she was quite comfortable due to the monetary gifts he gave her during their "courting" just enough to allow her move to France, reinvent her identity and pave a way for her to float her career in the entertainment industry. So Mó yù became Cao Xiu , yes, she wasn't an international figure but everyone has to start from somewhere but even though she felt free from a forced marriage, she still had this feeling that Zhang Wei, the richest merchant of Jinzhou would find her.

As Cao Xiu sat in front of the vanity table she looked into the mirror and saw the circles under her eyes telling tales of how bad her night was she was able to suppress her emotions but she happened to see the clock's reflection and quickly applied makeup to hide the circles and left the house.

She had barely driven for 10minutes

when she got a call from her Manager, Su Jing. Looking at the Caller ID, she inwardly grumbled "I've barely started the day and I'm getting a call already? "

, But as her phone continued to ring she stared. "This is the cost of fame", she sighed and picked the call. "CAO XIU? ", yelled Su Jing over the phone. "Yes? Su Jing no need to yell", "人才高度", "Jing! slow down", "Réncái Gāodù, Réncái Gāodù has endorsed the film 'Fallen Ties'!, Director Fang has invited everyone to the Crystal Eve Gala. This is your chance to get more exposure!", "...", "Xiu..., you haven't said anything", "Jing, I appreciate the effort but I'm just the third lead, I don't need that much attention ","Oh but Xiu haven't you been told; A high-up official in Réncái Gāodù gave conditions for the endorsement - one of them was that he would rearrange the roles among the actors and now you have been assigned as the second main lead", Cao Xiu nearly dropped her phone in surprise, that was the role she had desired. This was the opportunity to showcase her strongest point ~ singing. This could actually be a stepping stone up the ladder of success. Su Jing realized that Cao Xiu had stopped listening so she hung up and sent the venue of the gala. In a few minutes, Cao Xiu got a text cancelling the meeting she was trying her best to prepare for... Now her main job was to get all the exposure available but just as she was about to enter her yard she got an email saying she was to come for a meeting with the CEO of Réncái Gāodù that afternoon so off she went to their office. When Cao Xiu was in their lobby she was ushered to a hallway supposedly leading to the CEO's office but she happened to enter a wrong office and was greeted with a full view of a man dressed corporately and a woman dressed with designer items from head to toe locked in a passionate embrace. She hurriedly left and waited in the hallway until the lady left and the man later identified himself as Lu Chia the the CEO's P.A. As they walked to his office Cao Xiu took note of Mr Lu's appearance and decided that in most women's eyes he was good looking but there wasn't anything particularly striking about him but when they arrived at the CEO's office she nearly fainted from shock...

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